Coverage report for dbus/dbus-marshal-byteswap-util.c.gcov

        -:    0:Source:dbus-marshal-byteswap-util.c
        -:    0:Graph:.libs/dbus-marshal-byteswap-util.gcno
        -:    0:Data:.libs/dbus-marshal-byteswap-util.gcda
        -:    0:Runs:768
        -:    0:Programs:1
        -:    1:/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu" -*- */
        -:    2:/* dbus-marshal-byteswap-util.c  Would be in dbus-marshal-byteswap.c but tests/bus only
        -:    3: *
        -:    4: * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
        -:    5: *
        -:    6: * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
        -:    7: *
        -:    8: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
        -:    9: * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
        -:   10: * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
        -:   11: * (at your option) any later version.
        -:   12: *
        -:   13: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        -:   14: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
        -:   16: * GNU General Public License for more details.
        -:   17: *
        -:   18: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
        -:   19: * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
        -:   20: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
        -:   21: *
        -:   22: */
        -:   23:
        -:   24:#include <config.h>
        -:   25:
        -:   26:#ifdef DBUS_BUILD_TESTS 
        -:   27:#include "dbus-marshal-byteswap.h"
        -:   28:#include "dbus-test.h"
        -:   29:#include <stdio.h>
        -:   30:
        -:   31:static void
        -:   32:do_byteswap_test (int byte_order)
function do_byteswap_test called 2 returned 100% blocks executed 71%
        2:   33:{
        -:   34:  int sequence;
        -:   35:  DBusString signature;
        -:   36:  DBusString body;
        -:   37:  int opposite_order;
        -:   38:
        2:   39:  if (!_dbus_string_init (&signature) || !_dbus_string_init (&body))
call    0 returned 100%
branch  1 taken 100% (fallthrough)
branch  2 taken 0%
call    3 returned 100%
branch  4 taken 0% (fallthrough)
branch  5 taken 100%
    #####:   40:    _dbus_assert_not_reached ("oom");
call    0 never executed
        -:   41:
        2:   42:  opposite_order = byte_order == DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN ? DBUS_BIG_ENDIAN : DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
branch  0 taken 50% (fallthrough)
branch  1 taken 50%
        -:   43:  
        2:   44:  sequence = 0;
      244:   45:  while (dbus_internal_do_not_use_generate_bodies (sequence,
call    0 returned 100%
branch  1 taken 99%
branch  2 taken 1% (fallthrough)
        -:   46:                                                   byte_order,
        -:   47:                                                   &signature, &body))
        -:   48:    {
        -:   49:      DBusString copy;
        -:   50:      DBusTypeReader body_reader;
        -:   51:      DBusTypeReader copy_reader;
        -:   52:
      240:   53:      if (!_dbus_string_init (&copy))
call    0 returned 100%
branch  1 taken 0% (fallthrough)
branch  2 taken 100%
    #####:   54:        _dbus_assert_not_reached ("oom");
call    0 never executed
        -:   55:
      240:   56:      if (!_dbus_string_copy (&body, 0, &copy, 0))
call    0 returned 100%
branch  1 taken 0% (fallthrough)
branch  2 taken 100%
    #####:   57:        _dbus_assert_not_reached ("oom");
call    0 never executed
        -:   58:
      240:   59:      _dbus_marshal_byteswap (&signature, 0,
call    0 returned 100%
        -:   60:                              byte_order,
        -:   61:                              opposite_order,
        -:   62:                              &copy, 0);
        -:   63:
      240:   64:      _dbus_type_reader_init (&body_reader, byte_order, &signature, 0,
call    0 returned 100%
        -:   65:                              &body, 0);
      240:   66:      _dbus_type_reader_init (&copy_reader, opposite_order, &signature, 0,
call    0 returned 100%
        -:   67:                              &copy, 0);
        -:   68:      
      240:   69:      if (!_dbus_type_reader_equal_values (&body_reader, &copy_reader))
call    0 returned 100%
branch  1 taken 0% (fallthrough)
branch  2 taken 100%
        -:   70:        {
    #####:   71:          _dbus_verbose_bytes_of_string (&signature, 0,
call    0 never executed
call    1 never executed
        -:   72:                                         _dbus_string_get_length (&signature));
    #####:   73:          _dbus_verbose_bytes_of_string (&body, 0,
call    0 never executed
call    1 never executed
        -:   74:                                         _dbus_string_get_length (&body));
    #####:   75:          _dbus_verbose_bytes_of_string (&copy, 0,
call    0 never executed
call    1 never executed
        -:   76:                                         _dbus_string_get_length (&copy));
        -:   77:
    #####:   78:          _dbus_warn ("Byte-swapped data did not have same values as original data\n");
call    0 never executed
    #####:   79:          _dbus_assert_not_reached ("test failed");
call    0 never executed
        -:   80:        }
        -:   81:      
      240:   82:      _dbus_string_free (&copy);
call    0 returned 100%
        -:   83:      
      240:   84:      _dbus_string_set_length (&signature, 0);
call    0 returned 100%
      240:   85:      _dbus_string_set_length (&body, 0);
call    0 returned 100%
      240:   86:      ++sequence;
        -:   87:    }
        -:   88:
        2:   89:  _dbus_string_free (&signature);
call    0 returned 100%
        2:   90:  _dbus_string_free (&body);
call    0 returned 100%
        -:   91:
        2:   92:  printf ("  %d blocks swapped from order '%c' to '%c'\n",
call    0 returned 100%
        -:   93:          sequence, byte_order, opposite_order);
        2:   94:}
        -:   95:
        -:   96:dbus_bool_t
        -:   97:_dbus_marshal_byteswap_test (void)
function _dbus_marshal_byteswap_test called 1 returned 100% blocks executed 100%
        1:   98:{
        1:   99:  do_byteswap_test (DBUS_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
call    0 returned 100%
        1:  100:  do_byteswap_test (DBUS_BIG_ENDIAN);
call    0 returned 100%
        -:  101:
        1:  102:  return TRUE;
        -:  103:}
        -:  104:
        -:  105:#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */