1    	// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*- 
2    	// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3    	/*
4    	 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5    	 *
6    	 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net>
7    	 *
8    	 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9    	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10   	 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software 
11   	 * Foundation.  See file COPYING.
12   	 * 
13   	 */
17   	#ifndef CEPH_LRU_H
18   	#define CEPH_LRU_H
20   	#include <math.h>
21   	#include <stdint.h>
23   	#include "common/config.h"
24   	#include "xlist.h"
26   	class LRUObject {
27   	public:
28   	  LRUObject() : lru(), lru_link(this), lru_pinned(false) { }
29   	  ~LRUObject();
31   	  // pin/unpin item in cache
32   	  void lru_pin();
33   	  void lru_unpin();
34   	  bool lru_is_expireable() const { return !lru_pinned; }
36   	  friend class LRU;
37   	private:
38   	  class LRU *lru;
39   	  xlist<LRUObject *>::item lru_link;
40   	  bool lru_pinned;
41   	};
43   	class LRU {
44   	public:
45   	  LRU() : num_pinned(0), midpoint(0.6) {}
47   	  uint64_t lru_get_size() const { return lru_get_top()+lru_get_bot()+lru_get_pintail(); }
48   	  uint64_t lru_get_top() const { return top.size(); }
49   	  uint64_t lru_get_bot() const{ return bottom.size(); }
50   	  uint64_t lru_get_pintail() const { return pintail.size(); }
51   	  uint64_t lru_get_num_pinned() const { return num_pinned; }
53   	  void lru_set_midpoint(double f) { midpoint = fmin(1.0, fmax(0.0, f)); }
55   	  void lru_clear() {
56   	    while (!top.empty()) {
57   	      lru_remove(top.front());
58   	    }
59   	    while (!bottom.empty()) {
60   	      lru_remove(bottom.front());
61   	    }
62   	    while (!pintail.empty()) {
63   	      lru_remove(pintail.front());
64   	    }
65   	    ceph_assert(num_pinned == 0);
66   	  }
68   	  // insert at top of lru
69   	  void lru_insert_top(LRUObject *o) {
70   	    ceph_assert(!o->lru);
71   	    o->lru = this;
72   	    top.push_front(&o->lru_link);
73   	    if (o->lru_pinned) num_pinned++;
74   	    adjust();
75   	  }
77   	  // insert at mid point in lru
78   	  void lru_insert_mid(LRUObject *o) {
79   	    ceph_assert(!o->lru);
80   	    o->lru = this;
81   	    bottom.push_front(&o->lru_link);
82   	    if (o->lru_pinned) num_pinned++;
83   	    adjust();
84   	  }
86   	  // insert at bottom of lru
87   	  void lru_insert_bot(LRUObject *o) {
88   	    ceph_assert(!o->lru);
89   	    o->lru = this;
90   	    bottom.push_back(&o->lru_link);
91   	    if (o->lru_pinned) num_pinned++;
92   	    adjust();
93   	  }
95   	  // remove an item
96   	  LRUObject *lru_remove(LRUObject *o) {
97   	    if (!o->lru) return o;
98   	    auto list = o->lru_link.get_list();
(1) Event fun_call_w_exception: Called function throws an exception of type "_ZN5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11EEEEE". [details]
99   	    ceph_assert(list == &top || list == &bottom || list == &pintail);
100  	    o->lru_link.remove_myself();
101  	    if (o->lru_pinned) num_pinned--;
102  	    o->lru = nullptr;
103  	    adjust();
104  	    return o;
105  	  }
107  	  // touch item -- move to head of lru
108  	  bool lru_touch(LRUObject *o) {
109  	    if (!o->lru) {
110  	      lru_insert_top(o);
111  	    } else {
112  	      ceph_assert(o->lru == this);
113  	      auto list = o->lru_link.get_list();
114  	      ceph_assert(list == &top || list == &bottom || list == &pintail);
115  	      top.push_front(&o->lru_link);
116  	      adjust();
117  	    }
118  	    return true;
119  	  }
121  	  // touch item -- move to midpoint (unless already higher)
122  	  bool lru_midtouch(LRUObject *o) {
123  	    if (!o->lru) {
124  	      lru_insert_mid(o);
125  	    } else {
126  	      ceph_assert(o->lru == this);
127  	      auto list = o->lru_link.get_list();
128  	      ceph_assert(list == &top || list == &bottom || list == &pintail);
129  	      if (list == &top) return false;
130  	      bottom.push_front(&o->lru_link);
131  	      adjust();
132  	    }
133  	    return true;
134  	  }
136  	  // touch item -- move to bottom
137  	  bool lru_bottouch(LRUObject *o) {
138  	    if (!o->lru) {
139  	      lru_insert_bot(o);
140  	    } else {
141  	      ceph_assert(o->lru == this);
142  	      auto list = o->lru_link.get_list();
143  	      ceph_assert(list == &top || list == &bottom || list == &pintail);
144  	      bottom.push_back(&o->lru_link);
145  	      adjust();
146  	    }
147  	    return true;
148  	  }
150  	  void lru_touch_entire_pintail() {
151  	    // promote entire pintail to the top lru
152  	    while (pintail.size() > 0) {
153  	      top.push_back(&pintail.front()->lru_link);
154  	      adjust();
155  	    }
156  	  }
158  	  // expire -- expire a single item
159  	  LRUObject *lru_get_next_expire() {
160  	    adjust();
161  	    // look through tail of bot
162  	    while (bottom.size()) {
163  	      LRUObject *p = bottom.back();
164  	      if (!p->lru_pinned) return p;
166  	      // move to pintail
167  	      pintail.push_front(&p->lru_link);
168  	    }
170  	    // ok, try head then
171  	    while (top.size()) {
172  	      LRUObject *p = top.back();
173  	      if (!p->lru_pinned) return p;
175  	      // move to pintail
176  	      pintail.push_front(&p->lru_link);
177  	    }
179  	    // no luck!
180  	    return NULL;
181  	  }
183  	  LRUObject *lru_expire() {
184  	    LRUObject *p = lru_get_next_expire();
185  	    if (p) 
186  	      return lru_remove(p);
187  	    return NULL;
188  	  }
190  	  void lru_status() {
191  	    //generic_dout(10) << "lru: " << lru_get_size() << " items, " << top.size() << " top, " << bottom.size() << " bot, " << pintail.size() << " pintail" << dendl;
192  	  }
194  	protected:
195  	  // adjust top/bot balance, as necessary
196  	  void adjust() {
197  	    uint64_t toplen = top.size();
198  	    uint64_t topwant = (midpoint * (double)(lru_get_size() - num_pinned));
199  	    /* move items from below midpoint (bottom) to top: move midpoint forward */
200  	    for (uint64_t i = toplen; i < topwant; i++) {
201  	      top.push_back(&bottom.front()->lru_link);
202  	    }
203  	    /* or: move items from above midpoint (top) to bottom: move midpoint backwards */
204  	    for (uint64_t i = toplen; i > topwant; i--) {
205  	      bottom.push_front(&top.back()->lru_link);
206  	    }
207  	  }
209  	  uint64_t num_pinned;
210  	  double midpoint;
212  	  friend class LRUObject;
213  	private:
214  	  typedef xlist<LRUObject *> LRUList;
215  	  LRUList top, bottom, pintail;
216  	};
(1) Event exn_spec_violation: An exception of type "_ZN5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11EEEEE" is thrown but the throw list "throw()" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
Also see events: [fun_call_w_exception]
218  	inline LRUObject::~LRUObject() {
219  	  if (lru) {
(2) Event fun_call_w_exception: Called function throws an exception of type "_ZN5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11EEEEE". [details]
Also see events: [exn_spec_violation]
220  	    lru->lru_remove(this);
221  	  }
222  	}
224  	inline void LRUObject::lru_pin() {
225  	  if (lru && !lru_pinned) {
226  	    lru->num_pinned++;
227  	  }
228  	  lru_pinned = true;
229  	}
231  	inline void LRUObject::lru_unpin() {
232  	  if (lru && lru_pinned) {
233  	    lru->num_pinned--;
235  	    // move from pintail -> bot
236  	    if (lru_link.get_list() == &lru->pintail) {
237  	      lru->lru_bottouch(this);
238  	    }
239  	  }
240  	  lru_pinned = false;
241  	}
243  	#endif