Windows print dialogs (swedish windows, sorry)


Wordpad uses the standard win32 Page Settings dialog:

This is what you get if you click on printer in the page setting dialog. It lets you select what printer to format the page settings for (list of trays, margins on papers etc):

Wordpad uses the win32 PrintDlgEx Print Property Sheet for the File/Print dialog.

This is the properties dialog for the printer avalible from the dialog:

This is what you get if you click on the Advanced button.

MS Paint

MS Paint has the same print dialog, but a slighly extended Page Settings dialog. They have moved the Preview, added a preview rendering callback, and added a few new widgets to the dialog.

Internet Explorer

Internet explorer has also modified the Page Settings dialog:

They also have a print preview dialog, but this is not a win32 common dialog.


Word has a totally custom Page Settings dialog and doesn't use the Common one at all

They do however use that common print dialog (PrintDlg, not PrintDlgEx though), with some added custom widgetry:

The added Options button ("Alternativ...") brings up this dialog:

Acrobat Reader

Acrobat doesn't have a "Page Settings" dialog, which is understandable, as you can't change the page size of an already rendered pdf file. Instead it has a "Printer Settings" dialog, which seems to be based on the PrintDlg call:

The actual File/Print dialog looks like this:

The advanced button gives this dialog:

Firefox (win32)

Firefox has a XUL based Page Settings dialog:

But uses the standard PrintDlg call for the print dialog, with some added widgets for frames handling: