Last updated: 28 April 2008. Please be sure to check for other news at the Linux Symposium or GCC Summit websites, as well.

Updates for OLS/GCC Papers

FAQ for Graphics and Makefile Build Rules

Papers from previous years should be available at

Instructions for getting started with direct SVN access to the Papers repository are now available. If you are stymied by GPG Keys, see the Fedora Wiki for help.

Templates for OLS 2008 Papers are now available.

Templates for GCC Summit 2008 Papers are now available.

For those looking for utilities useful for working on their papers, I've put a list together of some of the packages I installed on my box.

For those in need of immediate help, you can try via IRC: ##ols on FreeNode is where several members of the Formatting Team are hanging out.

2009 Addendum

To build the entire Proceedings, you need pdftk. It is no longer distributed in Fedora, but you can rebuild the Fedora 7 source rpm successfully on Fedora 9 or 10 (I've done it) and use that. You do not need pdftk to build individual papers.