PubSub Sync Module

New in version Nautilus.

This sync module provides a publish and subscribe mechanism for the object store modification events. Events are published into predefined topics. Topics can be subscribed to, and events can be pulled from them. Events need to be acked. Also, events will expire and disappear after a period of time.

A push notification mechanism exists too, currently supporting HTTP, AMQP0.9.1 and Kafka endpoints. In this case, the events are pushed to an endpoint on top of storing them in Ceph. If events should only be pushed to an endpoint and do not need to be stored in Ceph, the Bucket Notification mechanism should be used instead of pubsub sync module.

A user can create different topics. A topic entity is defined by its user and its name. A user can only manage its own topics, and can only subscribe to events published by buckets it owns.

In order to publish events for specific bucket a notification entity needs to be created. A notification can be created on a subset of event types, or for all event types (default). There can be multiple notifications for any specific topic, and the same topic could be used for multiple notifications.

A subscription to a topic can also be defined. There can be multiple subscriptions for any specific topic.

REST API has been defined to provide configuration and control interfaces for the pubsub mechanisms. This API has two flavors, one is S3-compatible and one is not. The two flavors can be used together, although it is recommended to use the S3-compatible one. The S3-compatible API is similar to the one used in the bucket notification mechanism.

Events are stored as RGW objects in a special bucket, under a special user. Events cannot be accessed directly, but need to be pulled and acked using the new REST API.

PubSub Zone Configuration

The pubsub sync module requires the creation of a new zone in a Multisite environment. First, a master zone must exist (see: Configuring a Master Zone), then a secondary zone should be created (see Configure Secondary Zones). In the creation of the secondary zone, its tier type must be set to pubsub:

# radosgw-admin zone create --rgw-zonegroup={zone-group-name} \
                            --rgw-zone={zone-name} \
                            --endpoints={http://fqdn}[,{http://fqdn}] \
                            --sync-from-all=0 \
                            --sync-from={master-zone-name} \

PubSub Zone Configuration Parameters

    "tenant": <tenant>,             # default: <empty>
    "uid": <uid>,                   # default: "pubsub"
    "data_bucket_prefix": <prefix>  # default: "pubsub-"
    "data_oid_prefix": <prefix>     #
    "events_retention_days": <days> # default: 7
  • tenant (string)

The tenant of the pubsub control user.

  • uid (string)

The uid of the pubsub control user.

  • data_bucket_prefix (string)

The prefix of the bucket name that will be created to store events for specific topic.

  • data_oid_prefix (string)

The oid prefix for the stored events.

  • events_retention_days (integer)

How many days to keep events that weren’t acked.

Configuring Parameters via CLI

The tier configuration could be set using the following command:

# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup={zone-group-name} \
                             --rgw-zone={zone-name} \

Where the key in the configuration specifies the configuration variable that needs to be updated (from the list above), and the val specifies its new value. For example, setting the pubsub control user uid to user_ps:

# radosgw-admin zone modify --rgw-zonegroup={zone-group-name} \
                             --rgw-zone={zone-name} \

A configuration field can be removed by using --tier-config-rm={key}.

PubSub Performance Stats

Same counters are shared between the pubsub sync module and the notification mechanism.

  • pubsub_event_triggered: running counter of events with at lease one topic associated with them

  • pubsub_event_lost: running counter of events that had topics and subscriptions associated with them but that were not stored or pushed to any of the subscriptions

  • pubsub_store_ok: running counter, for all subscriptions, of stored events

  • pubsub_store_fail: running counter, for all subscriptions, of events failed to be stored

  • pubsub_push_ok: running counter, for all subscriptions, of events successfully pushed to their endpoint

  • pubsub_push_fail: running counter, for all subscriptions, of events failed to be pushed to their endpoint

  • pubsub_push_pending: gauge value of events pushed to an endpoint but not acked or nacked yet


pubsub_event_triggered and pubsub_event_lost are incremented per event, while: pubsub_store_ok, pubsub_store_fail, pubsub_push_ok, pubsub_push_fail, are incremented per store/push action on each subscriptions.



PubSub REST calls, and only them, should be sent to an RGW which belong to a PubSub zone


Create a Topic

This will create a new topic. Topic creation is needed both for both flavors of the API. Optionally the topic could be provided with push endpoint parameters that would be used later when an S3-compatible notification is created. Upon successful request, the response will include the topic ARN that could be later used to reference this topic in an S3-compatible notification request. To update a topic, use the same command used for topic creation, with the topic name of an existing topic and different endpoint values.


Any S3-compatible notification already associated with the topic needs to be re-created for the topic update to take effect

PUT /topics/<topic-name>[?push-endpoint=<endpoint>[&amqp-exchange=<exchange>][&amqp-ack-level=none|broker][&verify-ssl=true|false][&kafka-ack-level=none|broker]]

Request parameters:

  • push-endpoint: URI of an endpoint to send push notification to

The endpoint URI may include parameters depending with the type of endpoint:

  • HTTP endpoint

  • URI: http[s]://<fqdn>[:<port]

  • port defaults to: 80/443 for HTTP/S accordingly

  • verify-ssl: indicate whether the server certificate is validated by the client or not (“true” by default)

  • AMQP0.9.1 endpoint

  • URI: amqp://[<user>:<password>@]<fqdn>[:<port>][/<vhost>]

  • user/password defaults to : guest/guest

  • port defaults to: 5672

  • vhost defaults to: “/”

  • amqp-exchange: the exchanges must exist and be able to route messages based on topics (mandatory parameter for AMQP0.9.1)

  • amqp-ack-level: no end2end acking is required, as messages may persist in the broker before delivered into their final destination. Two ack methods exist:

  • “none”: message is considered “delivered” if sent to broker

  • “broker”: message is considered “delivered” if acked by broker (default)

  • Kafka endpoint

  • URI: kafka://<fqdn>[:<port]

  • port defaults to: 9092

  • kafka-ack-level: no end2end acking is required, as messages may persist in the broker before delivered into their final destination. Two ack methods exist:

  • “none”: message is considered “delivered” if sent to broker

  • “broker”: message is considered “delivered” if acked by broker (default)

The topic ARN in the response will have the following format:


Get Topic Information

Returns information about specific topic. This includes subscriptions to that topic, and push-endpoint information, if provided.

GET /topics/<topic-name>

Response will have the following format (JSON):

  • topic.user: name of the user that created the topic

  • name: name of the topic

  • dest.bucket_name: not used

  • dest.oid_prefix: not used

  • dest.push_endpoint: in case of S3-compliant notifications, this value will be used as the push-endpoint URL

  • dest.push_endpoint_args: in case of S3-compliant notifications, this value will be used as the push-endpoint args

  • topic.arn: topic ARN

  • subs: list of subscriptions associated with this topic

Delete Topic

DELETE /topics/<topic-name>

Delete the specified topic.

List Topics

List all topics that user defined.

GET /topics

S3-Compliant Notifications

Detailed under: Bucket Operations.


  • Notification creation will also create a subscription for pushing/pulling events

  • The generated subscription’s name will have the same as the notification Id, and could be used later to fetch and ack events with the subscription API.

  • Notification deletion will deletes all generated subscriptions

  • In case that bucket deletion implicitly deletes the notification, the associated subscription will not be deleted automatically (any events of the deleted bucket could still be access), and will have to be deleted explicitly with the subscription deletion API

  • Filtering based on metadata (which is an extension to S3) is not supported, and such rules will be ignored

Non S3-Compliant Notifications

Create a Notification

This will create a publisher for a specific bucket into a topic.

PUT /notifications/bucket/<bucket>?topic=<topic-name>[&events=<event>[,<event>]]

Request parameters:

  • topic-name: name of topic

  • event: event type (string), one of: OBJECT_CREATE, OBJECT_DELETE, DELETE_MARKER_CREATE

Delete Notification Information

Delete publisher from a specific bucket into a specific topic.

DELETE /notifications/bucket/<bucket>?topic=<topic-name>

Request parameters:

  • topic-name: name of topic


When the bucket is deleted, any notification defined on it is also deleted

List Notifications

List all topics with associated events defined on a bucket.

GET /notifications/bucket/<bucket>

Response will have the following format (JSON):



Create a Subscription

Creates a new subscription.

PUT /subscriptions/<sub-name>?topic=<topic-name>[?push-endpoint=<endpoint>[&amqp-exchange=<exchange>][&amqp-ack-level=none|broker][&verify-ssl=true|false][&kafka-ack-level=none|broker]]

Request parameters:

  • topic-name: name of topic

  • push-endpoint: URI of endpoint to send push notification to

The endpoint URI may include parameters depending with the type of endpoint:

  • HTTP endpoint

  • URI: http[s]://<fqdn>[:<port]

  • port defaults to: 80/443 for HTTP/S accordingly

  • verify-ssl: indicate whether the server certificate is validated by the client or not (“true” by default)

  • AMQP0.9.1 endpoint

  • URI: amqp://[<user>:<password>@]<fqdn>[:<port>][/<vhost>]

  • user/password defaults to : guest/guest

  • port defaults to: 5672

  • vhost defaults to: “/”

  • amqp-exchange: the exchanges must exist and be able to route messages based on topics (mandatory parameter for AMQP0.9.1)

  • amqp-ack-level: no end2end acking is required, as messages may persist in the broker before delivered into their final destination. Two ack methods exist:

  • “none”: message is considered “delivered” if sent to broker

  • “broker”: message is considered “delivered” if acked by broker (default)

  • Kafka endpoint

  • URI: kafka://<fqdn>[:<port]

  • port defaults to: 9092

  • kafka-ack-level: no end2end acking is required, as messages may persist in the broker before delivered into their final destination. Two ack methods exist:

  • “none”: message is considered “delivered” if sent to broker

  • “broker”: message is considered “delivered” if acked by broker (default)

Get Subscription Information

Returns information about specific subscription.

GET /subscriptions/<sub-name>

Response will have the following format (JSON):

  • user: name of the user that created the subscription

  • name: name of the subscription

  • topic: name of the topic the subscription is associated with

Delete Subscription

Removes a subscription.

DELETE /subscriptions/<sub-name>


Pull Events

Pull events sent to a specific subscription.

GET /subscriptions/<sub-name>?events[&max-entries=<max-entries>][&marker=<marker>]

Request parameters:

  • marker: pagination marker for list of events, if not specified will start from the oldest

  • max-entries: max number of events to return

The response will hold information on the current marker and whether there are more events not fetched:


The actual content of the response is depended with how the subscription was created. In case that the subscription was created via an S3-compatible notification, the events will have an S3-compatible record format (JSON):

  • awsRegion: zonegroup

  • eventTime: timestamp indicating when the event was triggered

  • eventName: either s3:ObjectCreated:, or s3:ObjectRemoved:

  • userIdentity: not supported

  • requestParameters: not supported

  • responseElements: not supported

  • s3.configurationId: notification ID that created the subscription for the event

  • name of the bucket

  • s3.bucket.ownerIdentity.principalId: owner of the bucket

  • s3.bucket.arn: ARN of the bucket

  • Id of the bucket (an extension to the S3 notification API)

  • s3.object.key: object key

  • s3.object.size: not supported

  • s3.object.eTag: object etag

  • s3.object.version: object version in case of versioned bucket

  • s3.object.sequencer: monotonically increasing identifier of the change per object (hexadecimal format)

  • s3.object.metadata: not supported (an extension to the S3 notification API)

  • s3.eventId: unique ID of the event, that could be used for acking (an extension to the S3 notification API)

In case that the subscription was not created via a non S3-compatible notification, the events will have the following event format (JSON):

  • id: unique ID of the event, that could be used for acking


  • timestamp: timestamp indicating when the event was sent

  • info.attrs.mtime: timestamp indicating when the event was triggered

  • info.bucket.bucket_id: id of the bucket

  • name of the bucket

  • info.bucket.tenant: tenant the bucket belongs to

  • info.key.instance: object version in case of versioned bucket

  • object key

Ack Event

Ack event so that it can be removed from the subscription history.

POST /subscriptions/<sub-name>?ack&event-id=<event-id>

Request parameters:

  • event-id: id of event to be acked