(//) [Goaljobs] |
Concatenate two paths.
C | |
change_file_extension [Goaljobs] | change_file_extension ext filename changes the file extension
of filename to .ext .
D | |
day [Goaljobs] | |
days [Goaljobs] | |
directory_exists [Goaljobs] |
Return true if the named directory exists.
E | |
every [Goaljobs] | every N (seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|months|years) f
runs the function f periodically.
F | |
file_contains_string [Goaljobs] | file_contains_string filename str checks if the named file
contains the given substring str .
file_exists [Goaljobs] |
Return true if the named file exists.
file_newer_than [Goaljobs] | file_newer_than file_a file_b returns true if file_a is
newer than file_b .
H | |
hour [Goaljobs] | |
hours [Goaljobs] | |
M | |
memory_delete [Goaljobs] |
Delete the
key .
memory_exists [Goaljobs] | memory_exists key checks that the named key exists in
the Memory.
memory_get [Goaljobs] |
Return the current value of
key in the Memory.
memory_set [Goaljobs] |
key to value in the Memory.
min [Goaljobs] | |
mins [Goaljobs] | |
minute [Goaljobs] | |
minutes [Goaljobs] | |
month [Goaljobs] | |
months [Goaljobs] | |
more_recent [Goaljobs] | more_recent objects sources expresses the make relationship:
P | |
publish [Goaljobs] |
Publish the named goal.
Q | |
quote [Goaljobs] |
Quote the string to make it safe to pass directly to the shell.
R | |
require [Goaljobs] | require goal defines the requirements of this goal, that
is, other goals that have to be met before the rest of the
goal is able to run.
S | |
sec [Goaljobs] | |
second [Goaljobs] | |
seconds [Goaljobs] | |
secs [Goaljobs] | |
sh [Goaljobs] |
Run the command(s).
shell [Goaljobs] |
Set this variable to override the default shell (
/bin/sh ).
shlines [Goaljobs] |
Run the command(s).
shout [Goaljobs] |
Run the command(s).
T | |
target [Goaljobs] | target condition defines the target condition that will
be met once the current goal has run.
target_all [Goaljobs] | target_all [t1; t2; ...] is the same as writing
target (t1 && t2 && ...)
target_exists [Goaljobs] | target_exists [t1; t2; ...] is the same as writing
target (t1 || t2 || ...)
U | |
url_contains_string [Goaljobs] | url_contains_string url str downloads the URL and checks
whether the content contains the given substring str .
url_exists [Goaljobs] |
The URL is tested to see if it exists.
W | |
week [Goaljobs] | |
weeks [Goaljobs] | |
Y | |
year [Goaljobs] | |
years [Goaljobs] |