6.14. keycap

To denote a specific key, you will need to use the <keycap> and </keycap> tags. Brackets are automatically added around the keycap, so do not add them in your XML code. For example:

To make your selection, press the <keycap>Enter</keycap> key.

The output:

To make your selection, press the Enter key.

6.14.1. menuchoice

Often using a mouse is tedious for common tasks. Therefore, programmers often build in keyboard-shortcuts to simplify their program. These should be described using the shortcut tag as a wrapper for the keyboard tags. The shortcut tag must be wrapped inside the menuchoice tag. For example:

Go to the menu bar and choose: 

The output:

Go to the menu bar and choose: FileSave (Ctrl-s).

6.14.2. keycombo

To illustrate a key combination, you need to use the <keycombo> and </keycombo>, <keycap> and </keycap> tags. For example:

To reboot your system, press <keycombo>

The output:

To reboot your system, press Ctrl-Alt-Del.