An icon theme is a set of icons that share a common look and feel. The user can then select the icon theme that they want to use, and all apps use icons from the theme. The initial user of icon themes is the icon field of the desktop file specification, but in the future it can have other uses (such as mimetype icons).
From a programmer perspective an icon theme is just a mapping. Given a set of directories to look for icons in and a theme name it maps from icon name and nominal icon size to an icon filename.
An icon theme is a named set of icons. It is used to map from an iconname and size to a files. Themes may inherit from other themes as a way to extend them.
An icon file is an image that can be loaded and used as an icon. The supported image file formats are PNG, XPM and SVG. PNG is the recommended bitmap format, and SVG is for vectorized icons. XPM is supported due to backwards compability reasons, and it is not recommended that new themes use XPM files.
Icons and themes are searched for in a set of directories, called base directories. The themes are stored in subdirectories of the base directories.
Icons and themes are looked for in a set of directories. As a default apps should look in $HOME/.icons, /usr/share/icons and /usr/share/pixmaps (in that order). Applications may further add their own icon directories to this list, and users may extend or change the list (in application/desktop specific ways).In each of these directories themes are stored as subdirectories. A theme can be spread across several directories by having subdirectories of the same name. This way users can extend and override system themes.
Each theme is stored as subdirectories of the base directories. The internal name of the theme is the name of the subdirectory, although the user-visible name as specified by the theme may be different. Hence, theme names are case sensitive, and are limited to ASCII characters. Theme names may also not contain comma or space.
In at least one of the theme directories there must be a file called index.theme that describes the theme. The first index.theme found while searching the base directories in order is used. This file describes the general attributes of the theme.
In the theme directory are also a set of subdirectories containing image files. Each directory contains icons designed for a certain nominal icon size, as described by the index.theme file. The subdirectories are allowed to be several levels deep, e.g. the subdirectory "48x48/apps" in the theme "hicolor" would end up at $basedir/hicolor/48x48/apps.
The image files must be one of the types: PNG, XPM, or SVG, and the extension must be ".png", ".xpm", or ".svg" (lower case). In addition to this there may be an additional file with extra icon-data for each file. It should have the same basename as the image file, with the extension ".icon". e.g. if the icon file is called "mime_source_c.png" the corresponding file would be named "mime_source_c.icon".
Both the icon theme description file and the icon data files are ini-style text files, as described in the desktop file specification. They don't have any encoding field, instead they must always be stored in UTF8 encoding.
The index.theme file must starts with a section called "Icon Theme", with contents according to table 1 below. All lists are comma-separated.
Table 1. Standard Keys
Key | Description | Value Type | Required |
Name | short name of the icon theme, used in e.g. lists when selecting themes. | localestring | YES |
Comment | longer string describing the theme | localestring | YES |
Inherits | list of themes that this theme inherits from. If an icon name is not found in the current theme, these themes will be searched in the specified order. | strings | NO |
Directories | list of subdirectories for this theme. For every subdirectory there must be a section in the index.theme file describing that directory. | strings | YES |
Example | The name of an icon that should be used as an example of how this theme looks. | string | NO |
Each directory specified in the Directory key has a corresponding section with the same name as the directory. The contents of this section is listed in table 2 below.
Table 2. Per Directory Keys
Key | Description | Value Type | Required | Type |
Size | Nominal size of the icons in this directory. | integer | YES | |
Context | the context the icon is normally used in. This can be used to e.g. let the user pick an specific type of icon. Currently used contexts are: Actions, Applications, Devices, FileSystems, MimeTypes. | string | NO | |
Type | The type of icon sizes for the icons in this directory. Valid types are Fixed, Scalable and Threshold. The type decides what other keys in the section are used. If not specified, the default is Threshold. | string | NO | |
MaxSize | Specifies the maximum size that the icons in this directory can be scaled to. Defaults to the value of Size if not present. | string | NO | Scalable |
MinSize | Specifies the minimum size that the icons in this directory can be scaled to. Defaults to the value of Size if not present. | string | NO | Scalable |
Threshold | The icons in this directory can be used if the size differ at most this much from the desired size. Defaults to 2 if not present. | string | NO | Threshold |
In addition to these groups you may add extra groups to the index.theme file in order to extend it. These extensions must begin with "X-", and can be used to add desktop specific information to the theme file. Example group names would be "X-KDE Icon Theme" or "X-Gnome Icon Theme".
The optional filename.icon file contains a group called "Icon Data", with the content listed in table 3.
Table 3. Icon Data Keys
Key | Description | Value Type | Required |
EmbeddedTextRectangle | If this exist it specifies the four corners of a rectangle where the program displaying the icon can embedd text. This is normally used by e.g. file managers that want to display a preview of text filee contents in the icon. The corners are specified by a list of for values: x0,y0,x1,y1. The values are pixel coordinates from the top left corner of the icon, except for SVG files, where they are specified in a 1000x1000 coordinate space that is scaled to the final rendered size of the icon. | integers | NO |
AttachPoints | A list of points, separated by "|" that may be used as anchor points for emblems/overlays. The points are pixel coordinates from the top left corner of the icon, except for SVG files, where they are specified in a 1000x1000 coordinate space that is scaled to the final rendered size of the icon. | points | NO |
Extensions to the filename.icon file are allowed, but the keys must be begin with "X-" to avoid collisions with future standardized extensions to this format.
The icon lookup mechanism has two global settings, the list of base directories and the internal name of the current theme. Given these we need to specify how to look up an icon file from the icon name and the nominal size.
The lookup is done first in the current theme, and then recursively in each of the themes inherited the current theme. As soon as there is an icon of any size that matches in a theme the search is stopped. Even if there may be an icon with a size closer to the correct one in an inherited theme we don't want to use it. Doing so may generate an inconsistant change in an icon when you change icon sizes (e.g. zoom in).
The lookup inside a theme is done in three phases. First all the directories are scanned for an exact match, e.g. one where the allowed size of the icon files match what was looked up. Then all the directories are scanned for any icon that matches the name. If that fails we finally fall back on unthemed icons. If we fail to find any icon at all it is up to the application to pick a good fallback, as the correct choice depends on the context.
The exact algorithm (in pseudocode) for looking up an icon is:
LookupIcon (iconname, size): for each subdir in $(theme subdir list) { for each directory in $(basename list) { for extension in ("png", "svg", "xpm") { if DirectoryMatchesSize(subdir, size) { filename = directory/$(themename)/subdirectory/iconname.extension if exist filename return filename } } } } minimal_size = MAXINT for each subdir in $(theme subdir list) { for each directory in $(basename list) { for extension in ("png", "svg", "xpm") { filename = directory/$(themename)/subdirectory/iconname.extension if exist filename and DirectorySizeDistance(subdir, size) < minimal_size closest_filename = filename minimal_size = DirectorySizeDistance(subdir, size) } } } if closest_filename set return closest_filename for each directory in $(basename list) { for extension in ("png", "svg", "xpm") { if exists directory/iconname.extension return directory/iconname.extension } } return failed icon lookup |
DirectoryMatchesSize(subdir, iconsize): read Type and size data from subdir if Type is Fixed return Size == iconsize if Type is Scaled return MinSize <= iconsize <= MaxSize if Type is Threshold return Size - Threshold <= iconsize <= Size + Threshold DirectorySizeDistance(subdir, size): read Type and size data from subdir if Type is Fixed return abs(Size - iconsize) if Type is Scaled if iconsize < MinSize return MinSize - iconsize if iconsize > MaxSize return iconsize - MaxSize return 0 if Type is Threshold if iconsize < Size - Threshold return MinSize - iconsize if iconsize > Size + Threshold return iconsize - MaxSize return 0 |
Here is an example index.theme file:
[Icon Theme] Name=Birch Name[sv]=Björk Comment=Icon theme with a wooden look Comment[sv]=Träinspirerat ikontema Inherits=wood,default Directories=48x48/apps,48x48/mimetypes,32x32/apps,any/apps,any/mimetypes [any/apps] Size=48 Type=Scalable MinSize=1 MaxSize=256 Context=Applications [any/mimetypes] Size=48 Type=Scalable MinSize=1 MaxSize=256 Context=MimeTypes [32x32/apps] Size=32 Type=Fixed Context=Applications [48x48/apps] Size=48 Type=Fixed Context=Applications [48x48/mimetypes] Size=48 Type=Fixed Context=MimeTypes |
birch/index.theme birch/any/apps/mozilla.svg birch/any/mimetypes/mime_text_plain.svg birch/any/mimetypes/mime_text_plain.icon birch/48x48/apps/mozilla.png birch/32x32/apps/mozilla.png birch/48x48/mimetypes/mime_text_plain.png birch/48x48/mimetypes/mime_text_plain.icon |
[Icon Data] EmbeddedTextRectangle=100,100,900,900 AttachPoints=200,200|800,200|500,500|200,800|800,800 |
[Icon Data] EmbeddedTextRectangle=8,8,40,40 AttachPoints=200,200|800,200|500,500|200,800|800,800 |
In this example a lookup of "mozilla" would get the prerendered 48x48 and 32x32 icons before the SVG icons due to the order of Directories.
The algorithms as described in this document works by always looking up filenames in directories (a stat in unix terminology). A good implementation is expected to read the directories once, and do all lookups in memory using that information.
This caching can make it impossible for users to add icons without having to restart applications. In order to handle this any implementation that does caching is required to look at the mtime of the toplevel icon directories when doing a cache lookup, unless it already did so less than 5 seconds ago. This means that any icon editor or theme installation program need only to change the mtime of the the toplevel directory where it changed the theme to make sure that the new icons will eventually get used.
Version 0.2, 29 April 2002, Alexander Larsson.
Changed search order to png, svg, xpm.
Added comment to say that xpm is supported for backwards compat and not recommended in new themes.
Default Type for a directory is not Threshold
Added implementation notes section.
Added example key.
Version 0.1, 22 April 2002, Alexander Larsson.
Created initial draft.