#jbosstools-china Meeting
Meeting started by maxandersen at 09:05:28 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- about github - please everyone get that setup
so we can get the svn2git mirror configured properly. if you don't
then your contributions to jbosstools won't be linked to your github
identity. (maxandersen,
- ACTION: dart dennybj
fqian add your github username to .org profile if you haven't
already done it. (maxandersen,
- jira (maxandersen, 09:17:09)
- please take care always marking issues with
proper fix version and leave comments on what you've done on them -
simplest is to just do an informative svn commmit message that
mentions the jira(s) and copy it over to the jira when
resolving/commenting on it. (maxandersen,
- docs (maxandersen, 09:41:55)
Meeting ended at 09:56:13 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- dart dennybj fqian add your github username to .org profile if you haven't already done it.
Action items, by person
- dart
- dart dennybj fqian add your github username to .org profile if you haven't already done it.
- dennybj
- dart dennybj fqian add your github username to .org profile if you haven't already done it.
People present (lines said)
- maxandersen (55)
- dart (21)
- dennybj (19)
- Grid_ (18)
- jbott (2)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.