
OpenShift Origin provides S2I enabled Node.js images for building and running Node.js applications. The Node.js S2I builder image assembles your application source with any required dependencies to create a new image containing your Node.js application. This resulting image can be run either by OpenShift Origin or by Docker.


Currently, OpenShift Origin provides versions 0.10 and 4 of Node.js.


These images come in two flavors, depending on your needs:

  • RHEL 7

  • CentOS 7

RHEL 7 Based Image

The RHEL 7 images are available through Red Hat’s subscription registry using:

$ docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/nodejs-010-rhel7
$ docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/nodejs-4-rhel7

CentOS 7 Based Image

This image is available on DockerHub. To download it:

$ docker pull openshift/nodejs-010-centos7

To use these images, you can either access them directly from these image registries, or push them into your OpenShift Origin Docker registry. Additionally, you can create an image stream that points to the image, either in your Docker registry or at the external location. Your OpenShift Origin resources can then reference the ImageStream. You can find example image stream definitions for all the provided OpenShift Origin images.


The Node.js image supports a number of environment variables, which can be set to control the configuration and behavior of the Node.js runtime.

To set these environment variables as part of your image, you can place them into a .s2i/environment file inside your source code repository, or define them in the environment section of the build configuration’s sourceStrategy definition.

You can also set environment variables to be used with an existing image when creating new applications, or by updating environment variables for existing objects such as deployment configurations.

Environment variables that control build behavior must be set as part of the s2i build configuration or in the .s2i/environment file to make them available to the build steps.

Table 1. Development Mode Environment Variables
Variable name Description


When set to true, enables hot deploy and opens the debug port. Additionally, indicates to tooling that the image is in development mode. Default is false.


The debug port. Only valid if DEV_MODE is set to true. Default is 5858.


The custom NPM registry mirror URL. All NPM packages will be downloaded from the mirror link during the build process.

Hot Deploying

Hot deployment allows you to quickly make and deploy changes to your application without having to generate a new S2I build. In order to immediately pick up changes made in your application source code, you must run your built image with the DEV_MODE=true environment variable.

You can set new environment variables when creating new applications, or updating environment variables for existing objects.

Only use the DEV_MODE=true environment variable while developing or debugging. Using this in your production environment is not recommended.

To change the source code of a running pod, open a remote shell into the container:

$ oc rsh <pod_id>

Entering into a running container changes your current directory to /opt/app-root/src, where the source code is located.