================== #richfaces Meeting ================== Meeting started by balunasj at 15:02:55 UTC. The full logs are available at http://people.redhat.com/~manderse/irc.freenode.org/meetings/richfaces/2011/richfaces.2011-06-15-15.02.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda for todays meeting is http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesTeamMeetingAgenda6-15-2011 (balunasj, 15:03:13) * Announcements (balunasj, 15:03:21) * Git migration is completed!! (balunasj, 15:03:30) * great job lfryc (balunasj, 15:03:41) * JBoss world keynote blogs are being posted (balunasj, 15:05:20) * RichFaces/tweetstream blog posted to : (balunasj, 15:05:40) * LINK: http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/RichFacesAndTheMobileWebForTheJBossWorld2011Keynote (balunasj, 15:05:44) * please promote and/or check it out :-) (balunasj, 15:06:02) * LINK: http://community.jboss.org/message/610318#610318 (lfryc, 15:07:32) * LINK: http://community.jboss.org/message/610315#610315 (lfryc, 15:07:36) * 4.1 Planning: Jira (balunasj, 15:08:38) * I've created all the planned jira release versions (balunasj, 15:08:52) * 4.1.0.M1, 4.1.0.M2, 4.1.0.CR1, 4.1.0.Final (balunasj, 15:09:03) * just so everyone knows I'm using 4.1.0.Final as a staging location for jira's we want in 4.1, but are not scheduled (balunasj, 15:09:27) * I've gone through all the jira's that were for 4.1.0.Milestone1 (balunasj, 15:10:09) * weeded them out, and it should be in fairly good shape although some are not assigned yet. (balunasj, 15:10:39) * 4.1 Planning: Dates (balunasj, 15:12:42) * M1 code freeze should be around the end of July with a release early August (balunasj, 15:13:04) * M2 should follow 1 month later following the same model (balunasj, 15:13:23) * 4.1 Planning: approach (balunasj, 15:19:34) * we obviously don't have much time, and we have a few new components, some known issues we need to fixed, etc... (balunasj, 15:20:11) * so the question is: focus on new components first, or known issues? (balunasj, 15:20:32) * AGREED: Critical new components should be completed asap to have time to stabilize (balunasj, 15:24:00) * AGREED: Critical known issues should also be worked in (balunasj, 15:24:20) * AGREED: We'll use standard priority in jira as normal (balunasj, 15:24:47) * 4.1 Planning: M1 jira review (balunasj, 15:35:42) * M1 jira's have been reviewed and filtered by me. The items remaining there are important to be done in this stage - although open to discuss of coarse (balunasj, 15:36:25) * LINK: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF/fixforversion/12315856 (balunasj, 15:36:57) * ACTION: balunasj, bleathem, lfryc what we need in the short term is estimates on these issues so we can plan them out - even rough estimates would be good (balunasj, 15:45:50) * LINK: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+RF+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%224.1.0.Milestone1%22+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+assignee+is+EMPTY+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC&mode=hide (balunasj, 15:48:41) * ACTION: All : ask people with jira's assign to them to review them ( RF/RFPL ) and think about implementation time requirements (balunasj, 15:56:30) * 4.1 Planning: general jira review (balunasj, 15:58:03) * LINK: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RF/fixforversion/12317055 (balunasj, 15:58:07) * as I said I'm using 4.1.0.Final as a staging area (balunasj, 15:58:30) * ACTION: please review these ( especially ones assigned to you ) for updates/thoughts etc... (balunasj, 15:59:10) * ACTION: balunasj I'll start assigning out so please let me know if there are issues or concerns (balunasj, 15:59:39) * rich:select improvements (balunasj, 16:03:35) * LINK: http://community.jboss.org/thread/168004 (balunasj, 16:03:47) * wyer has proposed some improvements for rich:select for discussionn (balunasj, 16:04:11) * LINK: http://richfaces-showcase.appspot.com/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=select&skin=blueSky (lfryc, 16:05:43) * LINK: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html (balunasj, 16:22:35) * ACTION: wyer Post detailed descriptions of behavior on dev forum (balunasj, 16:31:24) * ACTION: lfryc Verify that wyer has access to dev forum posting (balunasj, 16:31:42) Meeting ended at 16:31:50 UTC. Action Items ------------ * balunasj, bleathem, lfryc what we need in the short term is estimates on these issues so we can plan them out - even rough estimates would be good * All : ask people with jira's assign to them to review them ( RF/RFPL ) and think about implementation time requirements * please review these ( especially ones assigned to you ) for updates/thoughts etc... * balunasj I'll start assigning out so please let me know if there are issues or concerns * wyer Post detailed descriptions of behavior on dev forum * lfryc Verify that wyer has access to dev forum posting Action Items, by person ----------------------- * balunasj * balunasj, bleathem, lfryc what we need in the short term is estimates on these issues so we can plan them out - even rough estimates would be good * balunasj I'll start assigning out so please let me know if there are issues or concerns * bleathem * balunasj, bleathem, lfryc what we need in the short term is estimates on these issues so we can plan them out - even rough estimates would be good * lfryc * balunasj, bleathem, lfryc what we need in the short term is estimates on these issues so we can plan them out - even rough estimates would be good * lfryc Verify that wyer has access to dev forum posting * wyer * wyer Post detailed descriptions of behavior on dev forum * lfryc Verify that wyer has access to dev forum posting * **UNASSIGNED** * All : ask people with jira's assign to them to review them ( RF/RFPL ) and think about implementation time requirements * please review these ( especially ones assigned to you ) for updates/thoughts etc... People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * balunasj (166) * lfryc (49) * wyer (40) * bleathem (32) * blabno (4) * juank_prada (4) * jbossbot (2) * jbott (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot