1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
4 #include <errno.h>
6 #include "cls/user/cls_user_client.h"
7 #include "include/rados/librados.hpp"
10 using namespace librados;
13 void cls_user_set_buckets(librados::ObjectWriteOperation& op, list<cls_user_bucket_entry>& entries, bool add)
14 {
15 bufferlist in;
16 cls_user_set_buckets_op call;
17 call.entries = entries;
18 call.add = add;
19 call.time = real_clock::now();
20 encode(call, in);
21 op.exec("user", "set_buckets_info", in);
22 }
24 void cls_user_complete_stats_sync(librados::ObjectWriteOperation& op)
25 {
26 bufferlist in;
27 cls_user_complete_stats_sync_op call;
28 call.time = real_clock::now();
29 encode(call, in);
30 op.exec("user", "complete_stats_sync", in);
31 }
33 void cls_user_remove_bucket(librados::ObjectWriteOperation& op, const cls_user_bucket& bucket)
34 {
35 bufferlist in;
36 cls_user_remove_bucket_op call;
37 call.bucket = bucket;
38 encode(call, in);
39 op.exec("user", "remove_bucket", in);
40 }
42 class ClsUserListCtx : public ObjectOperationCompletion {
43 list<cls_user_bucket_entry> *entries;
44 string *marker;
45 bool *truncated;
46 int *pret;
47 public:
48 ClsUserListCtx(list<cls_user_bucket_entry> *_entries, string *_marker, bool *_truncated, int *_pret) :
49 entries(_entries), marker(_marker), truncated(_truncated), pret(_pret) {}
50 void handle_completion(int r, bufferlist& outbl) override {
51 if (r >= 0) {
52 cls_user_list_buckets_ret ret;
53 try {
54 auto iter = outbl.cbegin();
55 decode(ret, iter);
56 if (entries)
57 *entries = ret.entries;
58 if (truncated)
59 *truncated = ret.truncated;
60 if (marker)
61 *marker = ret.marker;
62 } catch (buffer::error& err) {
63 r = -EIO;
64 }
65 }
66 if (pret) {
67 *pret = r;
68 }
69 }
70 };
72 void cls_user_bucket_list(librados::ObjectReadOperation& op,
73 const string& in_marker,
74 const string& end_marker,
75 int max_entries,
76 list<cls_user_bucket_entry>& entries,
77 string *out_marker,
78 bool *truncated,
79 int *pret)
80 {
81 bufferlist inbl;
82 cls_user_list_buckets_op call;
83 call.marker = in_marker;
84 call.end_marker = end_marker;
85 call.max_entries = max_entries;
87 encode(call, inbl);
89 op.exec("user", "list_buckets", inbl, new ClsUserListCtx(&entries, out_marker, truncated, pret));
90 }
92 class ClsUserGetHeaderCtx : public ObjectOperationCompletion {
93 cls_user_header *header;
94 RGWGetUserHeader_CB *ret_ctx;
95 int *pret;
96 public:
97 ClsUserGetHeaderCtx(cls_user_header *_h, RGWGetUserHeader_CB *_ctx, int *_pret) : header(_h), ret_ctx(_ctx), pret(_pret) {}
(1) Event exn_spec_violation: |
An exception of type "std::length_error" is thrown but the throw list "throw()" doesn't allow it to be thrown. This will cause a call to unexpected() which usually calls terminate(). |
Also see events: |
[fun_call_w_exception] |
98 ~ClsUserGetHeaderCtx() override {
99 if (ret_ctx) {
(2) Event fun_call_w_exception: |
Called function throws an exception of type "std::length_error". [details] |
Also see events: |
[exn_spec_violation] |
100 ret_ctx->put();
101 }
102 }
103 void handle_completion(int r, bufferlist& outbl) override {
104 if (r >= 0) {
105 cls_user_get_header_ret ret;
106 try {
107 auto iter = outbl.cbegin();
108 decode(ret, iter);
109 if (header)
110 *header = ret.header;
111 } catch (buffer::error& err) {
112 r = -EIO;
113 }
114 if (ret_ctx) {
115 ret_ctx->handle_response(r, ret.header);
116 }
117 }
118 if (pret) {
119 *pret = r;
120 }
121 }
122 };
124 void cls_user_get_header(librados::ObjectReadOperation& op,
125 cls_user_header *header, int *pret)
126 {
127 bufferlist inbl;
128 cls_user_get_header_op call;
130 encode(call, inbl);
132 op.exec("user", "get_header", inbl, new ClsUserGetHeaderCtx(header, NULL, pret));
133 }
135 void cls_user_reset_stats(librados::ObjectWriteOperation &op)
136 {
137 bufferlist inbl;
138 cls_user_reset_stats_op call;
139 call.time = real_clock::now();
140 encode(call, inbl);
141 op.exec("user", "reset_user_stats", inbl);
142 }
144 int cls_user_get_header_async(IoCtx& io_ctx, string& oid, RGWGetUserHeader_CB *ctx)
145 {
146 bufferlist in, out;
147 cls_user_get_header_op call;
148 encode(call, in);
149 ObjectReadOperation op;
150 op.exec("user", "get_header", in, new ClsUserGetHeaderCtx(NULL, ctx, NULL)); /* no need to pass pret, as we'll call ctx->handle_response() with correct error */
151 AioCompletion *c = librados::Rados::aio_create_completion(NULL, NULL, NULL);
152 int r = io_ctx.aio_operate(oid, c, &op, NULL);
153 c->release();
154 if (r < 0)
155 return r;
157 return 0;
158 }