6.12. figure


Order matters! The EPS file must be declared first.

An example figure declaration:

<figure id="fig-ksconfig-basic">
   <title>Basic Configuration</title>
           <imagedata fileref="./figs/ksconfig/ksconfig-basic.eps"
           <imagedata fileref="./figs/ksconfig/ksconfig-basic.png"
              Some text description of this image

The following describes what needs to be edited:

<figure id="fig-ksconfig-basic"> ==> id="" would be edited

<title>Basic Configuration</title> ==> title would be edited

fileref="./figs/ksconfig/ksconfig-basics.eps"> ==> .eps location would be edited

fileref="./figs/ksconfig/ksconfig-basics.png"> ==> .png location would be edited
<phrase>Some text description of this image</phrase> ==> "Some text..." would be edited

For more information on taking screenshots, refer to Section 2.4, “Screenshots”.