This video defines a simple workload from an xml[1] running a script[2] out of it's cgi-bin directory. An image is built and pushed for RHEV and vSphere based on the same template. Another script[3] runs as a central console in a server's cgi-bin dir and will screenscrape Aeolus Conductor when told and report instances matching "pattern" When instances are found, their MAC address is grabbed and used later to find the IP using arp-scan[4], then reported in a table containing a link to that instance's live reporting script. Later, 10 instances are stopped from a single Aeolus Conductor page. [1]: workload-template.xml [2]: [3]: [4]: for this demo /usr/sbin/arp-scan was setuid, (sudo didn't work from cgi-bin) so use with caution, etc.