15:02:16 #startmeeting 15:02:16 Meeting started Fri Jun 24 15:02:16 2011 UTC. The chair is balunasj. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:32 balunasj: I started a blog entry summarizing the sessions I went to 15:02:48 bleathem: ok sounds good - I'll try to do the same 15:03:07 balunasj: but a seperate entry summarizing the JBoss sessions would be good too 15:03:17 I wonder iif Dan is working on that 15:03:31 #info We are going to discuss 4.1 planning and updates today. 15:03:47 balunasj: bleathem it would be great to see your presentations at least in form of slides 15:03:49 #info I want to go through the current jira assigned and discuss editor, and picklist items. 15:04:07 lfryc: yup - I'll put mine up on slideshare as part of the blog 15:04:15 great to hear 15:04:15 lfryc: http://github.com/bleathem/talks 15:04:22 actually I'll put them up anyway 15:04:25 bleathem: nice! :-) 15:04:26 bleathem: nice idea :-) 15:05:27 lfryc: Since bleathem is on vacation next week I would like to focus on his issues and the picklist first 15:05:35 lfryc: does that sound ok? 15:05:54 balunasj: yes, let's take it.. 15:06:11 #topic bleathem's issues for 4.1 15:06:27 #link https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+RF+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%224.1.0.Milestone1%22+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+assignee+%3D+bleathem+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC&mode=hide 15:07:01 bleathem: You only have two issues at the moment and they are the new component ones 15:07:19 bleathem: I know you were busy with JSFSummit, but did you have any chance to look at these further? 15:07:45 I've gone through the forum post 15:08:03 and looked at the 3.3.3 components at the demo level 15:08:14 next is to look into the 3.3.3. implementations 15:08:25 and plan what can be salvaged for 4.1 15:08:37 that's where things stand for me at the moment 15:09:06 bleathem: ok, a good start, I see this as your priority when you return from vacation 15:09:16 balunasj: priority 1 ! 15:09:38 bleathem: I'd like to get a solid idea of requirements, and estimate that first week, so we can get more items planned. 15:10:11 balunasj: right, I think I'll have a good feel for a time estimate once I've looked at the 3.3.3 code 15:10:14 bleathem: I would like you to follow similiar steps as lfryc 15:10:24 sure 15:10:55 #action bleathem Create subtasks and requirement wiki pages for the ordered list, and pick list 15:11:15 sounds good 15:11:39 #action bleathem provide estimates on implementation on 4.1 M! jira's as well. 15:11:48 bleathem: ok cool 15:12:20 I will likely also assign some other jira's to you, either as smaller tasks to help learn, or area's I think you would be good at. 15:12:53 great, looking forward to it 15:12:53 when we review the jira's for M1 we'll see what fits 15:13:35 bleathem: Besides unknown jira's just discussed any questions or items for 4.1 you want to discuss? 15:14:09 Not at this point - I'm sure I will once I dive in 15:14:18 sure 15:14:33 #topic lfryc issues for 4.1 15:14:39 * bleathem is looking forward to working on code, rather than slides when he gets back 15:14:56 bleathem: I bet - me too - just got to get through my planning 15:15:06 lfryc: You know how much american's like that ;-) 15:15:13 * lfryc completely understand :-) 15:15:15 hehe :-) 15:15:28 #link https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+RF+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%224.1.0.Milestone1%22+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+assignee+%3D+lfryc+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC&mode=hide 15:15:29 :D 15:15:44 #info ^ lfryc 4.1 jira's 15:16:15 actually lets sort by key 15:16:15 https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+RF+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%224.1.0.Milestone1%22+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+assignee+%3D+lfryc+ORDER+BY+key+ASC%2C+priority+DESC 15:16:27 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11027 15:16:45 lfryc: I'm moving this to critical, and then we can review the subtasks 15:16:55 jira [RF-11027] rich:editor component for 4.X [Open (Unresolved) Feature Request, Major, Lukáš Fryč] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11027 15:17:00 sure 15:17:48 lfryc: I think you are in progress on 1,2,3 sub-tasks 15:17:53 balunasj: I would like to add one more subtasks - test implementations in portal environment 15:17:59 balunasj: exactly 15:18:01 +1 15:18:36 I would like to mock up JSPs with editors and try them as porlets, before we will hear from Wesley 15:19:26 lfryc: that is a good idea - you might also want to search through google and see what is there. 15:19:40 balunasj: I would like give 3 days next week to touch all of these impls and try how much they suit requirements we have collected on forums 15:20:23 lfryc: Also as I mentioned in the forums I think you should review jira RF & RFPL for any editor related items. 15:20:30 balunasj: with full-featured editors, I'm starting to have feeling we are running out of alternatives 15:20:43 lfryc: explain? 15:21:11 balunasj: without TinyMCE, there stays only FCKEditor, which might have similar issues, since TinyMCE seems to be little more maintained 15:21:33 balunasj: but FCK is also choice of some of big players: Attlasian, Drupal.. 15:21:54 balunasj: that says a lot too 15:22:25 I'll be curious to see what you come up with 15:22:30 on the investigation 15:22:52 i.e. we may find that a basic implementation fits our needs 15:23:01 balunasj: have you heard how much users are actually using advanced editor? 15:23:22 balunasj: may we want to consider implement rather simple one only for 4.1? 15:23:28 CKEditor has support for Sharepoint... -1 :P 15:23:44 lfryc: No I'm not sure of usage there. 15:23:48 bleathem: :-) 15:23:52 * bleathem don't mind me just looking through the editor pages 15:24:15 balunasj: it may be necessary to add support for some simple editors in future releases... 15:24:27 balunasj: maybe community will bring some of these.. 15:25:00 lfryc: I would be curious about how easy/hard it would be to create a composite component that wraps one of the advanced editors. I.e. if we implement detailed integration with a simple editor, perhaps we can blog about creating complext editors with composite components. 15:25:10 bleathem: lfryc: thoughts ^? 15:26:08 I think it would be ideal if we could use the same editor implementation for both the simple and advanced editors 15:26:10 balunasj: as custom solution, it will probably rock... but you won't be able to expose events externally 15:26:35 bleathem: yes, I hope it would work that way 15:26:38 allow the app devs to scale the complexity as much as they need 15:26:49 bleathem: exactly 15:26:52 bleathem: that is my goal as well 15:26:55 lfryc: cool, I hope it works out 15:27:32 balunasj: I would like to discuss this more next week after initial touch on impls 15:27:35 it would be annoying if a dev wants to "upgrade" an app to use the advanced editor, and the usage changes for end-users because it's a diffenrent component 15:28:12 #action lfryc spend 3 days next week reviewing the editor implementations & provide feedback and suggestions to the team 15:28:52 lfryc: It is also worth looking at how others are doing this - openfaces, icefaces etc... There is nothing wrong with learning from others :-) 15:29:03 balunasj: I have reviewed them already 15:29:14 lfryc: :-) 15:29:21 should have figured 15:29:32 balunasj: PrimeFaces are using CLEEditor 15:29:38 balunasj: it is using JQuery internally 15:30:01 balunasj: I have concerns about future compatibility, they will need to count with problems when need to upgrade JQuery version 15:30:40 lfryc: I thought that was a very good point - about upgrading jquery and how that would effect the editor 15:31:07 lfryc: Ideally they would be able to remain in sync, because I want to limit our dependencies, but that is something to look into next week 15:31:51 balunasj: another point is how much support can users get for particular implementations 15:32:05 balunasj: there are only two enterprise choices - TinyMCE and FCKEditor 15:33:51 lfryc: it is something to consider, but I think stability, and maintainability from our side is key 15:34:30 balunasj: agree 15:35:44 lfryc: I'll look forward to what you find next week 15:35:55 balunasj: I have ran out of my points for now 15:36:16 lfryc: the last point with editor I wanted to bring up was mobile 15:36:28 balunasj: as I said on forums, I will also look into design of end-user API 15:37:04 We discussed a little in the forums - but mobile so far does not look like much of an option with rich text editors 15:37:16 it is not just us - but pretty much all them have issues there 15:37:22 balunasj: yes, I have tried with testing mobiles and haven't found any impl which is able to handle that 15:37:47 balunasj: even iPad is not able to use TinyMCE and FCKEditor doesn't support it completely 15:38:34 yup 15:38:47 So that is no a Priority 1 item for this 15:38:51 balunasj: but I think we should design the way of support detection and provide styled textarea (which will change dimensions on display rotation) 15:39:25 balunasj: will look more into what JQuery Mobile and others do in this area 15:39:46 lfryc: I agree with degrading to a text area, but the device detection, and orientation support is a wider feature I think. 15:40:29 Feature detection yes - hopefully there is an easy way with these editors to provide an "alt" - like an image :-) 15:40:46 lfryc: anything else for now with editor? 15:41:25 balunasj: no, let's look forward for more details next week! 15:41:31 lfryc: agreed 15:41:57 #info lfryc your other issue is Rf-11068 15:42:32 I think we can move this to major, as if needed we could migrate in M2 as part of notify integration 15:42:38 lfryc: wdyt? 15:43:13 balunasj: sure, I think we would need more than only migration of sandbox 15:43:32 to be ready for contributions into sandbox 15:43:42 balunasj: blogs, howtos, etc. 15:43:54 lfryc: agreed - this is something I've asked wesley to look into when he gets back 15:44:04 balunasj: but we need to complete it since we would like to integrate current works 15:44:37 lfryc: If this is something you or bleathem want to work on too - that is fine 15:44:53 lfryc: I figured I would have you focus on editor for now 15:45:30 balunasj: yes, I will do as much as possible in this direction 15:45:55 lfryc: ok - we can figure out who is going what for sure. 15:46:02 balunasj: I have some "side projects" in form of showcase migration 15:46:11 ok lets move on to jira review 15:46:16 lfryc: yup for sure :-) 15:47:01 #topic 4.1.M1 jira review 15:47:08 #link https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF/fixforversion/12315856 15:47:29 #action balunasj follow up with Alex and Ilya on their tasks 15:48:01 I'll take a look at the maven build issues as well 15:48:07 ( jira already assigned ) 15:48:19 So lets break down the Unassigned items 15:49:38 * lfryc will be back in minute.. 15:49:50 balunasj: I can do the showcase texts/grammar fixes 15:50:01 bleathem: agreed 15:50:06 please assign to you 15:50:22 Please take RF-11011 as well 15:50:23 jira [RF-11011] rich:hashParam there is in screen.height instead of window.height in the text description for this component in showcase [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Minor, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11011 15:51:14 I'll take https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10932 15:51:15 jira [RF-10932] MyFaces: upgrade to 2.0.5 release [Open (Unresolved) Task, Critical, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10932 15:51:55 bleathem: While you are in the examples - can you take https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10985 15:51:56 ? 15:51:56 jira [RF-10985] richfaces-showcase: design and minor content problems [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10985 15:52:38 bleathem: and this is also example related - and would need you to learn about skinning a bit https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10988 15:52:39 jira [RF-10988] richfaces-showcase: bad description at standard skinning page. [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10988 15:53:05 taken 15:53:13 great 15:53:30 https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10940 15:53:32 jira [RF-10940] Client side validation refers to non existing javascript function [Reopened (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10940 15:53:42 lfryc: This might be a good one for you - if you agree? 15:54:15 balunasj: taking.. 15:54:43 lfryc: When you reviewed Justin's pull request - did you modify this area? https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10948 15:54:44 jira [RF-10948] component select: instable behaviour in conjunction with a standard jsf-tag ajax (event selectitem, probably more) [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Major, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-10948 15:55:19 I'll take https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11054 15:55:20 jira [RF-11054] Dynamically created tabs within tabPanel causes NPE in getActiveItem() [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Major, Unassigned] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF-11054 15:55:52 balunasj: I haven't integrated yet, it was better to discuss the complete behavior first 15:56:27 lfryc: I thought his pull request was just for a bug - not the feature changes we are discussing 15:56:38 lfryc: no problem them we'll review all at once 15:56:41 balunasj: it was for setValue("") setValue(null 15:57:00 lfryc: ah ok - that was a valid issue for sure 15:57:08 balunasj: yes, it is now evident.. 15:57:39 lfryc: ok 15:57:43 * lfryc would need to leave in several minutes 15:58:05 we are basically done for now anyway 15:58:12 I 'll take that select issue for now 15:58:41 bleathem: You're out all next week right? 15:58:50 correct, M-F 15:59:12 bleathem: So have a good time, and we'll get you into the thick of it when you return 15:59:19 balunasj: ah, sorry, I haven't answered the first question.. I haven't touch rich:select a much, so if you feel fine with taking this.. 15:59:37 balunasj: thanks! 15:59:43 lfryc: Thanks a lot - and we'll follow up next week 15:59:52 #action balunasj jira's reviewed and assigned 15:59:55 #endmeeting