1 // -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
2 // vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
3 /*
4 * Ceph - scalable distributed file system
5 *
6 * Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
7 *
8 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software
11 * Foundation. See file COPYING.
12 *
13 */
15 #include "include/compat.h"
17 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
18 #include <sys/param.h>
19 #include <geom/geom_disk.h>
20 #include <sys/disk.h>
21 #include <fcntl.h>
22 #endif
24 #include <errno.h>
25 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
26 #include <sys/stat.h>
27 #include <sys/types.h>
28 #include <sys/stat.h>
29 #include <fcntl.h>
30 #include <dirent.h>
31 #include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
32 //#include "common/debug.h"
33 #include "include/scope_guard.h"
34 #include "include/uuid.h"
35 #include "include/stringify.h"
36 #include "blkdev.h"
37 #include "numa.h"
39 #include "json_spirit/json_spirit_reader.h"
41 int get_device_by_path(const char *path, char* partition, char* device,
42 size_t max)
43 {
44 int fd = ::open(path, O_RDONLY|O_DIRECTORY);
45 if (fd < 0) {
46 return -errno;
47 }
48 auto close_fd = make_scope_guard([fd] {
49 ::close(fd);
50 });
51 BlkDev blkdev(fd);
52 if (auto ret = blkdev.partition(partition, max); ret) {
53 return ret;
54 }
55 if (auto ret = blkdev.wholedisk(device, max); ret) {
56 return ret;
57 }
58 return 0;
59 }
62 #include "common/blkdev.h"
64 #ifdef __linux__
65 #include <libudev.h>
66 #include <linux/fs.h>
67 #include <linux/kdev_t.h>
68 #include <blkid/blkid.h>
70 #include <set>
72 #include "common/SubProcess.h"
73 #include "common/errno.h"
76 #define UUID_LEN 36
78 #endif
81 BlkDev::BlkDev(int f)
82 : fd(f)
83 {}
85 BlkDev::BlkDev(const std::string& devname)
86 : devname(devname)
87 {}
89 int BlkDev::get_devid(dev_t *id) const
90 {
91 struct stat st;
92 int r;
93 if (fd >= 0) {
94 r = fstat(fd, &st);
95 } else {
96 char path[PATH_MAX];
97 snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "/dev/%s", devname.c_str());
98 r = stat(path, &st);
99 }
100 if (r < 0) {
101 return -errno;
102 }
103 *id = S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) ? st.st_rdev : st.st_dev;
104 return 0;
105 }
107 #ifdef __linux__
108 static const char *blkdev_props2strings[] = {
109 [BLKDEV_PROP_DEV] = "dev",
110 [BLKDEV_PROP_DISCARD_GRANULARITY] = "queue/discard_granularity",
111 [BLKDEV_PROP_MODEL] = "device/model",
112 [BLKDEV_PROP_ROTATIONAL] = "queue/rotational",
113 [BLKDEV_PROP_SERIAL] = "device/serial",
114 [BLKDEV_PROP_VENDOR] = "device/device/vendor",
115 [BLKDEV_PROP_NUMA_NODE] = "device/device/numa_node",
116 [BLKDEV_PROP_NUMA_CPUS] = "device/device/local_cpulist",
117 };
119 const char *BlkDev::sysfsdir() const {
120 return "/sys";
121 }
123 int BlkDev::get_size(int64_t *psize) const
124 {
125 #ifdef BLKGETSIZE64
126 int ret = ::ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, psize);
127 #elif defined(BLKGETSIZE)
128 unsigned long sectors = 0;
129 int ret = ::ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE, §ors);
130 *psize = sectors * 512ULL;
131 #else
132 // cppcheck-suppress preprocessorErrorDirective
133 # error "Linux configuration error (get_size)"
134 #endif
135 if (ret < 0)
136 ret = -errno;
137 return ret;
138 }
140 /**
141 * get a block device property as a string
142 *
143 * store property in *val, up to maxlen chars
144 * return 0 on success
145 * return negative error on error
146 */
147 int64_t BlkDev::get_string_property(blkdev_prop_t prop,
148 char *val, size_t maxlen) const
149 {
150 char filename[PATH_MAX], wd[PATH_MAX];
151 const char* dev = nullptr;
152 assert(prop < BLKDEV_PROP_NUMPROPS);
153 const char *propstr = blkdev_props2strings[prop];
155 if (fd >= 0) {
156 // sysfs isn't fully populated for partitions, so we need to lookup the sysfs
157 // entry for the underlying whole disk.
158 if (int r = wholedisk(wd, sizeof(wd)); r < 0)
159 return r;
160 dev = wd;
161 } else {
162 dev = devname.c_str();
163 }
164 if (snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/block/%s/%s", sysfsdir(), dev,
165 propstr) >= static_cast<int>(sizeof(filename))) {
166 return -ERANGE;
167 }
169 FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
170 if (fp == NULL) {
171 return -errno;
172 }
174 int r = 0;
175 if (fgets(val, maxlen - 1, fp)) {
176 // truncate at newline
177 char *p = val;
178 while (*p && *p != '\n')
179 ++p;
180 *p = 0;
181 } else {
182 r = -EINVAL;
183 }
184 fclose(fp);
185 return r;
186 }
188 /**
189 * get a block device property
190 *
191 * return the value (we assume it is positive)
192 * return negative error on error
193 */
194 int64_t BlkDev::get_int_property(blkdev_prop_t prop) const
195 {
196 char buff[256] = {0};
197 int r = get_string_property(prop, buff, sizeof(buff));
198 if (r < 0)
199 return r;
200 // take only digits
201 for (char *p = buff; *p; ++p) {
202 if (!isdigit(*p)) {
203 *p = 0;
204 break;
205 }
206 }
207 char *endptr = 0;
208 r = strtoll(buff, &endptr, 10);
209 if (endptr != buff + strlen(buff))
210 r = -EINVAL;
211 return r;
212 }
214 bool BlkDev::support_discard() const
215 {
216 return get_int_property(BLKDEV_PROP_DISCARD_GRANULARITY) > 0;
217 }
219 int BlkDev::discard(int64_t offset, int64_t len) const
220 {
221 uint64_t range[2] = {(uint64_t)offset, (uint64_t)len};
222 return ioctl(fd, BLKDISCARD, range);
223 }
225 bool BlkDev::is_nvme() const
226 {
227 char vendor[80];
228 // nvme has a device/device/vendor property; infer from that. There is
229 // probably a better way?
230 int r = get_string_property(BLKDEV_PROP_VENDOR, vendor, 80);
231 return (r == 0);
232 }
234 bool BlkDev::is_rotational() const
235 {
236 return get_int_property(BLKDEV_PROP_ROTATIONAL) > 0;
237 }
239 int BlkDev::get_numa_node(int *node) const
240 {
241 int numa = get_int_property(BLKDEV_PROP_NUMA_NODE);
242 if (numa < 0)
243 return -1;
244 *node = numa;
245 return 0;
246 }
248 int BlkDev::dev(char *dev, size_t max) const
249 {
250 return get_string_property(BLKDEV_PROP_DEV, dev, max);
251 }
253 int BlkDev::vendor(char *vendor, size_t max) const
254 {
255 return get_string_property(BLKDEV_PROP_VENDOR, vendor, max);
256 }
258 int BlkDev::model(char *model, size_t max) const
259 {
260 return get_string_property(BLKDEV_PROP_MODEL, model, max);
261 }
263 int BlkDev::serial(char *serial, size_t max) const
264 {
265 return get_string_property(BLKDEV_PROP_SERIAL, serial, max);
266 }
268 int BlkDev::partition(char *partition, size_t max) const
269 {
270 dev_t id;
271 int r = get_devid(&id);
272 if (r < 0)
273 return -EINVAL; // hrm.
275 char *t = blkid_devno_to_devname(id);
276 if (!t) {
277 return -EINVAL;
278 }
279 strncpy(partition, t, max);
280 free(t);
281 return 0;
282 }
284 int BlkDev::wholedisk(char *device, size_t max) const
285 {
286 dev_t id;
287 int r = get_devid(&id);
288 if (r < 0)
289 return -EINVAL; // hrm.
291 r = blkid_devno_to_wholedisk(id, device, max, nullptr);
292 if (r < 0) {
293 return -EINVAL;
294 }
295 return 0;
296 }
298 static int easy_readdir(const std::string& dir, std::set<std::string> *out)
299 {
300 DIR *h = ::opendir(dir.c_str());
301 if (!h) {
302 return -errno;
303 }
304 struct dirent *de = nullptr;
305 while ((de = ::readdir(h))) {
306 if (strcmp(de->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
307 strcmp(de->d_name, "..") == 0) {
308 continue;
309 }
310 out->insert(de->d_name);
311 }
312 closedir(h);
313 return 0;
314 }
316 void get_dm_parents(const std::string& dev, std::set<std::string> *ls)
317 {
318 std::string p = std::string("/sys/block/") + dev + "/slaves";
319 std::set<std::string> parents;
320 easy_readdir(p, &parents);
321 for (auto& d : parents) {
322 ls->insert(d);
323 // recurse in case it is dm-on-dm
324 if (d.find("dm-") == 0) {
325 get_dm_parents(d, ls);
326 }
327 }
328 }
330 void get_raw_devices(const std::string& in,
331 std::set<std::string> *ls)
332 {
333 if (in.substr(0, 3) == "dm-") {
334 std::set<std::string> o;
335 get_dm_parents(in, &o);
336 for (auto& d : o) {
337 get_raw_devices(d, ls);
338 }
339 } else {
340 BlkDev d(in);
341 std::string wholedisk;
342 if (d.wholedisk(&wholedisk) == 0) {
343 ls->insert(wholedisk);
344 } else {
345 ls->insert(in);
346 }
347 }
348 }
350 int _get_vdo_stats_handle(const char *devname, std::string *vdo_name)
351 {
352 int vdo_fd = -1;
354 // we need to go from the raw devname (e.g., dm-4) to the VDO volume name.
355 // currently the best way seems to be to look at /dev/mapper/* ...
356 std::string expect = std::string("../") + devname; // expected symlink target
357 DIR *dir = ::opendir("/dev/mapper");
(1) Event cond_false: |
Condition "!dir", taking false branch. |
358 if (!dir) {
359 return -1;
(2) Event if_end: |
End of if statement. |
360 }
361 struct dirent *de = nullptr;
(3) Event cond_true: |
Condition "de = readdir(dir)", taking true branch. |
(7) Event cond_true: |
Condition "de = readdir(dir)", taking true branch. |
(13) Event cond_true: |
Condition "de = readdir(dir)", taking true branch. |
362 while ((de = ::readdir(dir))) {
(4) Event cond_true: |
Condition "de->d_name[0] == '.'", taking true branch. |
(8) Event cond_false: |
Condition "de->d_name[0] == '.'", taking false branch. |
(14) Event cond_false: |
Condition "de->d_name[0] == '.'", taking false branch. |
363 if (de->d_name[0] == '.')
(5) Event continue: |
Continuing loop. |
(9) Event if_end: |
End of if statement. |
(15) Event if_end: |
End of if statement. |
364 continue;
365 char fn[4096], target[4096];
366 snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "/dev/mapper/%s", de->d_name);
(16) Event fs_check_call: |
Calling function "readlink" to perform check on "fn". |
Also see events: |
[toctou] |
367 int r = readlink(fn, target, sizeof(target));
(10) Event cond_true: |
Condition "r < 0", taking true branch. |
(17) Event cond_false: |
Condition "r < 0", taking false branch. |
(18) Event cond_false: |
Condition "r >= 4096 /* (int)sizeof (target) */", taking false branch. |
368 if (r < 0 || r >= (int)sizeof(target))
(11) Event continue: |
Continuing loop. |
(19) Event if_end: |
End of if statement. |
369 continue;
370 target[r] = 0;
(20) Event cond_true: |
Condition "expect == target", taking true branch. |
371 if (expect == target) {
372 snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "/sys/kvdo/%s/statistics", de->d_name);
(21) Event toctou: |
Calling function "open" that uses "fn" after a check function. This can cause a time-of-check, time-of-use race condition. |
Also see events: |
[fs_check_call] |
373 vdo_fd = ::open(fn, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC); //DIRECTORY);
374 if (vdo_fd >= 0) {
375 *vdo_name = de->d_name;
376 break;
377 }
378 }
(6) Event loop: |
Looping back. |
(12) Event loop: |
Looping back. |
379 }
380 closedir(dir);
381 return vdo_fd;
382 }
384 int get_vdo_stats_handle(const char *devname, std::string *vdo_name)
385 {
386 std::set<std::string> devs = { devname };
387 while (!devs.empty()) {
388 std::string dev = *devs.begin();
389 devs.erase(devs.begin());
390 int fd = _get_vdo_stats_handle(dev.c_str(), vdo_name);
391 if (fd >= 0) {
392 // yay, it's vdo
393 return fd;
394 }
395 // ok, see if there are constituent devices
396 if (dev.find("dm-") == 0) {
397 get_dm_parents(dev, &devs);
398 }
399 }
400 return -1;
401 }
403 int64_t get_vdo_stat(int vdo_fd, const char *property)
404 {
405 int64_t ret = 0;
406 int fd = ::openat(vdo_fd, property, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
407 if (fd < 0) {
408 return 0;
409 }
410 char buf[1024];
411 int r = ::read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
412 if (r > 0) {
413 buf[r] = 0;
414 ret = atoll(buf);
415 }
416 TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(::close(fd));
417 return ret;
418 }
420 bool get_vdo_utilization(int fd, uint64_t *total, uint64_t *avail)
421 {
422 int64_t block_size = get_vdo_stat(fd, "block_size");
423 int64_t physical_blocks = get_vdo_stat(fd, "physical_blocks");
424 int64_t overhead_blocks_used = get_vdo_stat(fd, "overhead_blocks_used");
425 int64_t data_blocks_used = get_vdo_stat(fd, "data_blocks_used");
426 if (!block_size
427 || !physical_blocks
428 || !overhead_blocks_used
429 || !data_blocks_used) {
430 return false;
431 }
432 int64_t avail_blocks =
433 physical_blocks - overhead_blocks_used - data_blocks_used;
434 *total = block_size * physical_blocks;
435 *avail = block_size * avail_blocks;
436 return true;
437 }
439 std::string _decode_model_enc(const std::string& in)
440 {
441 auto v = boost::replace_all_copy(in, "\\x20", " ");
442 if (auto found = v.find_last_not_of(" "); found != v.npos) {
443 v.erase(found + 1);
444 }
445 std::replace(v.begin(), v.end(), ' ', '_');
446 return v;
447 }
449 // trying to use udev first, and if it doesn't work, we fall back to
450 // reading /sys/block/$devname/device/(vendor/model/serial).
451 std::string get_device_id(const std::string& devname,
452 std::string *err)
453 {
454 struct udev_device *dev;
455 static struct udev *udev;
456 const char *data;
458 udev = udev_new();
459 if (!udev) {
460 if (err) {
461 *err = "udev_new failed";
462 }
463 return {};
464 }
465 dev = udev_device_new_from_subsystem_sysname(udev, "block", devname.c_str());
466 if (!dev) {
467 if (err) {
468 *err = std::string("udev_device_new_from_subsystem_sysname failed on '")
469 + devname + "'";
470 }
471 udev_unref(udev);
472 return {};
473 }
475 // ****
476 // NOTE: please keep this implementation in sync with _get_device_id() in
477 // src/ceph-volume/ceph_volume/util/device.py
478 // ****
480 std::string id_vendor, id_model, id_serial, id_serial_short, id_scsi_serial;
481 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_VENDOR");
482 if (data) {
483 id_vendor = data;
484 }
485 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_MODEL");
486 if (data) {
487 id_model = data;
488 // sometimes, ID_MODEL is "LVM ..." but ID_MODEL_ENC is correct (but
489 // encoded with \x20 for space).
490 if (id_model.substr(0, 7) == "LVM PV ") {
491 const char *enc = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_MODEL_ENC");
492 if (enc) {
493 id_model = _decode_model_enc(enc);
494 } else {
495 // ignore ID_MODEL then
496 id_model.clear();
497 }
498 }
499 }
500 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_SERIAL_SHORT");
501 if (data) {
502 id_serial_short = data;
503 }
504 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_SCSI_SERIAL");
505 if (data) {
506 id_scsi_serial = data;
507 }
508 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_SERIAL");
509 if (data) {
510 id_serial = data;
511 }
512 udev_device_unref(dev);
513 udev_unref(udev);
515 // ID_SERIAL is usually $vendor_$model_$serial, but not always
516 // ID_SERIAL_SHORT is mostly always just the serial
517 // ID_MODEL is sometimes $vendor_$model, but
518 // ID_VENDOR is sometimes $vendor and ID_MODEL just $model and ID_SCSI_SERIAL the real serial number, with ID_SERIAL and ID_SERIAL_SHORT gibberish (ick)
519 std::string device_id;
520 if (id_vendor.size() && id_model.size() && id_scsi_serial.size()) {
521 device_id = id_vendor + '_' + id_model + '_' + id_scsi_serial;
522 } else if (id_model.size() && id_serial_short.size()) {
523 device_id = id_model + '_' + id_serial_short;
524 } else if (id_serial.size()) {
525 device_id = id_serial;
526 if (device_id.substr(0, 4) == "MTFD") {
527 // Micron NVMes hide the vendor
528 device_id = "Micron_" + device_id;
529 }
530 }
531 if (device_id.size()) {
532 std::replace(device_id.begin(), device_id.end(), ' ', '_');
533 return device_id;
534 }
536 // either udev_device_get_property_value() failed, or succeeded but
537 // returned nothing; trying to read from files. note that the 'vendor'
538 // file rarely contains the actual vendor; it's usually 'ATA'.
539 std::string model, serial;
540 char buf[1024] = {0};
541 BlkDev blkdev(devname);
542 if (!blkdev.model(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
543 model = buf;
544 }
545 if (blkdev.serial(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
546 serial = buf;
547 }
548 if (!model.size() || serial.size()) {
549 if (err) {
550 *err = std::string("fallback method has serial '") + serial
551 + "'but no model";
552 }
553 return {};
554 }
556 device_id = model + "_" + serial;
557 std::replace(device_id.begin(), device_id.end(), ' ', '_');
558 return device_id;
559 }
561 static std::string get_device_vendor(const std::string& devname)
562 {
563 struct udev_device *dev;
564 static struct udev *udev;
565 const char *data;
567 udev = udev_new();
568 if (!udev) {
569 return {};
570 }
571 dev = udev_device_new_from_subsystem_sysname(udev, "block", devname.c_str());
572 if (!dev) {
573 udev_unref(udev);
574 return {};
575 }
577 std::string id_vendor, id_model;
578 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_VENDOR");
579 if (data) {
580 id_vendor = data;
581 }
582 data = udev_device_get_property_value(dev, "ID_MODEL");
583 if (data) {
584 id_model = data;
585 }
586 udev_device_unref(dev);
587 udev_unref(udev);
589 std::transform(id_vendor.begin(), id_vendor.end(), id_vendor.begin(),
590 ::tolower);
591 std::transform(id_model.begin(), id_model.end(), id_model.begin(),
592 ::tolower);
594 if (id_vendor.size()) {
595 return id_vendor;
596 }
597 if (id_model.size()) {
598 int pos = id_model.find(" ");
599 if (pos > 0) {
600 return id_model.substr(0, pos);
601 } else {
602 return id_model;
603 }
604 }
606 std::string vendor, model;
607 char buf[1024] = {0};
608 BlkDev blkdev(devname);
609 if (!blkdev.vendor(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
610 vendor = buf;
611 }
612 if (!blkdev.model(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
613 model = buf;
614 }
615 if (vendor.size()) {
616 return vendor;
617 }
618 if (model.size()) {
619 int pos = model.find(" ");
620 if (pos > 0) {
621 return model.substr(0, pos);
622 } else {
623 return model;
624 }
625 }
627 return {};
628 }
630 static int block_device_run_vendor_nvme(
631 const string& devname, const string& vendor, int timeout,
632 std::string *result)
633 {
634 string device = "/dev/" + devname;
636 SubProcessTimed nvmecli(
637 "sudo", SubProcess::CLOSE, SubProcess::PIPE, SubProcess::CLOSE,
638 timeout);
639 nvmecli.add_cmd_args(
640 "nvme",
641 vendor.c_str(),
642 "smart-log-add",
643 "--json",
644 device.c_str(),
645 NULL);
646 int ret = nvmecli.spawn();
647 if (ret != 0) {
648 *result = std::string("error spawning nvme command: ") + nvmecli.err();
649 return ret;
650 }
652 bufferlist output;
653 ret = output.read_fd(nvmecli.get_stdout(), 100*1024);
654 if (ret < 0) {
655 bufferlist err;
656 err.read_fd(nvmecli.get_stderr(), 100 * 1024);
657 *result = std::string("failed to execute nvme: ") + err.to_str();
658 } else {
659 ret = 0;
660 *result = output.to_str();
661 }
663 if (nvmecli.join() != 0) {
664 *result = std::string("nvme returned an error: ") + nvmecli.err();
665 return -EINVAL;
666 }
668 return ret;
669 }
671 static int block_device_run_smartctl(const string& devname, int timeout,
672 std::string *result)
673 {
674 string device = "/dev/" + devname;
676 // when using --json, smartctl will report its errors in JSON format to stdout
677 SubProcessTimed smartctl(
678 "sudo", SubProcess::CLOSE, SubProcess::PIPE, SubProcess::CLOSE,
679 timeout);
680 smartctl.add_cmd_args(
681 "smartctl",
682 "-a",
683 //"-x",
684 "--json=o",
685 device.c_str(),
686 NULL);
688 int ret = smartctl.spawn();
689 if (ret != 0) {
690 *result = std::string("error spawning smartctl: ") + smartctl.err();
691 return ret;
692 }
694 bufferlist output;
695 ret = output.read_fd(smartctl.get_stdout(), 100*1024);
696 if (ret < 0) {
697 *result = std::string("failed read smartctl output: ") + cpp_strerror(-ret);
698 } else {
699 ret = 0;
700 *result = output.to_str();
701 }
703 int joinerr = smartctl.join();
704 // Bit 0: Command line did not parse.
705 // Bit 1: Device open failed, device did not return an IDENTIFY DEVICE structure, or device is in a low-power mode (see '-n' option above).
706 // Bit 2: Some SMART or other ATA command to the disk failed, or there was a checksum error in a SMART data structure (see '-b' option above).
707 // Bit 3: SMART status check returned "DISK FAILING".
708 // Bit 4: We found prefail Attributes <= threshold.
709 // Bit 5: SMART status check returned "DISK OK" but we found that some (usage or prefail) Attributes have been <= threshold at some time in the past.
710 // Bit 6: The device error log contains records of errors.
711 // Bit 7: The device self-test log contains records of errors. [ATA only] Failed self-tests outdated by a newer successful extended self-test are ignored.
712 if (joinerr & 3) {
713 *result = "smartctl returned an error ("s + stringify(joinerr) +
714 "): stderr:\n"s + smartctl.err() + "\nstdout:\n"s + *result;
715 return -EINVAL;
716 }
718 return ret;
719 }
721 static std::string escape_quotes(const std::string& s)
722 {
723 std::string r = s;
724 auto pos = r.find("\"");
725 while (pos != std::string::npos) {
726 r.replace(pos, 1, "\"");
727 pos = r.find("\"", pos + 1);
728 }
729 return r;
730 }
732 int block_device_get_metrics(const string& devname, int timeout,
733 json_spirit::mValue *result)
734 {
735 std::string s;
737 // smartctl
738 if (int r = block_device_run_smartctl(devname, timeout, &s);
739 r != 0) {
740 string orig = s;
741 s = "{\"error\": \"smartctl failed\", \"dev\": \"/dev/";
742 s += devname;
743 s += "\", \"smartctl_error_code\": " + stringify(r);
744 s += ", \"smartctl_output\": \"" + escape_quotes(orig);
745 s += + "\"}";
746 } else if (!json_spirit::read(s, *result)) {
747 string orig = s;
748 s = "{\"error\": \"smartctl returned invalid JSON\", \"dev\": \"/dev/";
749 s += devname;
750 s += "\",\"output\":\"";
751 s += escape_quotes(orig);
752 s += "\"}";
753 }
754 if (!json_spirit::read(s, *result)) {
755 return -EINVAL;
756 }
758 json_spirit::mObject& base = result->get_obj();
759 string vendor = get_device_vendor(devname);
760 if (vendor.size()) {
761 base["nvme_vendor"] = vendor;
762 s.clear();
763 json_spirit::mValue nvme_json;
764 if (int r = block_device_run_vendor_nvme(devname, vendor, timeout, &s);
765 r == 0) {
766 if (json_spirit::read(s, nvme_json) != 0) {
767 base["nvme_smart_health_information_add_log"] = nvme_json;
768 } else {
769 base["nvme_smart_health_information_add_log_error"] = "bad json output: "
770 + s;
771 }
772 } else {
773 base["nvme_smart_health_information_add_log_error_code"] = r;
774 base["nvme_smart_health_information_add_log_error"] = s;
775 }
776 } else {
777 base["nvme_vendor"] = "unknown";
778 }
780 return 0;
781 }
783 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
784 #include <sys/disk.h>
786 const char *BlkDev::sysfsdir() const {
787 assert(false); // Should never be called on Apple
788 return "";
789 }
791 int BlkDev::dev(char *dev, size_t max) const
792 {
793 struct stat sb;
795 if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0)
796 return -errno;
798 snprintf(dev, max, "%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)sb.st_rdev);
800 return 0;
801 }
803 int BlkDev::get_size(int64_t *psize) const
804 {
805 unsigned long blocksize = 0;
806 int ret = ::ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &blocksize);
807 if (!ret) {
808 unsigned long nblocks;
809 ret = ::ioctl(fd, DKIOCGETBLOCKCOUNT, &nblocks);
810 if (!ret)
811 *psize = (int64_t)nblocks * blocksize;
812 }
813 if (ret < 0)
814 ret = -errno;
815 return ret;
816 }
818 int64_t BlkDev::get_int_property(blkdev_prop_t prop) const
819 {
820 return 0;
821 }
823 bool BlkDev::support_discard() const
824 {
825 return false;
826 }
828 int BlkDev::discard(int64_t offset, int64_t len) const
829 {
830 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
831 }
833 bool BlkDev::is_nvme() const
834 {
835 return false;
836 }
838 bool BlkDev::is_rotational() const
839 {
840 return false;
841 }
843 int BlkDev::get_numa_node(int *node) const
844 {
845 return -1;
846 }
848 int BlkDev::model(char *model, size_t max) const
849 {
850 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
851 }
853 int BlkDev::serial(char *serial, size_t max) const
854 {
855 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
856 }
858 int BlkDev::partition(char *partition, size_t max) const
859 {
860 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
861 }
863 int BlkDev::wholedisk(char *device, size_t max) const
864 {
865 }
868 void get_dm_parents(const std::string& dev, std::set<std::string> *ls)
869 {
870 }
872 void get_raw_devices(const std::string& in,
873 std::set<std::string> *ls)
874 {
875 }
877 int get_vdo_stats_handle(const char *devname, std::string *vdo_name)
878 {
879 return -1;
880 }
882 int64_t get_vdo_stat(int fd, const char *property)
883 {
884 return 0;
885 }
887 bool get_vdo_utilization(int fd, uint64_t *total, uint64_t *avail)
888 {
889 return false;
890 }
892 std::string get_device_id(const std::string& devname,
893 std::string *err)
894 {
895 // FIXME: implement me
896 if (err) {
897 *err = "not implemented";
898 }
899 return std::string();
900 }
902 #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
904 const char *BlkDev::sysfsdir() const {
905 assert(false); // Should never be called on FreeBSD
906 return "";
907 }
909 int BlkDev::dev(char *dev, size_t max) const
910 {
911 struct stat sb;
913 if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0)
914 return -errno;
916 snprintf(dev, max, "%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)sb.st_rdev);
918 return 0;
919 }
921 int BlkDev::get_size(int64_t *psize) const
922 {
923 int ret = ::ioctl(fd, DIOCGMEDIASIZE, psize);
924 if (ret < 0)
925 ret = -errno;
926 return ret;
927 }
929 int64_t BlkDev::get_int_property(blkdev_prop_t prop) const
930 {
931 return 0;
932 }
934 bool BlkDev::support_discard() const
935 {
937 // there is no point to claim support of discard, but
938 // unable to do so.
939 struct diocgattr_arg arg;
941 strlcpy(arg.name, "GEOM::candelete", sizeof(arg.name));
942 arg.len = sizeof(arg.value.i);
943 if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGATTR, &arg) == 0) {
944 return (arg.value.i != 0);
945 } else {
946 return false;
947 }
948 #endif
949 return false;
950 }
952 int BlkDev::discard(int64_t offset, int64_t len) const
953 {
954 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
955 }
957 bool BlkDev::is_nvme() const
958 {
959 // FreeBSD doesn't have a good way to tell if a device's underlying protocol
960 // is NVME, especially since multiple GEOM transforms may be involved. So
961 // we'll just guess based on the device name.
962 struct fiodgname_arg arg;
963 const char *nda = "nda"; //CAM-based attachment
964 const char *nvd = "nvd"; //CAM-less attachment
965 char devname[PATH_MAX];
967 arg.buf = devname;
968 arg.len = sizeof(devname);
969 if (ioctl(fd, FIODGNAME, &arg) < 0)
970 return false; //When in doubt, it's probably not NVME
972 return (strncmp(nvd, devname, strlen(nvd)) == 0 ||
973 strncmp(nda, devname, strlen(nda)) == 0);
974 }
976 bool BlkDev::is_rotational() const
977 {
978 #if __FreeBSD_version >= 1200049
979 struct diocgattr_arg arg;
981 strlcpy(arg.name, "GEOM::rotation_rate", sizeof(arg.name));
982 arg.len = sizeof(arg.value.u16);
984 int ioctl_ret = ioctl(fd, DIOCGATTR, &arg);
985 bool ret;
986 if (ioctl_ret < 0 || arg.value.u16 == DISK_RR_UNKNOWN)
987 // DISK_RR_UNKNOWN usually indicates an old drive, which is usually spinny
988 ret = true;
989 else if (arg.value.u16 == DISK_RR_NON_ROTATING)
990 ret = false;
991 else if (arg.value.u16 >= DISK_RR_MIN && arg.value.u16 <= DISK_RR_MAX)
992 ret = true;
993 else
994 ret = true; // Invalid value. Probably spinny?
996 return ret;
997 #else
998 return true; // When in doubt, it's probably spinny
999 #endif
1000 }
1002 int BlkDev::get_numa_node(int *node) const
1003 {
1004 int numa = get_int_property(BLKDEV_PROP_NUMA_NODE);
1005 if (numa < 0)
1006 return -1;
1007 *node = numa;
1008 return 0;
1009 }
1011 int BlkDev::model(char *model, size_t max) const
1012 {
1013 struct diocgattr_arg arg;
1015 strlcpy(arg.name, "GEOM::descr", sizeof(arg.name));
1016 arg.len = sizeof(arg.value.str);
1017 if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGATTR, &arg) < 0) {
1018 return -errno;
1019 }
1021 // The GEOM description is of the form "vendor product" for SCSI disks
1022 // and "ATA device_model" for ATA disks. Some vendors choose to put the
1023 // vendor name in device_model, and some don't. Strip the first bit.
1024 char *p = arg.value.str;
1025 if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') {
1026 *model = '\0';
1027 } else {
1028 (void) strsep(&p, " ");
1029 snprintf(model, max, "%s", p);
1030 }
1032 return 0;
1033 }
1035 int BlkDev::serial(char *serial, size_t max) const
1036 {
1037 char ident[DISK_IDENT_SIZE];
1039 if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGIDENT, ident) < 0)
1040 return -errno;
1042 snprintf(serial, max, "%s", ident);
1044 return 0;
1045 }
1047 void get_dm_parents(const std::string& dev, std::set<std::string> *ls)
1048 {
1049 }
1051 void get_raw_devices(const std::string& in,
1052 std::set<std::string> *ls)
1053 {
1054 }
1056 int get_vdo_stats_handle(const char *devname, std::string *vdo_name)
1057 {
1058 return -1;
1059 }
1061 int64_t get_vdo_stat(int fd, const char *property)
1062 {
1063 return 0;
1064 }
1066 bool get_vdo_utilization(int fd, uint64_t *total, uint64_t *avail)
1067 {
1068 return false;
1069 }
1071 std::string get_device_id(const std::string& devname,
1072 std::string *err)
1073 {
1074 // FIXME: implement me for freebsd
1075 if (err) {
1076 *err = "not implemented for FreeBSD";
1077 }
1078 return std::string();
1079 }
1081 int block_device_run_smartctl(const char *device, int timeout,
1082 std::string *result)
1083 {
1084 // FIXME: implement me for freebsd
1085 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1086 }
1088 int block_device_get_metrics(const string& devname, int timeout,
1089 json_spirit::mValue *result)
1090 {
1091 // FIXME: implement me for freebsd
1092 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1093 }
1095 int block_device_run_nvme(const char *device, const char *vendor, int timeout,
1096 std::string *result)
1097 {
1098 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1099 }
1101 static int block_device_devname(int fd, char *devname, size_t max)
1102 {
1103 struct fiodgname_arg arg;
1105 arg.buf = devname;
1106 arg.len = max;
1107 if (ioctl(fd, FIODGNAME, &arg) < 0)
1108 return -errno;
1109 return 0;
1110 }
1112 int BlkDev::partition(char *partition, size_t max) const
1113 {
1114 char devname[PATH_MAX];
1116 if (block_device_devname(fd, devname, sizeof(devname)) < 0)
1117 return -errno;
1118 snprintf(partition, max, "/dev/%s", devname);
1119 return 0;
1120 }
1122 int BlkDev::wholedisk(char *wd, size_t max) const
1123 {
1124 char devname[PATH_MAX];
1126 if (block_device_devname(fd, devname, sizeof(devname)) < 0)
1127 return -errno;
1129 size_t first_digit = strcspn(devname, "0123456789");
1130 // first_digit now indexes the first digit or null character of devname
1131 size_t next_nondigit = strspn(&devname[first_digit], "0123456789");
1132 next_nondigit += first_digit;
1133 // next_nondigit now indexes the first alphabetic or null character after the
1134 // unit number
1135 strlcpy(wd, devname, next_nondigit + 1);
1136 return 0;
1137 }
1139 #else
1141 const char *BlkDev::sysfsdir() const {
1142 assert(false); // Should never be called on non-Linux
1143 return "";
1144 }
1146 int BlkDev::dev(char *dev, size_t max) const
1147 {
1148 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1149 }
1151 int BlkDev::get_size(int64_t *psize) const
1152 {
1153 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1154 }
1156 bool BlkDev::support_discard() const
1157 {
1158 return false;
1159 }
1161 int BlkDev::discard(int fd, int64_t offset, int64_t len) const
1162 {
1163 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1164 }
1166 bool BlkDev::is_nvme(const char *devname) const
1167 {
1168 return false;
1169 }
1171 bool BlkDev::is_rotational(const char *devname) const
1172 {
1173 return false;
1174 }
1176 int BlkDev::model(char *model, size_t max) const
1177 {
1178 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1179 }
1181 int BlkDev::serial(char *serial, size_t max) const
1182 {
1183 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1184 }
1186 int BlkDev::partition(char *partition, size_t max) const
1187 {
1188 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1189 }
1191 int BlkDev::wholedisk(char *wd, size_t max) const
1192 {
1193 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1194 }
1196 void get_dm_parents(const std::string& dev, std::set<std::string> *ls)
1197 {
1198 }
1200 void get_raw_devices(const std::string& in,
1201 std::set<std::string> *ls)
1202 {
1203 }
1205 int get_vdo_stats_handle(const char *devname, std::string *vdo_name)
1206 {
1207 return -1;
1208 }
1210 int64_t get_vdo_stat(int fd, const char *property)
1211 {
1212 return 0;
1213 }
1215 bool get_vdo_utilization(int fd, uint64_t *total, uint64_t *avail)
1216 {
1217 return false;
1218 }
1220 std::string get_device_id(const std::string& devname,
1221 std::string *err)
1222 {
1223 // not implemented
1224 if (err) {
1225 *err = "not implemented";
1226 }
1227 return std::string();
1228 }
1230 int block_device_run_smartctl(const char *device, int timeout,
1231 std::string *result)
1232 {
1233 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1234 }
1236 int block_device_get_metrics(const string& devname, int timeout,
1237 json_spirit::mValue *result)
1238 {
1239 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1240 }
1242 int block_device_run_nvme(const char *device, const char *vendor, int timeout,
1243 std::string *result)
1244 {
1245 return -EOPNOTSUPP;
1246 }
1248 #endif