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Important Disclaimer yadda yadda…​ YMMV YOLO


  • x86_64 system with virtualization technology enabled in the bios

  • Fedora 23 as hypervisor OS (certainly something else can be used, but YMMV then with these instructions)

    • Packages: libvirt-client, virt-install, virt-viewer, virsh

  • Red Hat subscriptions for access to Gluster and Ceph repos

  • Latest RHGS 3.1 release ISO

  • 50GB +/- hard drive space

    • This should be an empty block device partition (we assume /dev/sdb1 below)

    • SSD drive preferred

  • $firewall_magic

  • terminator terminal emulator (not strictly required, but makes executing commands across multiple systems easy breezy)

Prepare the Hypervisor System

Set the tuned Profile

systemctl enable tuned
tuned-adm profile virtual-host

Configure Hypervisor Network

Create a Thin LV Pool and Volumes

Note The assumption here is that we are using block device /dev/sdb1
Create PV and VG
pvcreate /dev/sdb1
vgcreate vg_lab /dev/sdb1
Create thin pool LV
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -T vg_lab/lv_thinpool
lvchange --zero n vg_lab/lv_thinpool
Create 2 thin LVs for the master node (we will call this n0)
  • One OS volume with a 50GB virtual size

  • One data volume with a 256TB virtual size (yes really; you can certainly make this whatever arbitrary size you may want, but for the effect of this lab this is the recommended size)

lvcreate -T -V 50G -n vm_storagelab-n0 vg_lab/lv_thinpool
lvcreate -T -V 256T -n vm_storagelab-n0-data vg_lab/lv_thinpool

Deploy Node n0

Create the Virtual Machine

Note The assumption is that your ISO file is located at /isos/rhgs-3.1-u2-rhel-7-x86_64-dvd-1.iso
Create the n0 virtual machine with the virt-install command
virt-install -n storagelab-n0 --os-type=Linux --os-variant=rhel7 --ram=2048 --vcpus=2 --disk path=/dev/vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n0,bus=virtio --disk path=/dev/vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n0-data,bus=virtio --network network=storagelab --graphics spice --input tablet,bus=usb --input mouse,bus=ps2 --input keyboard,bus=ps2 --location /isos/rhgs-3.1-u2-rhel-7-x86_64-dvd-1.iso

RHGS Installer

  • In the Software Selection section, select the RH-Gluster-NFS-Ganesha add-on

  • In the Installation Destination section, select the 50GiB Virtio Block Device

  • In the Network & Hostname section, set the Host name to

  • Begin the install; set the root password to something you will remember

Setup Networking

Modify /etc/systemctl/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file
sed -i s/^BOOTPROTO.*/BOOTPROTO=static/ $netfile
sed -i s/^UUID.*// $netfile
sed -i s/^ONBOOT.*/ONBOOT=yes/ $netfile
cat << EOF >> $netfile
ifup eth0
Add hosts entries
for i in {0..6}; do
echo "${i} n${i} n${i}.storage.lab" >> /etc/hosts

Add the Script to /root

Register w/ Subscription Manager and Update

Register, attach, and base repos
subscription-manager register
subscription-manager list --available
subscription-manager attach --pool <pool_id>
subscription-manager repos --disable=*
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms
yum -y update
Gluster repos
subscription-manager repos --enable=rh-gluster-3-for-rhel-7-server-rpms --enable=rh-gluster-3-nfs-for-rhel-7-server-rpms
Latest Gluster Packages as of 2016-05-03
  • redhat-storage-server-

  • glusterfs-ganesha-3.7.5-19.el7rhgs.x86_64

  • pacemaker-1.1.13-10.el7_2.2.x86_64

  • kernel-3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64

Ceph repos
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-1.3-calamari-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-1.3-installer-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-1.3-tools-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-1.3-mon-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-rhceph-1.3-osd-rpms

Synchronize Time

systemctl stop ntpd.service
systemctl start ntpd.service
systemctl enable ntpd.service

Configure the Firewall

Enable primary Gluster services
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=glusterfs --add-service=nfs --add-service=rpc-bind --add-service=mountd --add-service=high-availability
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=glusterfs --add-service=nfs --add-service=rpc-bind --add-service=mountd --add-service=high-availability --permanent
Warning The current 3.1.2 documentation does not cover opening the RQuota port 4501/tcp & 4501/udp, the NLM port 32803/tcp & 32803/udp, or the STATD port 662/tcp & 662/udp. Note that in the 3.1.3 release the default RQuota port will be changed to 875/tcp & 875/udp.
Documentation Bug
BZ 1300175 is tracking fixes for both the default port assignments in the config files as well as the firewall rules.
Open the ports for RQuota, NLM, and STATD
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=4501/tcp --add-port=4501/udp --add-port=32803/tcp --add-port=32803/udp --add-port=662/tcp --add-port=662/udp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=4501/tcp --add-port=4501/udp --add-port=32803/tcp --add-port=32803/udp --add-port=662/tcp --add-port=662/udp --permanent
Warning The documentation also does not cover the client ports that need to be opened.
Documentation Bug
Same BZ 1300175 as noted above.
Open the STATD, LOCKD, and MOUNTD ports on the client systems
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=662/tcp --add-port=662/udp --add-port=32803/tcp --add-port=32769/udp --add-port=892/tcp --add-port=892/udp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=662/tcp --add-port=662/udp --add-port=32803/tcp --add-port=32769/udp --add-port=892/tcp --add-port=892/udp --permanent
Note We are being indiscriminate below about what type of Ceph node will run and are opening up ports for management, deployment, monitors, and OSDs.
Open primary Ceph ports
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --add-port=2003/tcp --add-port=4505-4506/tcp --add-port=6789/tcp --add-port=6800-7300/tcp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --add-port=2003/tcp --add-port=4505-4506/tcp --add-port=6789/tcp --add-port=6800-7300/tcp --permanent

Set the Tuned Performance Profile

tuned-adm profile rhgs-sequential-io

Setup the cephdeploy user

Create user and set password
useradd cephdeploy
echo redhat | passwd --stdin cephdeploy
cat << EOF >/etc/sudoers.d/cephdeploy
cephdeploy ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL
Defaults:cephdeploy !requiretty
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/cephdeploy
Setup passwordless ssh for cephdeploy user
sudo -u cephdeploy ssh-keygen -f ~cephdeploy/.ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''
sudo -u cephdeploy cat ~cephdeploy/.ssh/ > ~cephdeploy/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown cephdeploy:cephdeploy ~cephdeploy/.ssh/authorized_keys

Setup Gluster Brick Data Filesystem

Note Disk alignment configurations are ignored for this example. NOTE: The mkfs.xfs command below can take 3 minutes or more to complete for this 256TB virtual block device.
pvcreate /dev/vdb
vgcreate rhgs_vg /dev/vdb
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -T rhgs_vg/rhgs_thinpool
lvchange --zero n rhgs_vg/rhgs_thinpool
lvcreate -V 256T -T rhgs_vg/rhgs_thinpool -n rhgs_lv
mkfs.xfs -i size=512 -n size=8192 /dev/rhgs_vg/rhgs_lv
mkdir -p /rhgs/bricks
echo "/dev/rhgs_vg/rhgs_lv   /rhgs/bricks   xfs   rw,inode64,noatime,nouuid   1 2" >> /etc/fstab
mount /rhgs/bricks
semanage fcontext -a -t glusterd_brick_t /rhgs/bricks
restorecon -Rv /rhgs/bricks
Important After completing the above steps, shut down the n0 virtual machine.

Create the Lab Virtual Machines

On the hypervisor, snapshot the n0 thin LVs for each of 6 new virtual machines
Snapshot LVs must be manually activated. This is included in the below command.
for i in {1..6}; do lvcreate -s --name vm_storagelab-n${i} vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n0; lvcreate -s --name vm_storagelab-n${i}-data vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n0-data; lvchange -ay -K vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n${i}; lvchange -ay -K vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n${i}-data; done
Import disk snapshots into new virtual machines
for i in {1..6}; do virt-install -n storagelab-n${i} --os-type=Linux --os-variant=rhel7 --ram=2048 --vcpus=2 --disk path=/dev/vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n${i},bus=virtio --disk path=/dev/vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n${i}-data,bus=virtio --network network=storagelab --graphics spice --input tablet,bus=usb --input mouse,bus=ps2 --input keyboard,bus=ps2 --noautoconsole --import; done
Create and attach Ceph OSD disks for nodes 4-6
for i in {4..6}; do for j in {c..e}; do lvcreate -T -V 342T -n vm_storagelab-n${i}-osd${j} vg_lab/lv_thinpool; virsh attach-disk --live --config storagelab-n${i} /dev/vg_lab/vm_storagelab-n${i}-osd${j} vd${j} --targetbus virtio; done; done
Correct the clones

Log into each VM console and run ~/ node N where N is the node number. Reboot after running the script.

Prepare the Systems

Note You should now to be able to ssh into all of the nodes from your hypervisor at the{1..6} IPs. I highly recommend the terminator tool to ease the command input and monitoring of multiple nodes simultaneously.

Setup the Core Gluster Services

Establish the Gluster Pool

On one node, probe the other nodes
for i in {2..6}; do gluster peer probe n${i}; done
gluster pool list

Create the Gluster Disperse Volume

On one node, run
gluster volume create ec01 disperse 6 redundancy 2 n1:/rhgs/bricks/ec01 n2:/rhgs/bricks/ec01 n3:/rhgs/bricks/ec01 n4:/rhgs/bricks/ec01 n5:/rhgs/bricks/ec01 n6:/rhgs/bricks/ec01
gluster volume start ec01
gluster volume info ec01

Ganesha-HA Prerequisites

Enable Shared Storage

On one node, run
gluster volume set all cluster.enable-shared-storage enable

Setup Cluster Services

Warning The docs say here to start the pacemaker service (though they do not say to enable it), but the service won’t start because of a corosync failure. This is because the corosync config is managed by the nfs-ganesha service.
Documentation Bug
BZ 1324649
On all nodes, run
systemctl enable pcsd.service
systemctl start pcsd.service
Possible Documentation Bug
Insert bug tracker here
On all nodes, set the hacluster user password
echo redhat | passwd --stdin hacluster
Warning You may need to run the below command several times. An undiagnosed problem (possibly related to timeouts from overloading the hypervisor) seems to cause Unable to communicate errors. As long as you eventually see Authorized messages for each node, you should be good (even if subsequent runs display the Unable to communicate error).
On one node, run
for i in {1..6}; do pcs cluster auth n${i} -u hacluster -p redhat; done
Note The docs don’t give a great example or explanation for the above pcs cluster auth command. This is easiest done as above, executed from one node (after starting the pcsd service on all nodes), listing all cluster nodes on one command line.
On one node, create an ssh keypair for passwordless ssh
ssh-keygen -f /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem -t rsa -N ''
for i in {1..6}; do ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/ root@n${i}; done
Note Yes, you do need to ssh-copy-id to the local node from which the ssh-copy-id is run. This ensures that the shared public key is in the /root/.ssh/authorized-keys file on all nodes.
Warning The docs only have you setup one-way passwordless ssh, from a "primary" node to the other nodes. See this blog for Kaleb’s notes which include copying the keypair to the other nodes.
Documentation Bug
BZ 1324941
From one node, copy the ssh keypair to all nodes
for i in {2..6}; do scp -i /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.pem /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/secret.* root@n${i}:/var/lib/glusterd/nfs/; done
Note No, you don’t need to copy these files to the local node from which you are sourcing the copy. The above command loop assumes you are copying from node n1.
Warning Without universal passwordless ssh with this specific keypair on all nodes, you will be unable to execute some NFS-Ganesha administrative commands from all nodes.

Configure and Start NFS-Ganesha

Define Service Ports

On all nodes, Define MNT_Port in ganesha.conf
sed -i '/NFS_Core_Param/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ MNT_Port = 20048' /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf
Warning The below line in the documentation is unclear. RQUOTAD is a typo, and it is the Rquota_Port setting that is being referred to, which is set by default in the config to 4501. This port is changing to 875 in the 3.1.3 release. The NLM_Port needs to be defined and match the firewall rules set above, but there is no default value implied in the docs or the default config file. The STATD_Port needs to be defined in the /etc/sysconfig/nfs file on the server and the client, and should also match the firewall rules above.
From Admin Guide section 7.2.3

In the /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf file add NLM_port and RQUOTAD_Port. Also, in the /etc/sysconfig/nfs file add STATD_Port.

Documentation Bug
Same BZ 1300175 as noted above.
On all nodes, define NLM_Port in ganesha.conf
sed -i '/NFS_Core_Param/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ NLM_Port = 32803' /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf
On all nodes, uncomment STATD_PORT in /etc/sysconfig/nfs
sed -i '/STATD_PORT/s/^#//' /etc/sysconfig/nfs
On the client nodes, uncomment the STATD and LOCKD ports in /etc/sysconfig/nfs
sed -i '/STATD_PORT/s/^#//' /etc/sysconfig/nfs
sed -i '/LOCKD_TCPPORT/s/^#//' /etc/sysconfig/nfs
sed -i '/LOCKD_UDPPORT/s/^#//' /etc/sysconfig/nfs
sed -i '/MOUNTD_PORT/s/^#//' /etc/sysconfig/nfs

Setup Ganesha for HA

On all nodes, configure the ganesha-ha.conf file
cat << EOF > /etc/ganesha/ganesha-ha.conf
On one node, enable nfs-ganesha
gluster nfs-ganesha enable
Warning It seems that the gluster nfs-ganesha enable command run above will in fact start the nfs-ganesha and pacemaker services, so at runtime everything will begin operating. However, on a reboot neither the nfs-ganesha nor the pacemaker services start (they are not enabled with systemctl), so the cluster does not start and NFS does not serve exports. The nfs-ganesha service not starting is by design per BZ 1236017. The pacemaker service should be enabled with systemctl to ensure the HA cluster re-forms at boot time. After this, the VIP will fail back to the server when the nfs-ganesha service is manually started.
Documentation Bug
BZ 1324655
On all nodes, enable the pacemaker service
systemctl enable pacemaker.service

Validate the Configuration

Confirm Services are Operational
systemctl status {nfs-ganesha,pcsd,pacemaker,corosync}
/usr/libexec/ganesha/ --status
pcs status
On one node, export the Gluster volume and validate
gluster volume set ec01 ganesha.enable on
Confirm exports from all nodes
showmount -e

Important Patching

An upstream patch set is needed to correct a problem with VIP failover during a hard outage. This is tracked in BZ 1278332 and the fix is expected in RHGS 3.1.3.

The patch set only changes scripts, so this can be easily tested by downloading the patch file and extracting the ganesha_{grace,mon,nfsd} files to /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat and the file to /usr/libexec/ganesha.

Warning Without this patch all VIPs become unavailable during a hard outage.

Gluster NFS Client Testing

Note Commands in this section are run on a client node. The hypervisor node may be used effectively as the client.
Mount the ec01 volume with NFS using one of the VIPs
mkdir -p /gluster/ec01
mount -t nfs /gluster/ec01
We have a round (virtual) petabyte to play with
df -h /gluster/ec01
Generate and monitor some basic file activity
file="/gluster/ec01/testfile" ; watch -d "dd if=/dev/urandom of=$file bs=1k count=1k >/dev/null 2>&1; echo md5sum:; md5sum $file"

Gracefully shutdown node n1 (or whichever node hosts the VIP you are connected to).

Note If you’ve applied the patches above, you can also stop or pause the VM abruptly instead of gracefully stopping the nfs-ganesha service. If you have not applied those pathes, here be dragons.

You should notice a disruption for a short while at the client when your dd writes will hang. When the cluster renegotiates and the VIP is migrated, you can see when node is hosting the VIP with the output of the pcs status command. You can also check each node with the ip a command.

Gracefully shutdown a second node.

When you have identified to which node your VIP has migrated, gracefully shut down that node as well. Again you will experience a short disruption at your client system. At this point, your client connection has survived the failure of two of the clustered NFS servers, and your Gluster disperse (erasure code) volume has survived the failure of two bricks. During the outage, your client has retained access to the full 1PB volume without data loss.

Setup Ceph Core Services

Note Assume all commands from here on are run as root on node n1 unless specified otherwise.

Install ceph-deploy and calamari on n1

yum -y install ceph-deploy calamari-server calamari-clients
Initialize calamari
calamari-ctl initialize

Setup the Ceph Cluster

Note Below commands should be run as the cephdeploy user. The osd prepare command will take a while to complete.
su - cephdeploy
mkdir ~/ceph-config; cd ~/ceph-config
ceph-deploy new n1 n2 n3
ceph-deploy install --mon n{1..3}
ceph-deploy install --osd n{4..6}
ceph-deploy pkg --install ceph-selinux n{1..6}
ceph-deploy mon create-initial
ceph-deploy install --cli n1
ceph-deploy admin n1
sudo ceph osd crush tunables optimal
ceph-deploy disk zap n{4..6}:/dev/vd{c..e}
ceph-deploy osd prepare n{4..6}:/dev/vd{c..e}
ceph-deploy osd activate n{4..6}:/dev/vd{c..e}1
ceph-deploy calamari connect --master 'n1' n{1..6}
Note Below commands should be run as the root user.
Create the CRUSH map
ceph osd crush add-bucket row1 row
ceph osd crush add-bucket rack1 rack
ceph osd crush add-bucket rack2 rack
ceph osd crush add-bucket rack3 rack
ceph osd crush move row1 root=default
ceph osd crush move rack1 row=row1
ceph osd crush move rack2 row=row1
ceph osd crush move rack3 row=row1
ceph osd crush move n4 rack=rack1
ceph osd crush move n5 rack=rack2
ceph osd crush move n6 rack=rack3
ceph osd tree
ceph osd pool create mypool 128 128 replicated replicated_ruleset

The ceph health output shows a warning for too few PGs. This is because the default rbd pool doesn’t have a PG count that is optimal for our 9 OSD cluster. We can easily correct this.

ceph health
ceph -s
ceph osd lspools
ceph osd pool get rbd pg_num
ceph osd pool set rbd pg_num 128
watch -n1 -d ceph -s
ceph osd pool set rbd pgp_num 128
watch -n1 -d ceph -s
ceph df
Configure the RADOSGW for Swift
su - cephdeploy
cd ~/ceph-config
ceph-deploy install --rgw n1
ceph-deploy rgw create n1
sudo lsof | grep LISTEN | grep 7480
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port 7480/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port 7480/tcp --permanent
Test the client connection
Setup the RADOSGW user — Commands run as root
radosgw-admin user create --uid="rgwuser" --display-name="RGW User"
radosgw-admin subuser create --uid=rgwuser --subuser=rgwuser:swift --access=full
radosgw-admin key create --subuser=rgwuser:swift --key-type=swift --gen-secret

From the above key create command output, note the secret_key under the swift_keys section for use below at the client.

Note the default placement pools
radosgw-admin zone get
Access the bucket via the client
curl -s -i -H "X-Auth-User: rgwuser:swift" -H "X-Auth-Key: <swift_secret_key>"
token=`curl -s -i -H "X-Auth-User: rgwuser:swift" -H "X-Auth-Key: <swift_secret_key>" | grep Storage-Token | awk '{print $2}'`
url=`curl -s -i -H "X-Auth-User: rgwuser:swift" -H "X-Auth-Key: <swift_secret_key>" | grep Storage-Url | awk '{print $2}'`
curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url
curl -i -X PUT -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url/mybucket
curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url
curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url/mybucket
watch -d "curl -s -i -H 'X-Auth-Token: $token' -T /gluster/ec01/testfile $url/mybucket/testfile"
curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url/mybucket
Note the .rgw.buckets and .rgw.buckets.index pools have been automatically created.
rados lspools
Locate the testfile file on the Ceph system
rados ls -p .rgw.buckets | grep testfile
ceph osd map .rgw.buckets <testfile_object>
ceph pg map <placement_group>
ceph osd tree
From the client, place an ascii file as an object
curl -s -I -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" -T /etc/passwd $url/mybucket/passwd
curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $url/mybucket
Locate the passwd file on the Ceph system
rados ls -p .rgw.buckets | grep passwd
ceph osd map .rgw.buckets <passwd_object>
ceph osd tree
Locate the passwd file on one of the OSDs on node n6
df -h
find /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-<osd_num> -name '*passwd*'
myosd=`find /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-<osd_num> -name '*passwd*'`
ls -l $myosd
file $myosd
cat $myosd
md5sum $myosd
find /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-<other_osd_num> -name '*passwd*'
Confirm the md5sum at the client
md5sum /etc/passwd
Watch the ceph status on node n1 while you shutdown node n6
ceph -w

Shut down node n6. Watch for the gluster and ceph clients to resume activity.

View the osd map with the degraded pool
ceph osd map .rgw.buckets <testfile_object>

Reveal lab was run entirely on a laptop with an external SSD hard drive.

Bonus: Primer on LVM thin provisioning…​

Appendix A - hypervisor network config

The /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/storagelab.xml file for the virtual network definition
cat << EOF > /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/storagelab.xml
  <forward mode='nat'/>
  <bridge name='virbr1' stp='on' delay='0'/>
  <mac address='52:54:00:13:51:c4'/>
  <domain name='lab-rhgs'/>
  <ip address='' netmask=''>
      <range start='' end=''/>
virsh net-create /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/storagelab.xml

Appendix B -

cat << 'EOF' >

function usage {
 echo "Usage: $0 [node|client] [<host number>]"
 exit 1

function doit {
 #echo "Correcting eth0 device name in udev rule..."
 #sed -i '/eth0/d' $udevfile
 #sed -i s/eth1/eth0/ $udevfile

 echo "Correcting hostname..."
 sed -i s/${a}0/${a}${b}/ $netfile

 echo "Correcting ifconfig..."
 #sed -i '/HWADDR/d' $ifcfgfile
 sed -i '/UUID/d' $ifcfgfile
 #echo HWADDR=\"`ifconfig eth1 | head -1 | awk '{print $5}'`\" >> $ifcfgfile
 sed -i s/\.12\.${ip}0/\.12\.${ip}${b}/ $ifcfgfile

 echo "Correcting"
 sed -i s/^UUID.*/UUID\=`uuidgen`/ $glusterdinfo

 echo "Done!"

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then

if [ $1 = "node" ]; then
elif [ $1 = "client" ]; then

if [[ $2 =~ $re ]]; then

echo "  !!Careful!!"
echo "  !!Careful!! This is only meant to be run on a newly-cloned node."
echo "  !!Careful!! It'll break things otherwise."
echo "  !!Careful!!"
echo "This host will be reconfigured as \"${a}${b}\""

read -p "Are you sure? " -n 1 -r

if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
 echo "Aborted!"
 exit 1
chmod 755

Appendix C - Lab Reset (from hypervisor)

umount /gluster/ec01
for i in {1..6}; do virsh destroy storagelab-n${i}; done
for i in `lvs vg_lab | grep storagelab | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v n0`; do lvremove -f vg_lab/$i; done
for i in `ls /etc/libvirt/qemu/storagelab* | grep -v n0`; do rm -f $i; done ; systemctl restart libvirtd
sed -i s/^10.11.12.*//g ~/.ssh/known_hosts