1 #include <algorithm>
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <fstream>
4 #include <string>
5 #include <numeric>
6 #include <regex>
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include <system_error>
10 using namespace std;
12 int main(int argc, char **argv)
13 {
14 cout << "Mon RSS Usage Test" << endl;
(1) Event cond_true: |
Condition "argc != 2", taking true branch. |
16 if (argc != 2) {
17 cout << "Syntax: "
18 << "ceph_test_mon_rss_usage <mon-memory-target-bytes>"
19 << endl;
20 exit(EINVAL);
21 }
23 unsigned long maxallowed = stoul(argv[1], nullptr, 10);
24 // Set max allowed RSS usage to be 125% of mon-memory-target
25 maxallowed *= 1.25;
27 string target_directory("/var/log/ceph/");
28 string filePath = target_directory + "ceph-mon-rss-usage.log";
29 ifstream buffer(filePath.c_str());
30 string line;
31 vector<unsigned long> results;
(2) Event cond_true: |
Condition "std::getline(buffer, line)->operator bool()", taking true branch. |
(3) Event cond_false: |
Condition "!line.empty()", taking false branch. |
32 while(getline(buffer, line) && !line.empty()) {
33 string rssUsage;
34 size_t pos = line.find(':');
35 if (pos != string::npos) {
36 rssUsage = line.substr(0, pos);
37 }
38 if (!rssUsage.empty()) {
39 results.push_back(stoul(rssUsage));
40 }
(4) Event loop_end: |
Reached end of loop. |
41 }
43 buffer.close();
(5) Event cond_true: |
Condition "results.empty()", taking true branch. |
44 if (results.empty()) {
45 cout << "Error: No grep results found!" << endl;
46 exit(ENOENT);
47 }
49 auto maxe = *(max_element(results.begin(), results.end()));
50 cout << "Stats for mon RSS Memory Usage:" << endl;
51 cout << "Parsed " << results.size() << " entries." << endl;
52 cout << "Max: " << maxe << endl;
53 cout << "Min: " << *(min_element(results.begin(), results.end())) << endl;
54 auto sum = accumulate(results.begin(), results.end(),
55 static_cast<unsigned long long>(0));
56 auto mean = sum / results.size();
57 cout << "Mean average: " << mean << endl;
58 vector<unsigned long> diff(results.size());
59 transform(results.begin(), results.end(), diff.begin(),
60 [mean](unsigned long x) { return x - mean; });
61 auto sump = inner_product(diff.begin(), diff.end(), diff.begin(), 0.0);
62 auto stdev = sqrt(sump / results.size());
(6) Event format_changed: |
"fixed" changes the format state of "std::cout" for category floatfield. |
Also see events: |
[end_of_path] |
63 cout << fixed << "Standard deviation: " << stdev << endl;
(7) Event cond_true: |
Condition "maxe > maxallowed", taking true branch. |
65 if (maxe > maxallowed) {
66 cout << "Error: Mon RSS memory usage exceeds maximum allowed!" << endl;
67 exit(ENOMEM);
68 }
70 cout << "Completed successfully" << endl;
(8) Event end_of_path: |
Changing format state of stream "std::cout" for category floatfield without later restoring it. |
Also see events: |
[format_changed] |
71 return 0;
72 }