RDO Bugs on 2015-03-23


Open bugs

This is a list of "open" bugs in the "openstack-packstack" component. An "open" bug is in state NEW, ASSIGNED, ON_DEV and has not yet been fixed.

(43 bugs)
IDStatusComponentLast activitity
953586 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-18
[RFE] Openstack Installer: packstack should install and configure SPICE to work with Nova and Horizon
982035 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-19
Include Fedora cloud images in some nice way
996725 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-18
Packstack should not require ALL parameters be specified in an answer file
1023533 ASSIGNED openstack-packstack 2015-03-18
API services has all admin permission instead of service
1034395 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
make packstack use --small files for mongodb or ask the user
1061753 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-20
[RFE] Create an option in packstack to increase verbosity level of libvirt
1090062 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-04-24
Packstack installer causes configuration error, Create project button on Horizon fails.
1090381 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-08
Failed to create Cinder volume on Gluster backend configured by answer file
1094045 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-15
packstack should configure nova to have conductor.workers=at least equal to the number of cores on the controller box
1095319 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-15
Packstack parameter CONFIG_AMQP_SERVER lacking usage examples in documentation
1095401 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-15
Packstack failed to configure ML2 to work with OVS and VLAN
1097291 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-06-11
[RFE] SPICE support in packstack
1098821 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-01-26
Packstack allinone installation fails due to failure to start rabbitmq-server during amqp.pp on CentOS 6.5
1100142 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-08
Packstack missing ML2 Mellanox Mechanism Driver
1107908 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-18
Offset Swift ports to 6200
1119016 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-07-13
Packstack: after a packstack based installation, some RPMs are not the latest
1119443 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-12
Packstack is 'hard-coded' on eth1 (fails on a CentOs7 vanilla installation
1128521 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-08-11
Icehouse yum mongodb-server not found
1131587 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-08-19
Error: /Stage[main]/Keystone::Roles::Admin/Keystone_role[_member_]: Could not evaluate: Expected 2 columns for role row, found 0. Line
1132059 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-08-20
Could not set groups on user[ceilometer], nova user does not exists
1135508 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-17
Fedora 20 RDO install w/ nova flatdhcp network fails w/ unable to find device em1
1135529 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-17
Race condition in packstack (neutron-ovs-cleanup)
1141608 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-15
PackStack sets unrecognized "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call*" keys on up to date CentOS 6
1143970 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-09-18
Packstack is not idempotent (because of networking)
1146963 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-18
Using packstack --allinone searches for mariadb-galera-server should be MariaDB-Galera-server ?
1148468 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-10-02
proposal to use the Red Hat tempest rpm to configure a demo environment and configure tempest
1153128 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-11-21
Cannot start nova-network on juno - Centos7
1155722 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-11-21
[delorean] ArgumentError: Invalid resource type database_user at /var/tmp/packstack//manifests/ on node
1160885 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-01-25
rabbitmq wont start if ssl is required
1167121 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-18
centos7 fails to install glance
1169742 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-01-03
Error: service-update is not currently supported by the keystone sql driver
1171811 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-19
misleading exit message on fail
1174749 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-17
Failed to start httpd service on Fedora 20 (with packstack utility)
1176433 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-21
packstack fails to configure horizon - juno/rhel7 (vm)
1176797 NEW openstack-packstack 2014-12-23
packstack --allinone on CentOS 7 VM fails at cinder puppet manifest
1176833 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-19
packstack --allinone fails when starting neutron server
1185627 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-01-25
glance provision disregards keystone region setting
1185921 ASSIGNED openstack-packstack 2015-01-30
RabbitMQ fails to start if configured with ssl
1187572 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-01-30
RFE: allow to set certfile for /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
1187609 ASSIGNED openstack-packstack 2015-02-13
CONFIG_AMQP_ENABLE_SSL=y does not really set ssl on
1202958 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-17
Packstack generates invalid /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ex
1203131 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-18
Using packstack deploy openstack,when CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_BRIDGE_IFACES=br-eno50:eno50,encounters an error“ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: ”.
1203444 NEW openstack-packstack 2015-03-18
"private" network created by packstack is not owned by any tenant

Fixed bugs

This is a list of "fixed" bugs in the "openstack-packstack" component. A "fixed" bug is fixed state MODIFIED, POST, ON_QA and has been fixed. You can help out by testing the fix to make sure it works as intended.

(53 bugs)
IDStatusComponentLast activitity
956939 ON_QA openstack-packstack 2015-01-07
packstack install fails if ntp server does not respond
957006 ON_QA openstack-packstack 2015-01-07
packstack reinstall fails trying to start nagios
958587 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-01-07
packstack install succeeds even when puppet completely fails
964005 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-02-01
keystonerc_admin stored in /root requiring running OpenStack software as root user
974971 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-01-07
please give greater control over use of EPEL
976394 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-01-07
[RFE] Put the keystonerc_admin file in the current working directory for --all-in-one installs (or where client machine is same as local)
979041 ON_QA openstack-packstack 2015-01-07
Fedora19 no longer has /etc/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules
990642 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
rdo release RPM not installed on all fedora hosts
991801 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
Warning message for installing RDO kernel needs to be adjusted
995570 POST openstack-packstack 2014-10-28
RFE: support setting up apache to serve keystone requests
1001470 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-21
openstack-dashboard django dependency conflict stops packstack execution
1003959 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
Make "Nothing to do" error from yum in Puppet installs a little easier to decipher
1006353 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-29
Packstack w/ CONFIG_CEILOMETER_INSTALL=y has an error
1006476 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
ERROR : Error during puppet run : Error: /Stage[main]/Nova::Network/Sysctl::Value[net.ipv4.ip_forward]/Sysctl[net.ipv4.ip_forward]: Could not evaluate: Field 'val' is required
1006534 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-08
Packstack ignores neutron physical network configuration if CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_TENANT_NETWORK_TYPE=gre
1007497 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-02-01
Openstack Installer: packstack does not create tables in Heat db.
1008863 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2013-10-23
Allow overlapping ips by default
1011628 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-29
packstack reports installation completed successfully but nothing installed
1014774 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-23
packstack configures br-ex to use gateway ip
1018900 POST openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
Packstack fails with "The iptables provider can not handle attribute outiface"
1018911 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-02-20
Packstack creates duplicate cirros images in glance
1018922 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
Packstack configures nova/neutron for qpid username/password when none is required
1020048 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-10-02
Packstack neutron plugin does not check if Nova is disabled
1022312 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
qpid should enable SSL
1022421 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-08-19
Error appeared during Puppet run: IPADDRESS_keystone.pp
1028591 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-02-05
packstack generates invalid configuration when using GRE tunnels
1028690 POST openstack-packstack 2014-11-26
packstack requires 2 runs to install ceilometer
1036192 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-12-01
rerunning packstack with the generated allione answerfile will fail with qpidd user logged in
1039694 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-10-02
packstack fails if iptables.service is not available
1049861 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-06-02
fail to create snapshot on an "in-use" GlusterFS volume using --force true (el7)
1050205 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-10-02
Dashboard port firewall rule is not permanent
1052948 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-14
Could not start Service[libvirt]: Execution of '/etc/init.d/libvirtd start' returned 1
1057938 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-06-17
Errors when setting CONFIG_NEUTRON_OVS_TUNNEL_IF to a VLAN interface
1061689 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-03-13
Horizon SSL is disabled by Nagios configuration via packstack
1063980 POST openstack-packstack 2014-03-06
Change packstack to use openstack-puppet-modules
1080348 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-04-14
Fedora20: packstack gives traceback when SElinux permissive
1080369 POST openstack-packstack 2014-03-25
packstack fails with KeyError :CONFIG_PROVISION_DEMO_FLOATRANGE if more compute-hosts are added
1082729 POST openstack-packstack 2015-02-27
[RFE] allow for Keystone/LDAP configuration at deployment time
1087529 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-05-13
Configure neutron correctly to be able to notify nova about port changes
1088964 POST openstack-packstack 2014-06-23
Havana Fedora 19, packstack fails w/ mysql error
1093828 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-12-19
packstack package should depend on yum-utils
1101665 POST openstack-packstack 2014-06-17
el7 Icehouse: Nagios installation fails
1108742 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-03-13
Allow specifying of a global --password option in packstack to set all keys/secrets/passwords to that value
1111318 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-08-18
pakcstack: mysql fails to restart on CentOS6.5
1116403 ON_QA openstack-packstack 2014-11-25
packstack prescript fails if NetworkManager is disabled, but still installed
1119920 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-03-13
http://ip/dashboard 404 from all-in-one rdo install on rhel7
1139246 POST openstack-packstack 2014-09-12
Refactor cinder plugin to support multiple cinder backends
1148949 POST openstack-packstack 2014-10-27
openstack-packstack: installed "packstack --allinone" on Centos7.0 and configured private networking. The booted VMs are not able to communicate with each other, nor ping the gateway.
1151892 POST openstack-packstack 2014-10-31
packstack icehouse doesn't install anything because of repo
1172876 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-03-11
packstack fails on centos6 with missing systemctl
1175428 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2015-02-24
packstack doesn't configure rabbitmq to allow non-localhost connections to 'guest' user
1175450 POST openstack-packstack 2015-02-24
packstack fails to start Nova on Rawhide: Error: comparison of String with 18 failed at [...]ceilometer/manifests/params.pp:32
1175726 MODIFIED openstack-packstack 2014-12-19
Disabling glance deployment does not work if you don't disable demo provisioning