Channel I/O: Talking to devices

Having a nice set of channel devices available to your OS is all fine and good; but how do you actually talk to them? This post attempts to give a high-level overview, while also explaining some more acronyms.

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Channel I/O: What's in a channel subsystem?

When you start trying to get familiar with channel I/O and its concepts, one thing you notice is usually a host of very similar-sounding acronyms that are easily confused. The easiest way to get a hold of this is probably to look at a small machine started by QEMU and to examine what a Linux guest sees.

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Channel I/O, demystified

As promised, I will write some articles about one of the areas where s390x looks especially alien to people familiar with the usual suspects like x86: the native way of addressing I/O devices.1

  1. There is PCI on s390x, but it is a recent addition and its 

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Acronyms explained: IPL

On s390, there are a lot of acronyms to baffle people from a non-mainframe background, even if the concepts themselves are not so strange, so I thought I’d do some writeups.1

  1. Originally, I wanted to call this “TLAs explained”, but there 

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