
book: A Wrinkle in Time

author: Neil Gaiman

movie: Platoon

director: Oliver Stone / Peter Jackson tie

color: purple

band: The Cure

actor: Willem Dafoe

poet: T.S. Eliot

flower: delphinium

tv show: MI-5 / Spooks

character on Buffy: Glory

scooby: Giles/Willow tie

Character class: Elf wizard

DnD alignment: Chaotic Neutral




Roy Dupuis

fire trucks




Scott Bakula



All you need to know and then some.

I have worked for Red Hat since 1999. I started out in the web group--when there officially was a web group--as a designer. Quickly, I found myself writing more code than making pretty pictures. For some time, I was the sole web resource on the east coast. I gained a coworker or two, lost a coworker or two. Our group got shuffled into marketing, then out again. Into IS/IT, then out again. Re-organization became a way of life.

At the moment, we're back in marketing again, and I've found my bliss in less code, more words. The journalism background is coming in handy. Currently, my job description sits at 'Web Content Engineer.' I know it doesn't make sense: what's a 'content engineer' anyway? I don't want to lose what precious little street cred I managed to gather. So call me an engineer. Dammit.

Before Red Hat, I worked for Paul Jones at ibiblio (formerly MetaLab or SunSITE UNC), on a grant funded partially by Cisco Systems. They helped us establish the Virtual Schoolhouse, among other things. I also got to work on some of my own projects, both personal and professional. Ibiblio itself is much like a content storage center, where academic and personal projects of any scope and size can be hosted. For free. It's the great digital library of the internet.

In my precious spare time, I like to play RPGs (role-playing games) with my fantastically brilliant friends and siblings (fraternity, not biology). One of my favorite games, The Madrid Chronicles, was a whirlwind tour of about 800 years of history in Spain, Asia, Europe, and World War II-era U.S.. We've also played modern-day games in 1930s San Francisco, 1998 Seattle, Washington, and modern-day Las Vegas. Currently, I'm running a Cory Doctorow-inspired Vampire game, set in modern day Disney.

When I'm not being a pointy-eared magic user, I like to play video games, take photographs, work on my house, or cuddle with my two cats, AllCats and Dorien.