21:00:12 <lightguard_jp> #startmeeting 21:00:12 <jbott> Meeting started Wed Jun 8 21:00:12 2011 UTC. The chair is lightguard_jp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:12 <jbott> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:22 <lightguard_jp> Welcome everyone! 21:00:28 <jose_freitas> hola 21:00:31 <lightguard_jp> Thanks for coming 21:00:33 <antoine_sd> salut 21:00:40 <gastaldi> Olá ! :) 21:01:00 <lightguard_jp> First order of business 21:01:06 <lightguard_jp> #topic Seam Reports 3.0.0.Alpha1 21:01:28 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi is working on this and should be out this week 21:01:35 <gastaldi> oh yeah, I wanted to release it before the meeting started, but got no luck since then :) 21:01:37 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: Shane said there were some problems when he tried to do the release. 21:01:40 <lightguard_jp> Did he email you? 21:01:53 <gastaldi> lightguard_jp: Cool, I need to check with him what is wrong 21:02:13 <gastaldi> #action: Check with sbryzak what´s wrong about the Seam Reports release 21:02:29 <gastaldi> nope 21:02:29 <lightguard_jp> I didn't get an email either, so I'm not sure what the problems were 21:02:40 <lightguard_jp> #chair mojavelinux 21:02:40 <jbott> Current chairs: lightguard_jp mojavelinux 21:02:58 <gastaldi> I would like to add also the need for automation in the release process 21:03:02 <lightguard_jp> #action sbryzak Will get with gastaldi to discuss problems with Reports Alpha release 21:03:19 <lightguard_jp> We're going to be working on it 21:03:30 <kenfinnigan> +1 to automated releases 21:03:31 <lightguard_jp> We need someone to do some research and see what's required to do this 21:03:36 <gastaldi> As you all may know, there is a Jenkins running in Cloudbees (just to context) 21:03:41 <gastaldi> Yeah 21:04:08 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: Do you want to do the research and get back to us by next meeting with your findings? 21:04:40 <gastaldi> I am afraid I won´t have enough time to do that, but I can help 21:05:02 <lightguard_jp> Is there anyone else that would like to help with the research? 21:05:18 <antoine_sd> +1 for automation 21:05:58 <gastaldi> I believe it´s an easy task, just need to make CloudBees set up properly 21:06:28 <lightguard_jp> #agreed automating the releases is what we all want 21:06:44 <lightguard_jp> Okay, we'll dig some then and see what we can find. 21:06:54 <lightguard_jp> Next topic 21:06:56 <kenfinnigan> I guess the thing though is would we want it to make a release every time a cloudbees build succeeds? or be able to trigger it? 21:07:09 <gastaldi> #link Supported plugins in CloudBees: http://web-static-cloudfront.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/supportedPlugins.pdf 21:07:09 <lincolnthree1> Should be able to choose a successful build/tag and release that. 21:07:11 <lightguard_jp> No, it would be triggered 21:07:19 <lincolnthree1> Not completely automatic. 21:07:21 <kenfinnigan> ok cool 21:07:21 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: URI first, then text 21:07:26 <gastaldi> Oh, sorry 21:07:40 <gastaldi> #link http://web-static-cloudfront.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/supportedPlugins.pdf Supported Plugins in CloudBees 21:08:03 <lightguard_jp> We'll look and see what we can find, also we'll talk to CloudBees and see what they have to say 21:08:14 <lightguard_jp> #topic Action items from last week 21:08:22 <lightguard_jp> I'll take my two first 21:08:35 <lightguard_jp> Errai had the changes that were requested 21:08:38 <lightguard_jp> That one is done 21:08:48 <lightguard_jp> #info Errai changes complete 21:09:02 <lightguard_jp> #info git flow task will be discussed further in depth later in the meeting 21:09:16 <lightguard_jp> sbryzak: Are you here? 21:09:51 <lightguard_jp> :( maybe not 21:10:06 <lightguard_jp> cbrock isn't here either 21:10:11 <gastaldi> :( 21:10:34 <lightguard_jp> NickServ hasn't seen him for a while either 21:10:36 <jose_freitas_aw> sorry guys, have to go 21:10:43 <lightguard_jp> jose_freitas_aw: np 21:10:53 <lightguard_jp> I guess we'll have to follow up with Shane or Mike later 21:11:01 <jose_freitas_aw> bye 21:11:08 <gastaldi> jose_freitas_aw: bye 21:11:45 <gastaldi> lightguard_jp: Next topic then ? 21:11:45 <lightguard_jp> I don't think adding the vote date to the Google calendar was completed 21:11:47 <antoine_sd> jose_freitas_aw: see you 21:11:55 <lightguard_jp> mojavelinux: Did you take care of it? 21:12:30 <gastaldi> I guess mojavelinux is not here either :) 21:12:32 <mojavelinux> nope, not yet. do we have a calendar? I was just going to add it to my calendar 21:12:39 <gastaldi> ah there he is 21:13:01 <mojavelinux> hehehe 21:13:04 <mojavelinux> i'm lurking :) 21:13:05 <gastaldi> :) 21:13:24 <lightguard_jp> The Seam Google calendar 21:13:37 <lightguard_jp> I might have the creds floating around somewhere to change it 21:13:40 <lightguard_jp> I'll have to look 21:14:11 <mojavelinux> ah, okay...well, if you find it, how about publish those creds to (or make them available to the core team so we can share them when need be) 21:14:11 <lightguard_jp> #action Either lightguard_jp or mojavelinux will make the changes to the official Seam Google calendar about the community position elections 21:14:43 <lightguard_jp> Will do 21:14:59 <mojavelinux> it should be Dec. 1 21:15:06 <lightguard_jp> Makes sense 21:15:10 <mojavelinux> #info The next votes for community roles will be Dec 1, 2011 21:15:11 <gastaldi> cool 21:15:36 <gastaldi> Is there a possibility of re-election ? :) 21:15:41 <lightguard_jp> Hm 21:15:44 <mojavelinux> of course, it's more of a check-in 21:15:45 <kenfinnigan> absolutely 21:15:52 <lightguard_jp> We didn't talk about that, but I don't see why not 21:16:20 <kenfinnigan> i would say if you want the position and no one else is nominated then its an automatic renewal 21:16:29 <lightguard_jp> #agreed reelections of community spots are okay 21:16:46 <lightguard_jp> Makes sense 21:16:52 <gastaldi> Jason will be our Jedi man ! :) 21:17:03 <lightguard_jp> mojavelinux: We should probably write these down on the site 21:17:48 <lightguard_jp> Any other questions or comments about the elections? 21:18:20 <kenfinnigan> not from me 21:18:22 <lightguard_jp> Okay :) 21:18:31 <lightguard_jp> #topic JRebel Licenses 21:18:35 <gastaldi> yay ! 21:18:57 <lightguard_jp> Five licenses went out to members of the community. If you want one let us know and we can hook you up 21:19:06 <lightguard_jp> Let's see if I can remember who they went to. 21:19:16 <antoine_sd> I've got one 21:19:25 <gastaldi> Of course, you need to be a contributor or a committer on any module 21:19:35 <gastaldi> I got one too 21:19:49 <lightguard_jp> Here we go 21:20:30 <lightguard_jp> #info licenses went to Jason, Brian, George, Jose, Lincoln and Antoine 21:21:23 <lightguard_jp> #info according to the license it's an OSS license for Seam and is usable for as many computers as we need 21:21:27 <mojavelinux> for those of you with licenses, I encourage you to give the jrebel forge plugin a go 21:21:53 <gastaldi> what ? I didn´t know there was a jrebel forge plugin ! :P 21:22:04 <lincolnthree1> there is? 21:22:07 <lincolnthree1> where? 21:22:16 <lightguard_jp> Thought someone was working on one 21:22:17 <gastaldi> omg 21:22:30 <lincolnthree1> Someone is supposedly working on one, I don't know that it works or is workign yet 21:22:57 <mojavelinux> oh, well, the dialog w/ jrebel is open 21:23:02 <mojavelinux> lincoln has their coordinates 21:23:13 <lincolnthree1> :) trying to get them into it 21:23:18 <lincolnthree1> it would be a great partnership 21:23:26 <gastaldi> agreed 21:23:30 <lincolnthree1> people who want to make development easy come to seam :) 21:23:30 <mojavelinux> they'll give us more licenses :) 21:23:42 <antoine_sd> #agreed 21:24:07 <gastaldi> cool 21:24:13 <lightguard_jp> I know those who have used it really love it. 21:24:20 <lightguard_jp> No idea if it works with AS7 yet though 21:24:29 <gastaldi> lightguard_jp: Yeah, I was one of those :) 21:25:16 <lightguard_jp> Cool, next item then, unless there are questions? 21:25:19 <antoine_sd> count me also : it changed my life (drinking less coffee) 21:25:26 <lightguard_jp> haha 21:25:47 <lightguard_jp> #topic TeamSpeak Server 21:26:07 <lightguard_jp> Shane has a TeamSpeak 3 (TS 2 clients won't work) server that's open for Seam use 21:26:24 <lightguard_jp> The info is in the topic (during non meeting times) if you'd like to use it 21:26:57 <lightguard_jp> We may use it to augment meetings, but I think IRC will still be the primary place for meetings because of jbott and meeting minutes 21:27:17 <antoine_sd> Is there only one room in TS server ? 21:27:23 <lightguard_jp> Currently 21:27:30 <lightguard_jp> We could ask Shane to create some others though 21:27:44 <gastaldi> The only thing that sucks is that it does not support proxies 21:27:44 <antoine_sd> I'm thinking about work group like code review 21:27:49 <lightguard_jp> It has 15 spots for users currently. If we need more we can upgrade. 21:28:08 <lightguard_jp> antoine_sd: That would be a very good use of it! 21:28:18 <gastaldi> #agreed 21:28:30 <kenfinnigan> like the workgroup review idea 21:28:42 <kenfinnigan> or group planning discussions where it would be easier to speak than type 21:28:56 <lightguard_jp> Yeah. 21:29:15 <mojavelinux> can you explain work group in more detail? 21:29:16 <antoine_sd> I could share my horrible french accent with you guys 21:29:17 <lightguard_jp> I think however, at least starting a meeting with jbott when something happens so it's captured somewhere needs to happen as well. 21:29:56 <kenfinnigan> definitely, even though discussion might be on TS, any actions and info, etc should be recorded textually as well 21:30:18 <antoine_sd> #agreed 21:30:30 <gastaldi> is the conversation on TeamSpeak logged somewhere ? 21:30:55 <mojavelinux> exactly, voice communication is great for everything except remembering what you discussed 21:31:01 <mojavelinux> so, it needs to be "externalized" 21:31:05 <mojavelinux> externalize aggressively 21:31:05 <lightguard_jp> #agreed Any info discussed on teamspeak that ends up with actions, info, etc should also be logged via jbott in irc 21:31:20 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: Not unless someone does the capturing 21:31:45 <mojavelinux> many a great conversation fell victim to memory loss 21:31:52 <kenfinnigan> indeed 21:31:57 <lightguard_jp> kenfinnigan: Would you mind explaining your idea of the work group a bit more? 21:32:06 <lightguard_jp> I think mojavelinux wanted to explore it a bit more 21:32:19 <antoine_sd> but code review is a good candidate for speach 21:32:53 <lightguard_jp> #action ask shane to create more rooms in TS, or give the core developers admin rights 21:33:05 <gastaldi> I like having TeamSpeak as a collab tool. It makes you feel more envolved with the team 21:33:05 <kenfinnigan> my idea of a work group would be an adhoc/organized gathering of several experienced project members 21:33:32 <kenfinnigan> that get together to discuss/review an important API change, new module, new direction of a module, etc 21:33:42 <kenfinnigan> kind of like a branstorming/design session 21:33:46 <lightguard_jp> kenfinnigan: a more formalized idea of what has naturally happened many times here in the channel? 21:33:56 <kenfinnigan> essentially yes 21:34:02 <lightguard_jp> I like it 21:34:10 <mojavelinux> ah, got it 21:34:11 <kenfinnigan> and if there are regular items for discussion then it would meet on a semi regular basis 21:34:28 <lightguard_jp> Would we have required people there? 21:34:40 <lightguard_jp> Maybe one of the core developers if we're talking api or design? 21:34:46 <mojavelinux> yes, one thing we are lacking is pausing to look back and review the project, at times we need to look the module level and at times a bigger picture 21:34:49 <kenfinnigan> could be an elected group, or just one or two people that if possible attend all to provide continuity 21:35:14 <mojavelinux> I'm sort of thinking a time is best, then we can arrive at that time for who wants to be involved 21:35:16 <kenfinnigan> that should be all meetings 21:35:16 <lightguard_jp> I like the idea of another elected group / position 21:36:09 <lightguard_jp> Either elected or time frame would work. 21:36:22 <mojavelinux> something not too frequent to cause distractions...helps make quick progress on some of these long living threads about how to design an api 21:36:34 <kenfinnigan> you could have an elected chair/leader that runs it in conjunction with a core team member 21:36:41 <mojavelinux> like bi-weekly? 21:36:54 <mojavelinux> less often? more often? 21:36:56 <kenfinnigan> at least once a month 21:37:02 <kenfinnigan> possibly a couple more depending on workload 21:37:15 <mojavelinux> okay, how about once a month, with planned follow ups 21:37:23 <mojavelinux> if necessary 21:37:41 <kenfinnigan> sounds good 21:37:42 <lightguard_jp> I like it 21:37:46 <mojavelinux> so you say "okay, this was a good review, we aren't quite done...repeat next week" 21:38:05 <mojavelinux> or you get everything done and you just say "until next month..." 21:38:09 <lightguard_jp> #agreed a work group will meet once a month (more often if required) to discuss API / design issues as they come up 21:38:16 <mojavelinux> this would supplament discussions on the mailinglist, or could help bring them to a resolution 21:38:31 <gastaldi> #agreed with lightguard_jp 21:38:33 <gastaldi> :) 21:38:42 <kenfinnigan> definitely 21:38:56 <mojavelinux> nice 21:38:58 <lightguard_jp> Do we like the idea of an elected community member and a core member to head up the group? 21:39:07 <kenfinnigan> any major discussions from mailing list that don't get answered can be tabled to this working group 21:39:36 <mojavelinux> if you are asking if we need "architects" (cursed, did I really say that) I think the answer is that we do 21:39:52 <kenfinnigan> i would agree 21:39:55 <mojavelinux> but instead of calling them architects, we can call them designers 21:40:07 <kenfinnigan> need to move out of cowboy mode and into organized and cohesive module design 21:40:17 <gastaldi> yeah 21:40:18 <lightguard_jp> bleathem: welcome! 21:40:27 <bleathem> hey all! 21:40:35 * bleathem fresh off the plane 21:40:36 <kenfinnigan> bleathem: hope the RH induction went well! 21:40:39 <lightguard_jp> Sounds like we're agreed then? 21:40:53 <bleathem> went really well - they sure do serve good tasting kool-aid! 21:41:00 <kenfinnigan> lol# 21:41:19 <mojavelinux> we don't want to "architect" solutions to the problems, we want to "design" them, so that the framework as a stack fits in an aesthetic and efficient way 21:41:35 <mojavelinux> hahaha 21:41:39 <lightguard_jp> #agreed a work group will consist of one community elected member and a core developer to head up the design work group 21:41:45 <mojavelinux> yep, in fact, this is something jason and I have been discussing a lot lately 21:42:07 <kenfinnigan> cohesive design? 21:42:21 <mojavelinux> the core values at Red Hat seems to be best described in orientation and you often have to fight to get the old hats to remember them 21:42:25 <kenfinnigan> i know it's a concern you've raised that the modules have had relatively silo'd design/dev 21:42:29 <lightguard_jp> #info please email lightguard_jp or mojavelinux if you're interested in seeking that position 21:43:11 <lightguard_jp> #info we'll vote next week via Doodle. 21:43:23 <mojavelinux> this is the really fun position :) you get to play with code 21:43:30 <lightguard_jp> #info please get submissions in by Monday to allow time for the vote 21:43:48 <lightguard_jp> Yeah, better than answering questions on the forum ;P 21:44:15 <mojavelinux> speaking of which, we should propose that policy I suggested 21:44:19 <kenfinnigan> just realized, we're still on the TS topic 21:44:28 <kenfinnigan> does that need to be changed for these items in the log? 21:44:53 <lightguard_jp> It kinda grew out of the TS topic 21:45:02 <kenfinnigan> ok 21:46:05 <lightguard_jp> Alright then, last planned topic 21:46:09 <lightguard_jp> #topic git flow 21:46:15 <lightguard_jp> I'll field questions :) 21:46:20 <lightguard_jp> I sent out some links to the list 21:46:30 <lightguard_jp> We want to adopt this project wide 21:46:42 <kenfinnigan> +1 to that 21:46:46 <lightguard_jp> So we're going to be answering questions and getting people up to speed 21:46:58 <lightguard_jp> So we can do it and hopefully not surprise a lot of people. 21:47:05 <gastaldi> Cool 21:47:28 <gastaldi> any naming conventions on features/hotfixes ? 21:47:31 <lightguard_jp> Of those that have seen the screencast or read some of the blogs, who has questions? 21:47:33 <gastaldi> I suggest the JIRA issue number 21:47:37 <lightguard_jp> +1 21:47:43 <kenfinnigan> JIRA issue number works for me 21:47:56 <antoine_sd> +1 21:48:01 <gastaldi> cool 21:48:01 <antoine_sd> already using it 21:48:07 <lightguard_jp> #agreed feature / hotfix branches should reference a JIRA ticket 21:48:10 <gastaldi> And what about the Support branches ? 21:48:19 <lightguard_jp> I doubt we'll be using them 21:48:23 <antoine_sd> yeah I'm using Mylyn for that 21:48:24 <gastaldi> hum, ok 21:48:53 <gastaldi> I opened https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=348610 and JBIDE-9080 21:48:54 <jbossbot> jira [3JBIDE-9080] Extend EGit to allow use of git-flow [10Open (Unresolved) Feature Request,7 Major,6 Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9080 21:48:56 <kenfinnigan> is it worth prefixing features/hotfix/develop changes with a char and the JIRA to signify the type of development? 21:49:06 <gastaldi> To allow using git-flow with EGit 21:49:15 <gastaldi> I suggest all of you vote on it :) 21:49:16 <kenfinnigan> ie. F_SEAMINTL-7 for a feature? 21:49:18 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: There's actually been quite a bit of internal JBoss chatter on the mailing lists because of that request 21:49:26 <sbryzak> morning all.. i slept in 21:49:34 <gastaldi> welcome back sbryzak ! 21:49:46 <lightguard_jp> kenfinnigan: What's the point? 21:49:46 <gastaldi> lightguard_jp: Really ? Good or bad ? :) 21:49:54 <antoine_sd> hi sbryzak 21:50:03 <lightguard_jp> feature/branch_name hotfix/branch_name kinda gives you that 21:50:05 <mojavelinux> I wouldn't mix underscore and dash, so F-SEAMINTL-7 (maybe i'm just nit picking) 21:50:06 <jbossbot> jira [3SEAMINTL-7] Provide TypeSafe Messaging API [10Open (Unresolved) Feature Request,7 Blocker,6 Ken Finnigan] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SEAMINTL-7 21:50:13 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: It's been good, mostly people wondering what it is. 21:50:23 <kenfinnigan> lightguard_jp: true, ignore me 21:50:24 <gastaldi> yay again !! :) 21:50:39 <mojavelinux> jboss devs tend to be a little behind the curve on these things, but I'll attribute that to hard work on AS 7 21:50:52 <gastaldi> feature/JIRAISSUE and hotfix/JIRAISSUE 21:50:53 <lightguard_jp> It was actually Max who started it 21:51:00 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: Yep 21:51:14 <gastaldi> Cool 21:51:16 <lightguard_jp> Max is kind of a git n00b anyway :) 21:51:26 <kenfinnigan> lightguard_jp: does it still show that when merged back into develop? 21:51:29 <lightguard_jp> But he learns quickly 21:51:29 <gastaldi> lol 21:51:35 <lightguard_jp> kenfinnigan: Yep 21:51:38 <kenfinnigan> I thought the merge just took the commit name, and not the branch name? 21:51:47 <lightguard_jp> merges happen with --no-ff flag 21:51:54 <kenfinnigan> oh ok 21:52:08 <mojavelinux> yep, I never question the brightness of jboss devs, just sometimes a bit slow on the uptake 21:52:10 <lightguard_jp> Some may not like it, but that's they way it is :) 21:52:26 <lightguard_jp> I personally like seeing where stuff came frome 21:52:30 <lightguard_jp> from* 21:52:57 <gastaldi> mojavelinux: That´s why I opened the issue first on JBoss tools :) 21:52:59 <lightguard_jp> The straight line history is too much like svn / cvs where you have no idea what came in, just some code. 21:53:20 <lightguard_jp> gastaldi: There was some talk about gerrit, but I don't think people understood what git flow was about. 21:53:31 <mojavelinux> yeah, I think we should adopt git as it is intended and not try to make it to weird stuff just because it's more familiar to us 21:53:41 <mojavelinux> I defer to matthew on recommendations there 21:54:22 <lightguard_jp> Yep 21:54:23 <gastaldi> nice 21:54:29 <gastaldi> Is there any other Jboss project using git-flow ? 21:54:42 <lightguard_jp> Not that I know of 21:54:49 <lightguard_jp> Infinispan kinda 21:54:57 <lightguard_jp> They're own homegrown process it seems 21:55:20 <gastaldi> Hum, that could become standard in JBoss, just like trunk/branches/tags is for SVN 21:55:28 <mojavelinux> arquillian I believe 21:55:33 <mojavelinux> to some degree 21:55:54 <gastaldi> nice 21:56:11 <lightguard_jp> aslak doesn't like the --no-ff for the merges 21:56:22 <lightguard_jp> I think Lincoln is in that camp too :) 21:56:56 <mojavelinux> what does matthew think? 21:57:30 <mojavelinux> we can take that offline 21:57:35 <mojavelinux> i'm just curious 21:57:56 <kenfinnigan> ok all, dinner on the table, need to run 21:58:12 <sbryzak> gastaldi: the seam reports distribution needs a little work before we release it 21:58:14 <mojavelinux> see ya ken! thanks for attending 21:58:23 <lightguard_jp> Matthew I think is somewhat indifferent. 21:58:23 <lightguard_jp> Kinda up to the project and how they want their history to look 21:58:23 <lightguard_jp> For me, development isn't linear, why force your history to be? 21:58:56 <lightguard_jp> That's actually good timing 21:58:57 <antoine_sd> I prefer --no-ff 21:59:08 <gastaldi> sbryzak: Can you email me what needs to be changed on Seam Reports? 21:59:09 <lightguard_jp> We're pretty much wrapping up I think 21:59:30 <mojavelinux> yep, anything else on the list? 21:59:33 <sbryzak> gastaldi: it's a pretty short list, i can just tell you 21:59:52 <gastaldi> sbryzak: ok, shoot 21:59:52 <lightguard_jp> Nope 22:00:02 <lightguard_jp> I think we're done. 22:00:04 <sbryzak> gastaldi: re the design, is a user supposed to pick either one reports implementation or the other? 22:00:05 <lightguard_jp> Good meeting all! 22:00:11 <lightguard_jp> Great ideas brought up. 22:00:15 <lightguard_jp> I love this community! 22:00:31 <mojavelinux> +1 22:00:38 <lightguard_jp> #endmeeting