1    	// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Stephen Cleary
2    	//
3    	// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
4    	// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5    	// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6    	//
7    	// See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history.
9    	#ifndef BOOST_POOL_HPP
10   	#define BOOST_POOL_HPP
12   	#include <boost/config.hpp>  // for workarounds
14   	// std::less, std::less_equal, std::greater
15   	#include <functional>
16   	// new[], delete[], std::nothrow
17   	#include <new>
18   	// std::size_t, std::ptrdiff_t
19   	#include <cstddef>
20   	// std::malloc, std::free
21   	#include <cstdlib>
22   	// std::invalid_argument
23   	#include <exception>
24   	// std::max
25   	#include <algorithm>
27   	#include <boost/pool/poolfwd.hpp>
29   	// boost::integer::static_lcm
30   	#include <boost/integer/common_factor_ct.hpp>
31   	// boost::simple_segregated_storage
32   	#include <boost/pool/simple_segregated_storage.hpp>
33   	// boost::alignment_of
34   	#include <boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp>
36   	#include <boost/assert.hpp>
39   	#include <iostream>
40   	#include<iomanip>
41   	#endif
43   	#include <set>
44   	#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
45   	#endif
48   	 namespace std { using ::malloc; using ::free; }
49   	#endif
51   	// There are a few places in this file where the expression "this->m" is used.
52   	// This expression is used to force instantiation-time name lookup, which I am
53   	//   informed is required for strict Standard compliance.  It's only necessary
54   	//   if "m" is a member of a base class that is dependent on a template
55   	//   parameter.
56   	// Thanks to Jens Maurer for pointing this out!
58   	/*!
59   	  \file
60   	  \brief Provides class \ref pool: a fast memory allocator that guarantees proper alignment of all allocated chunks,
61   	  and which extends and generalizes the framework provided by the simple segregated storage solution.
62   	  Also provides two UserAllocator classes which can be used in conjuction with \ref pool.
63   	*/
65   	/*!
66   	  \mainpage Boost.Pool Memory Allocation Scheme
68   	  \section intro_sec Introduction
70   	   Pool allocation is a memory allocation scheme that is very fast, but limited in its usage.
72   	   This Doxygen-style documentation is complementary to the
73   	   full Quickbook-generated html and pdf documentation at www.boost.org.
75   	  This page generated from file pool.hpp.
77   	*/
79   	#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
80   	#pragma warning(push)
81   	#pragma warning(disable:4127)  // Conditional expression is constant
82   	#endif
84   	 namespace boost
85   	{
87   	//! \brief Allocator used as the default template parameter for 
88   	//! a <a href="boost_pool/pool/pooling.html#boost_pool.pool.pooling.user_allocator">UserAllocator</a>
89   	//! template parameter.  Uses new and delete.
90   	struct default_user_allocator_new_delete
91   	{
92   	  typedef std::size_t size_type; //!< An unsigned integral type that can represent the size of the largest object to be allocated.
93   	  typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; //!< A signed integral type that can represent the difference of any two pointers.
95   	  static char * malloc BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(const size_type bytes)
96   	  { //! Attempts to allocate n bytes from the system. Returns 0 if out-of-memory
97   	    return new (std::nothrow) char[bytes];
98   	  }
99   	  static void free BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(char * const block)
100  	  { //! Attempts to de-allocate block.
101  	    //! \pre Block must have been previously returned from a call to UserAllocator::malloc.
102  	    delete [] block;
103  	  }
104  	};
106  	//! \brief <a href="boost_pool/pool/pooling.html#boost_pool.pool.pooling.user_allocator">UserAllocator</a>
107  	//! used as template parameter for \ref pool and \ref object_pool.
108  	//! Uses malloc and free internally.
109  	struct default_user_allocator_malloc_free
110  	{
111  	  typedef std::size_t size_type; //!< An unsigned integral type that can represent the size of the largest object to be allocated.
112  	  typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; //!< A signed integral type that can represent the difference of any two pointers.
114  	  static char * malloc BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(const size_type bytes)
115  	  { return static_cast<char *>((std::malloc)(bytes)); }
116  	  static void free BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(char * const block)
117  	  { (std::free)(block); }
118  	};
120  	namespace details
121  	{  //! Implemention only.
123  	template <typename SizeType>
124  	class PODptr
125  	{ //! PODptr is a class that pretends to be a "pointer" to different class types
126  	  //!  that don't really exist.  It provides member functions to access the "data"
127  	  //!  of the "object" it points to.  Since these "class" types are of variable
128  	  //!  size, and contains some information at the *end* of its memory
129  	  //!  (for alignment reasons),
130  	  //! PODptr must contain the size of this "class" as well as the pointer to this "object".
132  	  /*! \details A PODptr holds the location and size of a memory block allocated from the system. 
133  	  Each memory block is split logically into three sections:
135  	  <b>Chunk area</b>. This section may be different sizes. PODptr does not care what the size of the chunks is, 
136  	  but it does care (and keep track of) the total size of the chunk area.
138  	  <b>Next pointer</b>. This section is always the same size for a given SizeType. It holds a pointer 
139  	  to the location of the next memory block in the memory block list, or 0 if there is no such block.
141  	  <b>Next size</b>. This section is always the same size for a given SizeType. It holds the size of the 
142  	  next memory block in the memory block list.
144  	The PODptr class just provides cleaner ways of dealing with raw memory blocks.
146  	A PODptr object is either valid or invalid. An invalid PODptr is analogous to a null pointer.
147  	The default constructor for PODptr will result in an invalid object.
148  	Calling the member function invalidate will result in that object becoming invalid.
149  	The member function valid can be used to test for validity.
150  	*/
151  	  public:
152  	    typedef SizeType size_type;
154  	  private:
155  	    char * ptr;
156  	    size_type sz;
158  	    char * ptr_next_size() const
159  	    {
160  	      return (ptr + sz - sizeof(size_type));
161  	    }
162  	    char * ptr_next_ptr() const
163  	    {
164  	      return (ptr_next_size() -
165  	          integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value);
166  	    }
168  	  public:
169  	    PODptr(char * const nptr, const size_type nsize)
170  	    :ptr(nptr), sz(nsize)
171  	    {
172  	      //! A PODptr may be created to point to a memory block by passing
173  	      //! the address and size of that memory block into the constructor.
174  	      //! A PODptr constructed in this way is valid.
175  	    }
176  	    PODptr()
177  	    :  ptr(0), sz(0)
178  	    { //! default constructor for PODptr will result in an invalid object.
179  	    }
181  	    bool valid() const
182  	    { //! A PODptr object is either valid or invalid.
183  	      //! An invalid PODptr is analogous to a null pointer.
184  	      //! \returns true if PODptr is valid, false if invalid.
185  	      return (begin() != 0);
186  	    }
187  	    void invalidate()
188  	    { //! Make object invalid.
189  	      begin() = 0;
190  	    }
191  	    char * & begin()
192  	    { //! Each PODptr keeps the address and size of its memory block.
193  	      //! \returns The address of its memory block.
194  	      return ptr;
195  	  }
196  	    char * begin() const
197  	    { //! Each PODptr keeps the address and size of its memory block.
198  	      //! \return The address of its memory block.
199  	      return ptr;
200  	    }
201  	    char * end() const
202  	    { //! \returns begin() plus element_size (a 'past the end' value).
203  	      return ptr_next_ptr();
204  	    }
205  	    size_type total_size() const
206  	    { //! Each PODptr keeps the address and size of its memory block.
207  	      //! The address may be read or written by the member functions begin.
208  	      //! The size of the memory block may only be read,
209  	      //! \returns size of the memory block.
210  	      return sz;
211  	    }
212  	    size_type element_size() const
213  	    { //! \returns size of element pointer area.
214  	      return static_cast<size_type>(sz - sizeof(size_type) -
215  	          integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value);
216  	    }
218  	    size_type & next_size() const
219  	    { //!
220  	      //! \returns next_size.
221  	      return *(static_cast<size_type *>(static_cast<void*>((ptr_next_size()))));
222  	    }
223  	    char * & next_ptr() const
224  	    {  //! \returns pointer to next pointer area.
225  	      return *(static_cast<char **>(static_cast<void*>(ptr_next_ptr())));
226  	    }
228  	    PODptr next() const
229  	    { //! \returns next PODptr.
230  	      return PODptr<size_type>(next_ptr(), next_size());
231  	    }
232  	    void next(const PODptr & arg) const
233  	    { //! Sets next PODptr.
234  	      next_ptr() = arg.begin();
235  	      next_size() = arg.total_size();
236  	    }
237  	}; // class PODptr
238  	} // namespace details
241  	/*!
242  	  \brief A fast memory allocator that guarantees proper alignment of all allocated chunks.
244  	  \details Whenever an object of type pool needs memory from the system,
245  	  it will request it from its UserAllocator template parameter.
246  	  The amount requested is determined using a doubling algorithm;
247  	  that is, each time more system memory is allocated,
248  	  the amount of system memory requested is doubled.
250  	  Users may control the doubling algorithm by using the following extensions:
252  	  Users may pass an additional constructor parameter to pool.
253  	  This parameter is of type size_type,
254  	  and is the number of chunks to request from the system
255  	  the first time that object needs to allocate system memory.
256  	  The default is 32. This parameter may not be 0.
258  	  Users may also pass an optional third parameter to pool's
259  	  constructor.  This parameter is of type size_type,
260  	  and sets a maximum size for allocated chunks.  When this
261  	  parameter takes the default value of 0, then there is no upper
262  	  limit on chunk size.
264  	  Finally, if the doubling algorithm results in no memory
265  	  being allocated, the pool will backtrack just once, halving
266  	  the chunk size and trying again.
268  	  <b>UserAllocator type</b> - the method that the Pool will use to allocate memory from the system.
270  	  There are essentially two ways to use class pool: the client can call \ref malloc() and \ref free() to allocate
271  	  and free single chunks of memory, this is the most efficient way to use a pool, but does not allow for
272  	  the efficient allocation of arrays of chunks.  Alternatively, the client may call \ref ordered_malloc() and \ref
273  	  ordered_free(), in which case the free list is maintained in an ordered state, and efficient allocation of arrays
274  	  of chunks are possible.  However, this latter option can suffer from poor performance when large numbers of
275  	  allocations are performed.
277  	*/
278  	template <typename UserAllocator>
279  	class pool: protected simple_segregated_storage < typename UserAllocator::size_type >
280  	{
281  	  public:
282  	    typedef UserAllocator user_allocator; //!< User allocator.
283  	    typedef typename UserAllocator::size_type size_type;  //!< An unsigned integral type that can represent the size of the largest object to be allocated.
284  	    typedef typename UserAllocator::difference_type difference_type;  //!< A signed integral type that can represent the difference of any two pointers.
286  	  private:
287  	    BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(size_type, min_alloc_size =
288  	        (::boost::integer::static_lcm<sizeof(void *), sizeof(size_type)>::value) );
289  	    BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(size_type, min_align =
290  	        (::boost::integer::static_lcm< ::boost::alignment_of<void *>::value, ::boost::alignment_of<size_type>::value>::value) );
292  	    //! \returns 0 if out-of-memory.
293  	    //! Called if malloc/ordered_malloc needs to resize the free list.
294  	    void * malloc_need_resize(); //! Called if malloc needs to resize the free list.
295  	    void * ordered_malloc_need_resize();  //! Called if ordered_malloc needs to resize the free list.
297  	  protected:
298  	    details::PODptr<size_type> list; //!< List structure holding ordered blocks.
300  	    simple_segregated_storage<size_type> & store()
301  	    { //! \returns pointer to store.
302  	      return *this;
303  	    }
304  	    const simple_segregated_storage<size_type> & store() const
305  	    { //! \returns pointer to store.
306  	      return *this;
307  	    }
308  	    const size_type requested_size;
309  	    size_type next_size;
310  	    size_type start_size;
311  	    size_type max_size;
313  	    //! finds which POD in the list 'chunk' was allocated from.
314  	    details::PODptr<size_type> find_POD(void * const chunk) const;
316  	    // is_from() tests a chunk to determine if it belongs in a block.
317  	    static bool is_from(void * const chunk, char * const i,
318  	        const size_type sizeof_i)
319  	    { //! \param chunk chunk to check if is from this pool.
320  	      //! \param i memory chunk at i with element sizeof_i.
321  	      //! \param sizeof_i element size (size of the chunk area of that block, not the total size of that block).
322  	      //! \returns true if chunk was allocated or may be returned.
323  	      //! as the result of a future allocation.
324  	      //!
325  	      //! Returns false if chunk was allocated from some other pool,
326  	      //! or may be returned as the result of a future allocation from some other pool.
327  	      //! Otherwise, the return value is meaningless.
328  	      //!
329  	      //! Note that this function may not be used to reliably test random pointer values.
331  	      // We use std::less_equal and std::less to test 'chunk'
332  	      //  against the array bounds because standard operators
333  	      //  may return unspecified results.
334  	      // This is to ensure portability.  The operators < <= > >= are only
335  	      //  defined for pointers to objects that are 1) in the same array, or
336  	      //  2) subobjects of the same object [5.9/2].
337  	      // The functor objects guarantee a total order for any pointer [20.3.3/8]
338  	      std::less_equal<void *> lt_eq;
339  	      std::less<void *> lt;
340  	      return (lt_eq(i, chunk) && lt(chunk, i + sizeof_i));
341  	    }
343  	    size_type alloc_size() const
344  	    { //!  Calculated size of the memory chunks that will be allocated by this Pool.
345  	      //! \returns allocated size.
346  	      // For alignment reasons, this used to be defined to be lcm(requested_size, sizeof(void *), sizeof(size_type)),
347  	      // but is now more parsimonious: just rounding up to the minimum required alignment of our housekeeping data
348  	      // when required.  This works provided all alignments are powers of two.
349  	      size_type s = (std::max)(requested_size, min_alloc_size);
350  	      size_type rem = s % min_align;
351  	      if(rem)
352  	         s += min_align - rem;
353  	      BOOST_ASSERT(s >= min_alloc_size);
354  	      BOOST_ASSERT(s % min_align == 0);
355  	      return s;
356  	    }
358  	    static void * & nextof(void * const ptr)
359  	    { //! \returns Pointer dereferenced.
360  	      //! (Provided and used for the sake of code readability :)
361  	      return *(static_cast<void **>(ptr));
362  	    }
364  	  public:
365  	    // pre: npartition_size != 0 && nnext_size != 0
366  	    explicit pool(const size_type nrequested_size,
367  	        const size_type nnext_size = 32,
368  	        const size_type nmax_size = 0)
369  	    :
370  	        list(0, 0), requested_size(nrequested_size), next_size(nnext_size), start_size(nnext_size),max_size(nmax_size)
371  	    { //!   Constructs a new empty Pool that can be used to allocate chunks of size RequestedSize.
372  	      //! \param nrequested_size  Requested chunk size
373  	      //! \param  nnext_size parameter is of type size_type,
374  	      //!   is the number of chunks to request from the system
375  	      //!   the first time that object needs to allocate system memory.
376  	      //!   The default is 32. This parameter may not be 0.
377  	      //! \param nmax_size is the maximum number of chunks to allocate in one block.
378  	    }
(1) Event exn_spec_violation: An exception of type "_ZN5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11EEEEE" is thrown but the throw list "throw()" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate().
Also see events: [fun_call_w_exception]
380  	    ~pool()
381  	    { //!   Destructs the Pool, freeing its list of memory blocks.
(2) Event fun_call_w_exception: Called function throws an exception of type "_ZN5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11EEEEE". [details]
Also see events: [exn_spec_violation]
382  	      purge_memory();
383  	    }
385  	    // Releases memory blocks that don't have chunks allocated
386  	    // pre: lists are ordered
387  	    //  Returns true if memory was actually deallocated
388  	    bool release_memory();
390  	    // Releases *all* memory blocks, even if chunks are still allocated
391  	    //  Returns true if memory was actually deallocated
392  	    bool purge_memory();
394  	    size_type get_next_size() const
395  	    { //! Number of chunks to request from the system the next time that object needs to allocate system memory. This value should never be 0.
396  	      //! \returns next_size;
397  	      return next_size;
398  	    }
399  	    void set_next_size(const size_type nnext_size)
400  	    { //! Set number of chunks to request from the system the next time that object needs to allocate system memory. This value should never be set to 0.
401  	      //! \returns nnext_size.
402  	      next_size = start_size = nnext_size;
403  	    }
404  	    size_type get_max_size() const
405  	    { //! \returns max_size.
406  	      return max_size;
407  	    }
408  	    void set_max_size(const size_type nmax_size)
409  	    { //! Set max_size.
410  	      max_size = nmax_size;
411  	    }
412  	    size_type get_requested_size() const
413  	    { //!   \returns the requested size passed into the constructor.
414  	      //! (This value will not change during the lifetime of a Pool object).
415  	      return requested_size;
416  	    }
418  	    // Both malloc and ordered_malloc do a quick inlined check first for any
419  	    //  free chunks.  Only if we need to get another memory block do we call
420  	    //  the non-inlined *_need_resize() functions.
421  	    // Returns 0 if out-of-memory
422  	    void * malloc BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION()
423  	    { //! Allocates a chunk of memory. Searches in the list of memory blocks
424  	      //! for a block that has a free chunk, and returns that free chunk if found.
425  	      //! Otherwise, creates a new memory block, adds its free list to pool's free list,
426  	      //! \returns a free chunk from that block.
427  	      //! If a new memory block cannot be allocated, returns 0. Amortized O(1).
428  	      // Look for a non-empty storage
429  	      if (!store().empty())
430  	        return (store().malloc)();
431  	      return malloc_need_resize();
432  	    }
434  	    void * ordered_malloc()
435  	    { //! Same as malloc, only merges the free lists, to preserve order. Amortized O(1).
436  	      //! \returns a free chunk from that block.
437  	      //! If a new memory block cannot be allocated, returns 0. Amortized O(1).
438  	      // Look for a non-empty storage
439  	      if (!store().empty())
440  	        return (store().malloc)();
441  	      return ordered_malloc_need_resize();
442  	    }
444  	    // Returns 0 if out-of-memory
445  	    // Allocate a contiguous section of n chunks
446  	    void * ordered_malloc(size_type n);
447  	      //! Same as malloc, only allocates enough contiguous chunks to cover n * requested_size bytes. Amortized O(n).
448  	      //! \returns a free chunk from that block.
449  	      //! If a new memory block cannot be allocated, returns 0. Amortized O(1).
451  	    // pre: 'chunk' must have been previously
452  	    //        returned by *this.malloc().
453  	    void free BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(void * const chunk)
454  	    { //!   Deallocates a chunk of memory. Note that chunk may not be 0. O(1).
455  	      //!
456  	      //! Chunk must have been previously returned by t.malloc() or t.ordered_malloc().
457  	      //! Assumes that chunk actually refers to a block of chunks
458  	      //! spanning n * partition_sz bytes.
459  	      //! deallocates each chunk in that block.
460  	      //! Note that chunk may not be 0. O(n).
461  	      (store().free)(chunk);
462  	    }
464  	    // pre: 'chunk' must have been previously
465  	    //        returned by *this.malloc().
466  	    void ordered_free(void * const chunk)
467  	    { //! Same as above, but is order-preserving.
468  	      //!
469  	      //! Note that chunk may not be 0. O(N) with respect to the size of the free list.
470  	      //! chunk must have been previously returned by t.malloc() or t.ordered_malloc().
471  	      store().ordered_free(chunk);
472  	    }
474  	    // pre: 'chunk' must have been previously
475  	    //        returned by *this.malloc(n).
476  	    void free BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(void * const chunks, const size_type n)
477  	    { //! Assumes that chunk actually refers to a block of chunks.
478  	      //!
479  	      //! chunk must have been previously returned by t.ordered_malloc(n)
480  	      //! spanning n * partition_sz bytes.
481  	      //! Deallocates each chunk in that block.
482  	      //! Note that chunk may not be 0. O(n).
483  	      const size_type partition_size = alloc_size();
484  	      const size_type total_req_size = n * requested_size;
485  	      const size_type num_chunks = total_req_size / partition_size +
486  	          ((total_req_size % partition_size) ? true : false);
488  	      store().free_n(chunks, num_chunks, partition_size);
489  	    }
491  	    // pre: 'chunk' must have been previously
492  	    //        returned by *this.malloc(n).
493  	    void ordered_free(void * const chunks, const size_type n)
494  	    { //! Assumes that chunk actually refers to a block of chunks spanning n * partition_sz bytes;
495  	      //! deallocates each chunk in that block.
496  	      //!
497  	      //! Note that chunk may not be 0. Order-preserving. O(N + n) where N is the size of the free list.
498  	      //! chunk must have been previously returned by t.malloc() or t.ordered_malloc().
500  	      const size_type partition_size = alloc_size();
501  	      const size_type total_req_size = n * requested_size;
502  	      const size_type num_chunks = total_req_size / partition_size +
503  	          ((total_req_size % partition_size) ? true : false);
505  	      store().ordered_free_n(chunks, num_chunks, partition_size);
506  	    }
508  	    // is_from() tests a chunk to determine if it was allocated from *this
509  	    bool is_from(void * const chunk) const
510  	    { //! \returns Returns true if chunk was allocated from u or
511  	      //! may be returned as the result of a future allocation from u.
512  	      //! Returns false if chunk was allocated from some other pool or
513  	      //! may be returned as the result of a future allocation from some other pool.
514  	      //! Otherwise, the return value is meaningless.
515  	      //! Note that this function may not be used to reliably test random pointer values.
516  	      return (find_POD(chunk).valid());
517  	    }
518  	};
521  	template <typename UserAllocator>
522  	typename pool<UserAllocator>::size_type const pool<UserAllocator>::min_alloc_size;
523  	template <typename UserAllocator>
524  	typename pool<UserAllocator>::size_type const pool<UserAllocator>::min_align;
525  	#endif
527  	template <typename UserAllocator>
528  	bool pool<UserAllocator>::release_memory()
529  	{ //! pool must be ordered. Frees every memory block that doesn't have any allocated chunks.
530  	  //! \returns true if at least one memory block was freed.
532  	  // ret is the return value: it will be set to true when we actually call
533  	  //  UserAllocator::free(..)
534  	  bool ret = false;
536  	  // This is a current & previous iterator pair over the memory block list
537  	  details::PODptr<size_type> ptr = list;
538  	  details::PODptr<size_type> prev;
540  	  // This is a current & previous iterator pair over the free memory chunk list
541  	  //  Note that "prev_free" in this case does NOT point to the previous memory
542  	  //  chunk in the free list, but rather the last free memory chunk before the
543  	  //  current block.
544  	  void * free_p = this->first;
545  	  void * prev_free_p = 0;
547  	  const size_type partition_size = alloc_size();
549  	  // Search through all the all the allocated memory blocks
550  	  while (ptr.valid())
551  	  {
552  	    // At this point:
553  	    //  ptr points to a valid memory block
554  	    //  free_p points to either:
555  	    //    0 if there are no more free chunks
556  	    //    the first free chunk in this or some next memory block
557  	    //  prev_free_p points to either:
558  	    //    the last free chunk in some previous memory block
559  	    //    0 if there is no such free chunk
560  	    //  prev is either:
561  	    //    the PODptr whose next() is ptr
562  	    //    !valid() if there is no such PODptr
564  	    // If there are no more free memory chunks, then every remaining
565  	    //  block is allocated out to its fullest capacity, and we can't
566  	    //  release any more memory
567  	    if (free_p == 0)
568  	      break;
570  	    // We have to check all the chunks.  If they are *all* free (i.e., present
571  	    //  in the free list), then we can free the block.
572  	    bool all_chunks_free = true;
574  	    // Iterate 'i' through all chunks in the memory block
575  	    // if free starts in the memory block, be careful to keep it there
576  	    void * saved_free = free_p;
577  	    for (char * i = ptr.begin(); i != ptr.end(); i += partition_size)
578  	    {
579  	      // If this chunk is not free
580  	      if (i != free_p)
581  	      {
582  	        // We won't be able to free this block
583  	        all_chunks_free = false;
585  	        // free_p might have travelled outside ptr
586  	        free_p = saved_free;
587  	        // Abort searching the chunks; we won't be able to free this
588  	        //  block because a chunk is not free.
589  	        break;
590  	      }
592  	      // We do not increment prev_free_p because we are in the same block
593  	      free_p = nextof(free_p);
594  	    }
596  	    // post: if the memory block has any chunks, free_p points to one of them
597  	    // otherwise, our assertions above are still valid
599  	    const details::PODptr<size_type> next = ptr.next();
601  	    if (!all_chunks_free)
602  	    {
603  	      if (is_from(free_p, ptr.begin(), ptr.element_size()))
604  	      {
605  	        std::less<void *> lt;
606  	        void * const end = ptr.end();
607  	        do
608  	        {
609  	          prev_free_p = free_p;
610  	          free_p = nextof(free_p);
611  	        } while (free_p && lt(free_p, end));
612  	      }
613  	      // This invariant is now restored:
614  	      //     free_p points to the first free chunk in some next memory block, or
615  	      //       0 if there is no such chunk.
616  	      //     prev_free_p points to the last free chunk in this memory block.
618  	      // We are just about to advance ptr.  Maintain the invariant:
619  	      // prev is the PODptr whose next() is ptr, or !valid()
620  	      // if there is no such PODptr
621  	      prev = ptr;
622  	    }
623  	    else
624  	    {
625  	      // All chunks from this block are free
627  	      // Remove block from list
628  	      if (prev.valid())
629  	        prev.next(next);
630  	      else
631  	        list = next;
633  	      // Remove all entries in the free list from this block
634  	      if (prev_free_p != 0)
635  	        nextof(prev_free_p) = free_p;
636  	      else
637  	        this->first = free_p;
639  	      // And release memory
640  	      (UserAllocator::free)(ptr.begin());
641  	      ret = true;
642  	    }
644  	    // Increment ptr
645  	    ptr = next;
646  	  }
648  	  next_size = start_size;
649  	  return ret;
650  	}
652  	template <typename UserAllocator>
653  	bool pool<UserAllocator>::purge_memory()
654  	{ //! pool must be ordered.
655  	  //! Frees every memory block.
656  	  //!
657  	  //! This function invalidates any pointers previously returned
658  	  //! by allocation functions of t.
659  	  //! \returns true if at least one memory block was freed.
661  	  details::PODptr<size_type> iter = list;
663  	  if (!iter.valid())
664  	    return false;
666  	  do
667  	  {
668  	    // hold "next" pointer
669  	    const details::PODptr<size_type> next = iter.next();
671  	    // delete the storage
(1) Event fun_call_w_exception: Called function throws an exception of type "_ZN5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorINSt8ios_base7failureB5cxx11EEEEE". [details]
672  	    (UserAllocator::free)(iter.begin());
674  	    // increment iter
675  	    iter = next;
676  	  } while (iter.valid());
678  	  list.invalidate();
679  	  this->first = 0;
680  	  next_size = start_size;
682  	  return true;
683  	}
685  	template <typename UserAllocator>
686  	void * pool<UserAllocator>::malloc_need_resize()
687  	{ //! No memory in any of our storages; make a new storage,
688  	  //!  Allocates chunk in newly malloc aftert resize.
689  	  //! \returns pointer to chunk.
690  	  size_type partition_size = alloc_size();
691  	  size_type POD_size = static_cast<size_type>(next_size * partition_size +
692  	      integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value + sizeof(size_type));
693  	  char * ptr = (UserAllocator::malloc)(POD_size);
694  	  if (ptr == 0)
695  	  {
696  	     if(next_size > 4)
697  	     {
698  	        next_size >>= 1;
699  	        partition_size = alloc_size();
700  	        POD_size = static_cast<size_type>(next_size * partition_size +
701  	            integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value + sizeof(size_type));
702  	        ptr = (UserAllocator::malloc)(POD_size);
703  	     }
704  	     if(ptr == 0)
705  	        return 0;
706  	  }
707  	  const details::PODptr<size_type> node(ptr, POD_size);
710  	  if(!max_size)
711  	    next_size <<= 1;
712  	  else if( next_size*partition_size/requested_size < max_size)
713  	    next_size = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(next_size << 1, max_size*requested_size/ partition_size);
715  	  //  initialize it,
716  	  store().add_block(node.begin(), node.element_size(), partition_size);
718  	  //  insert it into the list,
719  	  node.next(list);
720  	  list = node;
722  	  //  and return a chunk from it.
723  	  return (store().malloc)();
724  	}
726  	template <typename UserAllocator>
727  	void * pool<UserAllocator>::ordered_malloc_need_resize()
728  	{ //! No memory in any of our storages; make a new storage,
729  	  //! \returns pointer to new chunk.
730  	  size_type partition_size = alloc_size();
731  	  size_type POD_size = static_cast<size_type>(next_size * partition_size +
732  	      integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value + sizeof(size_type));
733  	  char * ptr = (UserAllocator::malloc)(POD_size);
734  	  if (ptr == 0)
735  	  {
736  	     if(next_size > 4)
737  	     {
738  	       next_size >>= 1;
739  	       partition_size = alloc_size();
740  	       POD_size = static_cast<size_type>(next_size * partition_size +
741  	                    integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value + sizeof(size_type));
742  	       ptr = (UserAllocator::malloc)(POD_size);
743  	     }
744  	     if(ptr == 0)
745  	       return 0;
746  	  }
747  	  const details::PODptr<size_type> node(ptr, POD_size);
750  	  if(!max_size)
751  	    next_size <<= 1;
752  	  else if( next_size*partition_size/requested_size < max_size)
753  	    next_size = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(next_size << 1, max_size*requested_size/ partition_size);
755  	  //  initialize it,
756  	  //  (we can use "add_block" here because we know that
757  	  //  the free list is empty, so we don't have to use
758  	  //  the slower ordered version)
759  	  store().add_ordered_block(node.begin(), node.element_size(), partition_size);
761  	  //  insert it into the list,
762  	  //   handle border case
763  	  if (!list.valid() || std::greater<void *>()(list.begin(), node.begin()))
764  	  {
765  	    node.next(list);
766  	    list = node;
767  	  }
768  	  else
769  	  {
770  	    details::PODptr<size_type> prev = list;
772  	    while (true)
773  	    {
774  	      // if we're about to hit the end or
775  	      //  if we've found where "node" goes
776  	      if (prev.next_ptr() == 0
777  	          || std::greater<void *>()(prev.next_ptr(), node.begin()))
778  	        break;
780  	      prev = prev.next();
781  	    }
783  	    node.next(prev.next());
784  	    prev.next(node);
785  	  }
786  	  //  and return a chunk from it.
787  	  return (store().malloc)();
788  	}
790  	template <typename UserAllocator>
791  	void * pool<UserAllocator>::ordered_malloc(const size_type n)
792  	{ //! Gets address of a chunk n, allocating new memory if not already available.
793  	  //! \returns Address of chunk n if allocated ok.
794  	  //! \returns 0 if not enough memory for n chunks.
796  	  const size_type partition_size = alloc_size();
797  	  const size_type total_req_size = n * requested_size;
798  	  const size_type num_chunks = total_req_size / partition_size +
799  	      ((total_req_size % partition_size) ? true : false);
801  	  void * ret = store().malloc_n(num_chunks, partition_size);
804  	  std::cout << "Allocating " << n << " chunks from pool of size " << partition_size << std::endl;
805  	#endif
806  	  if ((ret != 0) || (n == 0))
807  	    return ret;
810  	  std::cout << "Cache miss, allocating another chunk...\n";
811  	#endif
813  	  // Not enough memory in our storages; make a new storage,
815  	  next_size = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(next_size, num_chunks);
816  	  size_type POD_size = static_cast<size_type>(next_size * partition_size +
817  	      integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value + sizeof(size_type));
818  	  char * ptr = (UserAllocator::malloc)(POD_size);
819  	  if (ptr == 0)
820  	  {
821  	     if(num_chunks < next_size)
822  	     {
823  	        // Try again with just enough memory to do the job, or at least whatever we
824  	        // allocated last time:
825  	        next_size >>= 1;
826  	        next_size = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(next_size, num_chunks);
827  	        POD_size = static_cast<size_type>(next_size * partition_size +
828  	            integer::static_lcm<sizeof(size_type), sizeof(void *)>::value + sizeof(size_type));
829  	        ptr = (UserAllocator::malloc)(POD_size);
830  	     }
831  	     if(ptr == 0)
832  	       return 0;
833  	  }
834  	  const details::PODptr<size_type> node(ptr, POD_size);
836  	  // Split up block so we can use what wasn't requested.
837  	  if (next_size > num_chunks)
838  	    store().add_ordered_block(node.begin() + num_chunks * partition_size,
839  	        node.element_size() - num_chunks * partition_size, partition_size);
842  	  if(!max_size)
843  	    next_size <<= 1;
844  	  else if( next_size*partition_size/requested_size < max_size)
845  	    next_size = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(next_size << 1, max_size*requested_size/ partition_size);
847  	  //  insert it into the list,
848  	  //   handle border case.
849  	  if (!list.valid() || std::greater<void *>()(list.begin(), node.begin()))
850  	  {
851  	    node.next(list);
852  	    list = node;
853  	  }
854  	  else
855  	  {
856  	    details::PODptr<size_type> prev = list;
858  	    while (true)
859  	    {
860  	      // if we're about to hit the end, or if we've found where "node" goes.
861  	      if (prev.next_ptr() == 0
862  	          || std::greater<void *>()(prev.next_ptr(), node.begin()))
863  	        break;
865  	      prev = prev.next();
866  	    }
868  	    node.next(prev.next());
869  	    prev.next(node);
870  	  }
872  	  //  and return it.
873  	  return node.begin();
874  	}
876  	template <typename UserAllocator>
877  	details::PODptr<typename pool<UserAllocator>::size_type>
878  	pool<UserAllocator>::find_POD(void * const chunk) const
879  	{ //! find which PODptr storage memory that this chunk is from.
880  	  //! \returns the PODptr that holds this chunk.
881  	  // Iterate down list to find which storage this chunk is from.
882  	  details::PODptr<size_type> iter = list;
883  	  while (iter.valid())
884  	  {
885  	    if (is_from(chunk, iter.begin(), iter.element_size()))
886  	      return iter;
887  	    iter = iter.next();
888  	  }
890  	  return iter;
891  	}
893  	#else // BOOST_POOL_VALGRIND
895  	template<typename UserAllocator> 
896  	class pool 
897  	{
898  	public:
899  	  // types
900  	  typedef UserAllocator                  user_allocator;   // User allocator. 
901  	  typedef typename UserAllocator::size_type       size_type;        // An unsigned integral type that can represent the size of the largest object to be allocated. 
902  	  typedef typename UserAllocator::difference_type difference_type;  // A signed integral type that can represent the difference of any two pointers. 
904  	  // construct/copy/destruct
905  	  explicit pool(const size_type s, const size_type = 32, const size_type m = 0) : chunk_size(s), max_alloc_size(m) {}
906  	  ~pool()
907  	  {
908  	     purge_memory();
909  	  }
911  	  bool release_memory()
912  	  {
913  	     bool ret = free_list.empty() ? false : true;
914  	     for(std::set<void*>::iterator pos = free_list.begin(); pos != free_list.end(); ++pos)
915  	     {
916  	        (user_allocator::free)(static_cast<char*>(*pos));
917  	     }
918  	     free_list.clear();
919  	     return ret;
920  	  }
921  	  bool purge_memory()
922  	  {
923  	     bool ret = free_list.empty() && used_list.empty() ? false : true;
924  	     for(std::set<void*>::iterator pos = free_list.begin(); pos != free_list.end(); ++pos)
925  	     {
926  	        (user_allocator::free)(static_cast<char*>(*pos));
927  	     }
928  	     free_list.clear();
929  	     for(std::set<void*>::iterator pos = used_list.begin(); pos != used_list.end(); ++pos)
930  	     {
931  	        (user_allocator::free)(static_cast<char*>(*pos));
932  	     }
933  	     used_list.clear();
934  	     return ret;
935  	  }
936  	  size_type get_next_size() const
937  	  {
938  	     return 1;
939  	  }
940  	  void set_next_size(const size_type){}
941  	  size_type get_max_size() const
942  	  {
943  	     return max_alloc_size;
944  	  }
945  	  void set_max_size(const size_type s)
946  	  {
947  	     max_alloc_size = s;
948  	  }
949  	  size_type get_requested_size() const
950  	  {
951  	     return chunk_size;
952  	  }
954  	  {
955  	     void* ret;
956  	     if(free_list.empty())
957  	     {
958  	        ret = (user_allocator::malloc)(chunk_size);
959  	        VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(ret, chunk_size);
960  	     }
961  	     else
962  	     {
963  	        ret = *free_list.begin();
964  	        free_list.erase(free_list.begin());
965  	        VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(ret, chunk_size);
966  	     }
967  	     used_list.insert(ret);
968  	     return ret;
969  	  }
970  	  void * ordered_malloc()
971  	  {
972  	     return (this->malloc)();
973  	  }
974  	  void * ordered_malloc(size_type n)
975  	  {
976  	     if(max_alloc_size && (n > max_alloc_size))
977  	        return 0;
978  	     void* ret = (user_allocator::malloc)(chunk_size * n);
979  	     used_list.insert(ret);
980  	     return ret;
981  	  }
982  	  void free BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(void *const chunk)
983  	  {
984  	     BOOST_ASSERT(used_list.count(chunk) == 1);
985  	     BOOST_ASSERT(free_list.count(chunk) == 0);
986  	     used_list.erase(chunk);
987  	     free_list.insert(chunk);
988  	     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(chunk, chunk_size);
989  	  }
990  	  void ordered_free(void *const chunk)
991  	  {
992  	     return (this->free)(chunk);
993  	  }
994  	  void free BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION(void *const chunk, const size_type)
995  	  {
996  	     BOOST_ASSERT(used_list.count(chunk) == 1);
997  	     BOOST_ASSERT(free_list.count(chunk) == 0);
998  	     used_list.erase(chunk);
999  	     (user_allocator::free)(static_cast<char*>(chunk));
1000 	  }
1001 	  void ordered_free(void *const chunk, const size_type n)
1002 	  {
1003 	     (this->free)(chunk, n);
1004 	  }
1005 	  bool is_from(void *const chunk) const
1006 	  {
1007 	     return used_list.count(chunk) || free_list.count(chunk);
1008 	  }
1010 	protected:
1011 	   size_type chunk_size, max_alloc_size;
1012 	   std::set<void*> free_list, used_list;
1013 	};
1015 	#endif
1017 	} // namespace boost
1019 	#ifdef BOOST_MSVC
1020 	#pragma warning(pop)
1021 	#endif
1023 	#endif // #ifdef BOOST_POOL_HPP