Project RedFire

Imed Chihi <>
June 2003


The usage of LAN-connected workstations is becoming a common practice especially in poorly-equipped laboratories. Clustering a collection of workstations or PCs is a very attractive approach to achieve high-performance processing at very low costs. This work is supervised by Dr. Ahmed Elleuch and Pr. Farouk Kamoun from ENSI. The official research project proposal document was submitted by Dr. A. Elleuch in July 1999.

Project RedFire aims at studying a typical computer architecture that is very likely to be handy in any laboratory or a company (x86 machines) and a easily-accessible operating system (Linux) in order to figure out what might hinder the achievement of high performance.
The report (dissertation) can be downloaded as a compressed PostScript (.ps.gz) or a Portable Document Format (.pdf) document.
The thesis defense presentation can be viewed online as HTML or downloaded as an Impress (.sxi) or a PDF (.pdf) document.

Last updated 2003-12-03.